There was no mark on his body
Not on the outside…which of course was all that mattered in those pre-CSI days. One has to admire the cleverness of the assassins, cringe-worthy as their methodology was.
kids in elementary school,…kids on the street…
kids everywhere.
I believe I said North America, not the US. I don’t know where you got that, froidian slip perhaps? And explian to me why a nation would want to leave the EU.
aint no need to hide, aint no need to run, 'cuase I got you in the sights of my gun.
-Led Zeppelin, How Many More Times
[ This Message was edited by: bossk on 2002-04-14 15:51 ]
I belive the Future is in China. You can’t compete with a healthy economy and huge population.
But, please note, by 2020, at this rate, India’s population will excede China’s.
Europe I can see united fully a hundred years from now. With the EU and the Euro going strong, eventually confidence could build and a stronger central government could evolve.
A country might want to leave the EU for many reasons. Unfair state to state trade deals, High tax rates placed on certain countries but not on others, Minerial rights that have been tooken away from them, their own air space they can’t contol anymore. You cant take different groups like the Europeans and expect them to work together. The European right & left are pushing this issue. European Right will get their big companys and their huge military while the European Left will get their big government!!! What happens when a mad man like Hitler or Stalin gets contol of the European Union.
Yes one day Mankind will unite for the greater good!! There will be many races, under one government, under one language, under one religon, under one money system, under one president, under one senate!!! But I believe that for right now mankind is not ready. And pushing the issue could be horrible for our near future.
Many things must happen before we start all these huge groupings of countries. We have to end Racism and Predjuce. They must be illiegal. There should be no right, to hate some one because of their skin color!! We have to end Hunger. There is more than enough farmland to go around!! We have end the Greed of the rich, I believe in capitlaism, but when i hear of millionaires and billionairs trying to get more money my blood begans to boil. Isn’t a million a year enough to live on??? We have to end War. Humans killing Humans is immoral in my book. The Press must be allowed a free reign of everything. That includes over personal stuff. NO LIMITS ON THE PRESS WHATS SO EVER!!! The Courts must be in the hands of the right people. They must be forever watched to keep them in line. Countries which do not have Democracy must be taken over to allow their people to vote. The people must be heard. They will speak loud and clear with their votes on how they want to live. DEMOCRACY THEN, DEMOCRACY NOW, DEMOCRACY FOREVER!!!
Excuse my spelling please.
I been to China many times and I can say that she’s been improving each time. All she has to lose is her communist beleifs, and I can see her as a great country. The huge population has to go, but the government seems to have it under control with limits on the number of children per family.
If you are rich, you can get away with it…that’s what i heard.
Rich people have it too easy. It pisses me off when they complain about money problems.
Like Ken Lay’s wife complaining they’ve lost everything in their 10 million dollar house.
But, consider, the 10 percent richest people in this nation pay 70something percent of the taxes.
“History is just a set of lies agreed upon”
[ This Message was edited by: Yanny on 2002-04-15 11:39 ]
Oh, yes! of course! how could I have been so dull, we really do need to invade those countries that don’t conform to our standards. they don’t have democracy, invade them! they have a courupt but popular government, invade them! their government seems to prevent a higher standard of living, invade them! they don’t want to trade with us, invade them! where do you draw the line? please stop forcing your opinion upon me, especially with the amount of evidence you have to support yourself. your groundless arguments move me toward thinking you’re either ignorant or simply a hypocrit; but I must control myself and remember that I’m not the type to judge a great deal. sorry about this, i’ll tolerate your remarks from now on.
On 2002-04-15 15:38, bossk wrote:
they don’t want to trade with us, invade them!
Basically sums up every war this century. All about economics. I sound like a Marxist!
On 2002-04-15 15:38, bossk wrote:
Oh, yes! of course! how could I have been so dull, we really do need to invade those countries that don’t conform to our standards. they don’t have democracy, invade them! they have a courupt but popular government, invade them! their government seems to prevent a higher standard of living, invade them! they don’t want to trade with us, invade them! where do you draw the line? please stop forcing your opinion upon me, especially with the amount of evidence you have to support yourself. your groundless arguments move me toward thinking you’re either ignorant or simply a hypocrit; but I must control myself and remember that I’m not the type to judge a great deal. sorry about this, i’ll tolerate your remarks from now on.
who me?
I think he was refering to War Axis
yes, thank you Yanny. Sorry I didn’t quote the portion I was refering to.
phew! i hate being called ignorant!
Please, no name calling…
OooOooO! I finally became a A&A Regular (Cheers!) :smile:
[ This Message was edited by: TM Moses VII on 2002-04-15 18:57 ]
Hold on Bossk, I didn’t mean to sound like a zealot there. And I’m sorry if I offeneded you with my pro-democracy stance. But where do i come off as a hypocrit. Where did I say invasion. Take them over could have many meanings. Please read the whole thing before you slam me. Where did I put my thoughs on you??
I was just saying my thoughts outloud. Just like everyone else here. Just because I say stuff that you dont like doesn’t mean I should be censored. I could do without the name calling as well. Where have I called you a name??? If you really read the wholething with a open-mind it was obvesious I was telling my over all thoughts thats it. Nothing else. It’s Hypocritlical of people to enjoy liberty and freedom and not want it for others. It seems from the beginning I have struck a nerve with you. Sorry!!! For now I’ll stop with the Anti-European Union attaks of mine.
Ummm, America isnt a democracy. We are a republic. In this day and age to have a true democracy is about as stupid as anything I can think of. Democracy is mob rule plain and simple. Europes days of being a power are done. I dont think that it is possible to have a europian union. They hate each other to much. Europe as a power ended after WWII. The next Super power? I personally think that it is Japan. There econamy is almost better then the US. But I dont think America will fall for a while.
But Japan neither has the population nor resources that define a superpower.
This is true. However, I do not see china or europe becoming the next super power
I can’t see Europe, but China? Hundreds of college Thesis’s have been about that subject.
If we were in a war against china, They would have nearly 6x times the size of our army. And remember, China is the only country besides us that can detect our Stealth Bombers.