@RisingSun I had similar experience, I was big into the naval miniatures but couldn’t afford both. I bought a lot on ebay a year or so ago and have played a few games. It is not difficult to learn especially if you are familiar with the navy side, it’s pretty similar but includes facing. I think it’s a great game and wish I had collected it some when it was active.
Gross Figure Modeling Errors
The 3" Gun M5 has been officially acknowledged as being far smaller than it should be. Has anyone noticed that the M18 Hellcat is much larger than it should be? This tank destroyer was purpose-designed for its roll and was smaller and lighter than the M10 that it replaced. The M10 (and it’s upgunned descendant the M36) were both based on the M4 Sherman chassis and weighed 29-30 tons. They were 5.97 m long and 3.05 m wide. The M18 by contrast was 18 tons and 5.28 m long by 2.87 m wide. You will see that the M18 figures are larger than the M36 figures.
Has anyone noticed any other gross errors in model size?
there are a few minis that have this problem. there seems to be 1 or 2 in each set. just plain weird that WOTC would get so many right, and still leave a couple messed up