Ok, so here is the part that debunks all the stuff I see in the Larry Harris FAQ, and the rule book, where folks are trying to (IMHO) misinterpret/misunderstand what is actually in those documents. So, without further ado…

In the Larry Harris faq, and in the manual, the text is seemingly referring exclusively to the situation where a player has just the one set of 299 plastic playing pieces that come with the boxed game, otherwise known as “Out Of Box”.
This is fine, as far as it goes, and if that were all there was to it, that would be the end of it. However, that is NOT all there is to it, as the same manual has badly worded explanations also makes it clear that folks can buy extra playing pieces. Keep in mind, that the entire box has just 299 plastic playing pieces, so a single extra set (299 additional pieces) will include and entire duplicate of every playing piece in the box! And that this means you get, for each nation:
15 infantry + 10 tanks
10 fighters + 3 bombers
6 submarines & 6 transports
3 Battleships & 2 Aircraft carriers
(55 each nation, 275 total)
And, in addition, you also get:
12 Industrial complexes & 12 anti-aircraft guns.
So, when I ordered 3 additional sets of plastic playing pieces back in the day, some 30 odd years ago, that meant that I had 4 times the usual amounts of plastic playing pieces, and by the time I got out of the army, I had amassed 7 boxed sets, and 3 additional sets of playing pieces.
Later on still, after selling one box and 1 set, I somehow misplaced and lost all 6 of my remaining boards, and had it not been for eBay, I wouldn’t have been able to make good my losses. I currently have 4 boards, and something like 13 sets of plastic playing pieces.
Up thread, someone tried to claim that these “extra playing pieces” were nothing more than ‘spare parts’, with the implication that they could only be used in the case of replacement of lost pieces. I repudiate that expressed belief.
In both the rules and the FAQ, it is clearly stated that one can have as many units in A&A classic as they can afford to put on the map, but only are limited to how many stacks they can have, based upon the need for every stack to be topped by the appropriate unit.
In other words, every stack must be topped by the correct playing piece, at all times, but nowhere (that I can find) is it clearly and unequivocally stated that if you have more playing pieces than come in a single box (which seems to me to be the basic assumption in the FAQ made from a conversation with Larry Harris back in the day), you STILL cannot make use of them!