• Moderator

    I suggest a Best of 7 series.  One game LL, one game ADS, one game LL, etc…  :-D

  • You know, rather than it being a grudge match DM, I have an idea for a friendly compromise that I hope we can both enjoy:

    I’ll play a game of AAR with ADS with you switch, if you play a game of 2nd Edition LowLuck with me. Since I know you’re much more experienced than I am with AAR, I would welcome the chance to play you there and learn a few things about Revised, and I would be willing to play ADS in that since it’s your preference despite my own dislike if you would also be willing to play a 2nd edition LowLuck game with me despite your dislike, since that is my preference. I expect I will enjoy our Revised game despite the dicey and will learn some things from you, and I hope you would be willing to allow yourself to enjoy the 2nd edition game despite the dicey and learn some things there as well.

  • OK, LAST thoughts on ADS and LL…

    Low Luck reduces the variable to the “reaminder” of the combat multiple (22 attack roll equals 3 units dead, and 4 times in 6 4 units dead).

    But that is still, by design, a VERY low random component.

    That makes the game far more predictable… you know that in a certain battle 60% is “good enough” to win with LL, but in ADS most folks want 80% or MORE before they go into a battle.  That changes the rate of advance, the vectors of attack, the force volume available for secondary and tertiary attacks, etc.  THAT is a huge change.  LL simply frees up units that otherwise would be used for “insurance” to instead be used on other rather predicatble battles.

    And the last point…
    LL reduces the game to a set of move-counter-move that have been written about, posted, analized, reviewed, tested, over, and over, and over again.  If player A does X, then PLayer B will do Y OR Z.  But in ADS, that random factor can kick in and reduce Plaery A’s X move to ashes, making him have to work out and use strategy W modified (as an example).  In short it works to push the game OUT of those pre-set, pre-planned, pre-analized strategies by having the random factor play havoc with the success rate of the “tried and true” strats.  Sure, they still work… most of the time.  But if you strafe Ukraine in R1 and get lucky on dice, Russia has split forces for Germany to face on G1, potentially leaving Russia w/o amour and/or air forces, and losign a lot more units that would have occured with a traditional strafe and retreat to Karelia (as an example).

    Basically, ADS requires more fluidity of strategy in order to adapt to the potentially DRAMATIC shifts in balance of power and force-frontatages than would occur in LL.

  • @Avin:

    You know, rather than it being a grudge match DM, I have an idea for a friendly compromise that I hope we can both enjoy:

    I’ll play a game of AAR with ADS with you switch, if you play a game of 2nd Edition LowLuck with me. Since I know you’re much more experienced than I am with AAR, I would welcome the chance to play you there and learn a few things about Revised, and I would be willing to play ADS in that since it’s your preference despite my own dislike if you would also be willing to play a 2nd edition LowLuck game with me despite your dislike, since that is my preference. I expect I will enjoy our Revised game despite the dicey and will learn some things from you, and I hope you would be willing to allow yourself to enjoy the 2nd edition game despite the dicey and learn some things there as well.

    I appreciate the offer Avin.  But I don;t think it is fair to either of us, not to mention still asking me to give up core gaming principles.  You know and understand the quarks of LL far more than I do (or ever will), and that gives you an advantage.  You know what the LL spread is in each type of battle sequence.  Your experience with teh specific format of LL in application would give you a massive edge (for example, it was only recently I even learned how fracked LL SBR’s were).

    Also, by your own admission, you lack extensive experience in Revised.

    Rather than play to each other’s weakness… why not play to each other’s strengths.

    You are a skilled player of Classic, that is your strength.
    I fancy myself a skilled fluid tactician, making ADS my stength due to potentially rapidly shifting situations.
    Admittedly, fluid strategy is better in Revised since there are FAR more variables than Classic, but simply going ADS whould add enough fluidity to allow my skill set to kick in.

    And I’ll commit to 3 games over the next several months…
    Best of 3 to make sure that neither of us would be able to declare victory due to a dice screwing.

    Your game, my dicey.
    No Tech, No National Advantages, standard victory conditions (2 capitals, 84IPC Axis after USA move, Surrender)
    Darth can admin our bids.
    And I am willing to play either RR or regular, or even 1 of each for the first 2, then a random choice for that for Game 3 (if needed)

  • switch, that’s completely ignoring the idea of compromise altogether. That’s just the same offer you’ve been making for months. Haven’t you realized that we will never play against each other if we keep at that standstill? I have an open offer to you to play LL, you have an open offer to me to play ADS. Neither of those offers are going to be fulfilled unless we compromise in some way.

    Yes, I know you will have an edge in Revised because of my lack of experience with the game. Yes, I think I would have an edge in LL, but not because of you not knowing the intricacies of LL (there really are no “intricacies” to speak of except the SBR rule) because I don’t think there’s anything about LL to “pick up” if you’re familiar with ADS, but because I do think I am a better player. However I am proposing we play to have fun, NOT as a grudge match. I don’t see what we could gain from that. I will regularly play games that I can predict who will win, for fun. For instance, I played Maddogg not because I didn’t know who would win, but because I thought it would help to teach him a few things. I’ve played many highly ranked players at DAAK despite the fact that I was fairly certain ahead of time that they would win, and I thoroughly enjoyed the games because I learned a lot and saw some really interesting strategies played out. In fact I probably enjoy playing games where I lose more than games where I win if I am challenged by some good strategies I hadn’t thought of before. Which is why I would be interested in playing you in AAR, and therefore am willing to play on your terms.

  • Moderator

    Let’s not go there Agent, you know better.   :-D

    In defense of Switch, I think he’s learned a great deal since he’s joined this site and the online A&A community.
    And I don’t think he was claiming how great he was.

    I think what frustrates some LL players are some of the misperceptions that Avin/Agent addressed.

    Yes, LL is more predictible and yes there is an element of number counting to it, However there is also much more to it.

    If you don’t like the idea of 7-8 inf placed in Europe, I am with you, and I think Agent and Avin would be with you as well.  It isn’t particularly fun (or strategic) to play a PE bid, IMO, but I’d think you’d find that that can be beaten (at least 7 inf PE), and you’ll find more people in LL will play PAfr.  I tested a game with Avin on a 22 PE bid, hit EE and Man and ended up winning.  Now split the bid to Ukr-EE (6-1), Man is still a target as is EE.  Split it 5-2, still beatable, thus you’ll find more people playing an Afr bid b/c the Axis want to leverage the first few rds for a strong strike on the Allies in the middle rds.  This isn’t any different than what you should be doing in ADS.  Now once the bids get high enough PE looks more and more promising but isn’t fun in my opinion regardless of LL or ADS.  There is no skill in PE no matter what dice set you use.  And I think you may be assuming that all LL’ers just bid 23-24 put in Europe and count the IPC’s to take Kar.  And that is wrong, I think you’ll find much more PAfr play in LL.

  • For Agent Smith’s comments (most of which, in particular those characterizing my play) I am going to ignore…

    You are VERY correct in that, in the typical game, MOST combats WILL resolve themselves in a rather predictable way.  The odds determine that such will be the case.

    Every now and then George Mason makes the Final Four, and all the #1 cedes do NOT.

    Sure, MOST battles are going to be predictable, but on average, there will be at least ONE battle that will be completed screwed up (again, based on law of averages, with 20-30 battles rolled, at least one of hem will have fracked dice).  In fact, such a result is so likely, you can in fact COUNT on that occuring in any given game.  It is PREDICATABLE, COMMON, and EXPECTED.  Low Luck removes that near CERTAINTY.

    Sure, EE and KAR is predictable enough that in many (most… perhaps nearly all) times the random component will even out.  But what about elsewhere?  Manchuria?  Novo?

    The dice frack WILL happen in an ADS.  Quite likely more than once in a game that goes more than a few rounds.  Mathematically, a dice frack is a GIVEN in virtually EVERY SINGLE GAME.

    The true test of a player’s skill is NOT how he or she executes a series of pre-planned moves with results that are based on the most likely combat results +/- a standard deviation.  The true test of a player’s skill is HOW or IF they recover from their pre-planned strategy being blown to ashes.

    Is their Russia play strong enough to compensate for losign a FIG in the Baltic and having split forces in Kar and Ukr?
    Is their Japan play strong enough to compensate for a 5 division USSR force in Manch on J1?
    Is their Germany play storng enough to compensate for UK holding Egypt on G1?
    Is their UK play strong enough to compensate for losing their initial and rebuild fleets?
    Is their US play strong enough to compensate for losing a number of TRN’s in the Atlantic?

    THose are just examples…Farily common examples from an ADS game, but nearly impossible examples in a LL game.

    Low Luck ignores the certainty of a minimum of one dice frack per game.  And if you are intent on arguing the law of averages, then for Low Luck to be viable, you need to figure out how to insert the certainty of dice frack into it in order for it to indeed be a REAL law of averages.

    … or you just play ADS and let those averages self-generate.

  • So are you interested in the offer I made above?

    Basically it comes down to this: You are not willing to play LL, because of prejudice you have against it without trying. I am not interested in playing ADS because I have played both and prefer LL. I am offering that both of us overcome our dislikes or prejudices, not for the sake of making a point or childishly getting our way, but so that we could both learn something and have fun. I am willing to meet you halfway - I will play ADS if you will play LL. I feel I have the most to learn from you via ADS in AAR, hence my offer. Are you willing to meet me?

  • I’ll tell you what Avin…

    I just started an ADS with Darth.  Probably will last until next weekend.

    I’ll counter-counter-counter offer you :-P

    Rather than playing you in Revised… I’ll keep the game in your element… 2nd Ed.

    And we’ll agree UPFRONT to play TWO games… one ADS, one Low Luck.
    Blind Bind (With Darth admining the bid if he’ll accept)
    No RR, No Tech, No NA’s, standard victory conditions.

    We play one game your way, one game my way.

    And we’ll have Darth flip a coin to see which game is played first… Heads ADS, Tails LL

    I can;t see getting any more in the middle than that.

  • Well ASs…

    You go on ahead about your business.

    And if you ever want a real GAME… then play me.

    I am not afraid to lose.  Ask Darth.

    Nor am I afraid to try somethign new and to take a RISK.

    You on the other hand, are a coward… afraid of a little cube with pips on it.  You afraid of playing a GAME.

    How sad for you.

  • @AgentSmith:

    It’s like this I am Duke and Darth is UNC.  Every year Duke beats UNC, sometimes UNC wins but not that often, but in the tournament UNC crushes the little guys like Chaminade, Virginia Union etc.  That is where you are right now at the level of these little guys.  If you ever pull a George Mason then I would play you, and even in ADS but given that you bid so low I think its going to be a while before that happens.

    OK… Duke and UNC are both out of it as I recall… and George Mason is still in it.

    The reason I did low bids with Darth was to test a few ideas (and if you read the precursor threads, you would be aware of this).  The first was a Sea Lion Scare concept (that failed, but was worth exploring), and the second was a light PAsia.  On that second concept, I am still not ready to write it off… just need to rework it with a small amount in EE/Ukr in order to avoid the decimation I took there in a straight-forces front in that venue.

    Again, that is the differnce between you and me.  You have your strats, and you have your percentages.  And with your LL, they are all quite fine and won;t get fracked.

    But in a real GAME… those strats can get wiped out… a bad roll in Ukraine in R1… a bad roll in Western Europe in Turn 6… whatever it happens to be, a dice frack would wipe out your strategies and percentages.  A real Gamer (rather than a poster of prefabricated Low Luck battles) is able to handle such shifts in the game…  You apparently are not.

    And that is why I am a BETTER GAMER than you.

    And I don;t think it is even worth mentioning that Darth is superior to you.  He is more rounded, more capable, and also willing to teach and help others learn.  And in doing so he is developing skills you lack.  And I doubt that your “historical” averages will continue to hold.  Darth, like me, is improving.  You are static… wed to your LL strats that are inflexible and unyielding.

  • I’ll counter-counter-counter offer you

    GREAT! I am really excited to hear that we’re finally going to be playing. Sure, 2nd edition both ways works for me too - as I said, I’m totally willing to put my personal preferences on hold for a bit as long as you’re willing to meet me the other way too. I have to say I was a bit afraid that you would never be willing to compromise, but I’m glad I misjudged you. And I do genuinely hope that we can both have fun in BOTH games, not just the game of our preference!

    I’m definitely fine with waiting until you’re done with DM. I’m pretty busy myself this weekend, and I’m also currently playing two other games. Whenever you’re ready, we can start with either game.

    I was also interested in learning a few things about Revised with you by the way, but I probably will just wait again for a while. One reason I haven’t been interested in playing Revised much is that I am still learning new things about 2nd edition, and having a lot of fun with that, and I figure why switch over and try to master two games at once? It was only a year ago that I started playing online and so while I think I’ve gotten much better over that year, I know I have a lot to learn still and a lot of things to try. However I figure I’ll probably eventually have to switch to Revised if the activity level on the Games forum here is any indication - feels like more and more people are switching and it’s sometimes harder to get interest in 2nd edition!

  • Well Avin… apparently the only way I was going to get a game with you was to go one each way… so that was my offer.

    I don’t know jack shite about LL, so you are going to have to give me a few links so that I can study up before we start (I already know SBR is fracked… how does AA work?  What about sub sneaks?  etc. etc.)

    As for Revised…

    With me being in the midst of the Revised Tournament… I really am not free to being a Revised game right now.  So…  We stick with the original issues.

    Now, the next question is… are we going to weight the bids at all? (for different areas)

  • http://www.daak.de/lowluck/lowluckregel.php?sprache=e should contain everything you need to know. You can also use the LowLuck dicey on DAAK to make a few trial combats if it isn’t clear as well. By the way, if you need to create a game, you can use my DAAK username (AVIN) since I noticed you have an account there too, that way we don’t have to enter each other’s emails each time.

    Regarding bids, I am fine with whatever. We could simply do straight blind bids if you’d prefer, but I was thinking it might not be too hard to just come to a common agreement. If you’re ok with it, I already have a couple bids in mind (one for LL, one for ADS) and I can just post them and we can negotiate, not auction style were you’d be forced to bid lower but just whatever we agree on - for instance, if you were set on playing Axis for one of the games and had a bid that was higher than what I was offering, I might still be OK with it. This way if you have a more creative bid you’d like to try, like say 2 BB BAL, you could propose it.

    Are we including tech in our ADS game?

  • Nah… let’s just stick with the regular game, the only difference being bids and method of battle determination.

  • Switch how much fun is it when you play the axis, in an ADS game, and you lose 2 fig’s at UKZS, 1 fig at ECsz and you lose to much in AES… Then the game is over after 1 turn… Simply because you can’t win anymore… Like AS pointed out several times the Axis have at least 5-6 fights they have to fight. All with a lot of risk implied, but they have too commit them. As the Allies you can lose some battles in the beginning and still easily win…  Too often I see people get wasted on their G1 turn, either because of bad purchasing, bad dice or tactical errors… LL just makes the game fairer, just like bids…

    If you want to play the game as it was intended, I will play you with the Allies, ADS, no bids and no RR…

  • @AgentSmith:

    In conclusion, I immensely dislike playing people like yourself b/c you are not at all about learning to play the game better, or honing your play but about proving what a big man you are by beating people(which you don’t even do very often).  This is not a fun game for me and especially not in ADS b/c your motivations are not to match wits like DM likes to do, but merely to show up someone and I can’t stand that.  Your play will never improve or change because of this and you are a lost cause.

    I am SSSOOO Glad to know exactly what you think of me AS.  Shame you are dead wrong.

    NEITHER of my games against Darth have been to “show him up”, or make myself feel “big” for winning.  BOTH of the previous games were to test specific theories regarding Axis minimum bids… to challenge  the basic assumptions and conventional wisdom that you and others have.

    Was I dead wrong on the Baltic TRN bid?  Yes, I was.  I admit that.
    Was I dead wrong on the PAsia bid?  Not completely… a few units shifted to Europe to make it a more balanced play and it may darn well work.  Perhaps I will have a chance to test it sometime soon…

    As for winning games…
    I have lost 2 strategy testing games to Darth, won 2 traditional gamesagainst Maddog, and am playing my 5th game overall as we speak.    In Revised my win percentage is about the same, actually a bit lower… about 40% I think.

    I play because I ENJOY it.

    And you know something… I’ll bet I have more fun at this than you do.
    Maybe if I played A&A for a living (Celebrity Axis and Allies Tour on ESPN?) I would think differently.  But last I checked, it was a game, was played for recreation, was meant for the players to have fun, and there is no Professional A&A Circuit with large jackpots and televised World Championships with $1,000,000 purses.

    So, you go on about your business.  Rant and rave as you please.  I’m and going to enjoy myself and see how I do facing a PAfr for the first time in my life agaisnt Darth.

  • @ncscswitch:

    Was I dead wrong on the PAsia bid? Not completely… a few units shifted to Europe to make it a more balanced play and it may darn well work. Perhaps I will have a chance to test it sometime soon…

    A few units shifted to Eur… => No Pasia bid anymore…

    A power Asia bid won’t succeed unless you get around 30 to spend with… Otherwise you just can’t pressure Russia enough. It is just not enough…

    I believe you whined about dice in your game against DM and Octopus… So why are you complaining about having “Bad Luck” if you are such an advocate for ADS? Just a simple question…

  • Well, in teh second game against Darth, the odds of that particular sequence of dice occuring is about 1 in 100,000.  That is bad luck WAY outside of the expected range.  A dice frack is to be expected… 5 consecutive TOTAL dice fracks…  Well that is a game ender.

    And with Octo… is was just bad dice at totally the wrong time.  That was a set of battles the Allies HAD to have go according to plan (due to inferior play in the preceeding rounds).

    But that is how it works out sometimes.

    Sure, you get to complain about it.  BUT, it is still a game.

    And a few folks seem to have lost that particular concept.

  • @Bashir:

    Switch how much fun is it when you play the axis, in an ADS game, and you lose 2 fig’s at UKZS, 1 fig at ECsz and you lose to much in AES… Then the game is over after 1 turn… Simply because you can’t win anymore… Like AS pointed out several times the Axis have at least 5-6 fights they have to fight. All with a lot of risk implied, but they have too commit them. As the Allies you can lose some battles in the beginning and still easily win…  Too often I see people get wasted on their G1 turn, either because of bad purchasing, bad dice or tactical errors… LL just makes the game fairer, just like bids…

    If you want to play the game as it was intended, I will play you with the Allies, ADS, no bids and no RR…

    I’ve been thinking about trying LL, as I feel more inclined to choose ADS but would like to see how it flows.  So far, I think this best explains why LL is the choice by many.  However, here are some of my concerns, which are hopefully not repeated from elsewhere.

    First, and probably the least of my points, is that ADS reflects many factors of battle that don’t occur elsewhere in the game.  In this I mean that superiority in numbers wouldn’t necessarily mean an automatic win, and a bad roll could reflect a failed assault.  A good roll could reflect favorable weather, cracked codes, determination & increased morale, etc.  The “random element” to me is a generalized function to support & reflect the unknown consequences of any action, and is simple so that it doesn’t bog down the gameplay.

    Second, I don’t agree with using averages.  When reviewing averages and statistics you often find that the average is imaginary and does not occur in any instance realistically.  This is why I favor a randomization of results.  This kind of goes along with my first point, and that the average outcome is not necessarily the most likely result.

    Third, the criticism that ADS is too unpredictable to be trusted seems a bit exaggerated to me.  In fact, it IS balanced because you are just as likely to receive good rolls as bad ones, and your opponent is just as likely to receive those positives and negatives as you are.  Not to mention, the possibility of having terrible or fantastic rolls consistently is very, very low.

    Fourth, another minor critique, is that it’s additional “rules” to get used to if you are new to the game.  I like to try and keep things streamlined, but if you already know how to employ LL, then it’s obviously not a problem.

    I completely understand wanting to use LL to try get down to the core strategy employed by the Axis and Allies, but I agree with Switch that if superior strategy is the main concern, then ADS goes a longer way to prove the better strategist (because of unclear outcomes, you may have to adjust your strat) - I don’t think anyone DEPENDS on a good die rolls unless they are taking risks (which is fine because risks are taken in this game much like anywhere else), and LL couldn’t support that possibility.  However, you don’t see those gambles very often because, simply, they are a gamble.

    To me, LL would be akin to removing the river card in Texas Hold 'Em.  You may have a pretty clear winner by the turn, but that doesn’t mean that they WILL win.  Yet, it would be perfectly fine to remove the river card, it just wouldn’t be Texas Hold 'Em anymore…and as long as all parties agree to those changes, then no concern.

    I need to reread through the LL explanation posted here and, more importantly, play a few games with it before I can confirm a preference.  A question though: do LL games generally take less time?  I could see that as a major benefit…

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