JX36 - The Storm of Steel -

  • @carsonbparker:

    This is great!  I am in the camp where I think the more playable nations the better.  I can’t wait to read up on this and will be looking out for other additions.

    You should look into the air rules. I find it improves the game so much so that we play G40 with the Dynamic Air Rules listed on the forums and possibly here.
    It makes Aircraft cheaper and equivalently weaker, which means more of them are present, meaning full out “Battle of Britain” style air supremacy fighting.

    Fighters represent anti-aircraft aircraft, interceptors and the like. So they are weak against anything but aircraft. Bombers are the opposite, so you need both to launch effective attacks.
    Airbases allow unlimited scramble to adjacent sea zones and territories, which makes all aircraft present cast a umbrella of defense/ air supremacy over a whole region instead of just being placed in the most likely area of attack.
    Fighters make a presence on all fronts now, making the game really really interesting.

  • I really like your ideas for the new air rules and the new values/cost of the air units as well! I am not a huge fan of how expensive air units are in GW. You buy a couple of planes and depending on the nation, you’ve spent +/- half or most of your IPPs on just 2-3 units. I lose just one plane it is like the end of the world. But I do like how flexible you made the planes by allowing them to scramble into adjacent territories using an air base, and by making them cheaper you don’t have to be so reluctant to send a fighter or two and a tac bomber to maybe get an air superiority hit and/or provide support for defending land units. If you lose those units, then you can replace them a little easier than you could in base GW36.

    Another thing. I looked at the reference sheets you made for some of the nations and think you have some great ideas for the units! For example the use of marines also as jungle troops. But what do you think about taking the air superiority concept and applying that to armor-class units as well where on the 1st round of combat, armor units hit each other? This could represent some of the famous armored clashes we love like at Kursk. Just an idea. I was just thinking of a way besides target selection to get after armor-class units earlier in the combat rounds since infantry and militia are always taken first during combat.

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