JX36 - The Storm of Steel -

  • -JX36 Great Britain-

    JX36 Great Britain.compressed.pdf

  • I really appreciate the time and detail you put into this project, it looks great! I took a look at the German reference sheet just to get an idea of what you came up with and I think what you have is pretty cool. I liked the use of German in the reference sheet :wink:, I am currently studying German at my university. Hopefully more people will look at this and like what you have done and maybe even start their own modification projects. I have been figuring out ways to modify base GW36 myself over the past half year. Anyways, thanks for putting this stuff up good luck with your projects at HBG!

  • @KingKuba:

    I really appreciate the time and detail you put into this project, it looks great! I took a look at the German reference sheet just to get an idea of what you came up with and I think what you have is pretty cool. I liked the use of German in the reference sheet :wink:, I am currently studying German at my university. Hopefully more people will look at this and like what you have done and maybe even start their own modification projects. I have been figuring out ways to modify base GW36 myself over the past half year. Anyways, thanks for putting this stuff up good luck with your projects at HBG!

    Thank you KingKuba, you are too kind.
    Does the German makes sense? Hehe, google translate was my friend.

  • This post is deleted!

  • @Munck:

    First, I want to applause you for a job well done. I’ve read through the German sheet, and there are many very interesting concepts that I personally would like to see in GW1.3 :-)

    Thank you for your applause sir. I appreciate it.  :-)
    I too hope to see some of the features in GW 1.3, and some things I’d like to see better.
    Canada for instance, I think what I got going will be way better then what I have for JX36.

    A couple of questions:

    • Compared to a regular game, how much longer does it take to play using the JX36 rules?

    The game takes a little longer, to be sure. Currently I have JX36 set to three turns per year, which I think was a mistake. It would only require recalculating the tech charts to switch it back, but that was going to happen anyway.
    But that point aside, a two turns per year game with competent players will finish in a slightly longer game.
    It can go faster especially if players take advantage of the turn order. If you notice, certain nations can go simultaneously, like FEC, ANZAC, and Communist China can go when Germany is going. The Delayed Deployment of Production Rule can also be taken advantage of, with players planning their purchases in advance and taking less time on their board studying the game and planning their purchases for the end of their turn.
    In short, it depends on the players and their familiarity, but all things being equal, probably longer.

    • Taking the new countries into consideration, what are the ideal number of players? (why the new nations?)

    The new nations are an idea we where toying with, and also in anticipation of the HBG Minor Nations Expansions. If Canada could be its own nation, why not Romania?
    It also would promote the usage of Commanders (being able to control troops of an allied nation with your commander).

    But the ideal number of players…I would say 6. In my experience the playing the new nations was very quick. You buy like one unit, move an army, perhaps combat, and its done. A few minutes at best.

    • In the German pdf, Bottom of page 3, you refer to ‘Canada Upgrades’. Is that a typo?

    Damn, typo. I’ll need to fix that.

    • Has it been play tested by other people besides your own group?

    To my knowledge, JX36 has not been played in a game without my attendance. That being said, my group was consistently evolving for several years and then as of 2018 became defunct. So I would say about a dozen people have played versions of JX36, this version is 5.2.
    Also, note that I am missing a few nations, Japan, China, FEC, and Communist China.
    These ones where “finished” for the most part, but lacking graphics, (Japan still has German artwork, etc.).

    Are you involved in the updating for v. 1.3 at HBG?

    Yes, and no.
    My Projects are:

    1. The Canada Expansion, which I really like.
    2. Map Design Suggestions and Criticisms. (So far: Canada, Tundra, South America, Tobruk and the next one: South East Asia Sea Zones.)

    As for rules for v1.3.
    Only a little. When I find issues with the game I write an article and email it to Will, with points stressing how it could be exploited or how I think it could be fixed.
    But currently, no, not much impact beyond that.

    Cheers Gents!

  • I think the German looks fine, although they do not teach us many of the words you used in this reference sheet because they are not typically brought up in conversation :-D. Langauage teachers I’ve had have always said not to use google translate, but since you only did short phrases you should be fine :-)

    Since you have some connection to the GW makers, do you know if they plan on adding new islands and altering sea zones in the Pacific. Being someone who cares about even the littlest of details, I wish they would have added the Marianas Islands as a whole rather than just Guam.

  • This is blows my mind. Keep up the good work. What about Japan sheets?? Just asking. Keep up the good work. What software do you use to make your books? Thank you so very much.

  • @zack7979:

    This is blows my mind. Keep up the good work. What about Japan sheets?? Just asking. Keep up the good work. What software do you use to make your books? Thank you so very much.

    Thanks Zack,

    Japan, FEC, China and CCCP are written, but without artwork and look very bare boned, so i did not upload them.
    I use Microsoft Word.

  • Could you send me copies I would like to see them please…

  • @zack7979:

    Could you send me copies I would like to see them please…

    Sorry Zack, not at this time. Perhaps when I improve them.

  • I understand. Thank you. Maybe see them soon.

  • This is great!  I am in the camp where I think the more playable nations the better.  I can’t wait to read up on this and will be looking out for other additions.

  • @carsonbparker:

    This is great!  I am in the camp where I think the more playable nations the better.  I can’t wait to read up on this and will be looking out for other additions.

    You should look into the air rules. I find it improves the game so much so that we play G40 with the Dynamic Air Rules listed on the forums and possibly here.
    It makes Aircraft cheaper and equivalently weaker, which means more of them are present, meaning full out “Battle of Britain” style air supremacy fighting.

    Fighters represent anti-aircraft aircraft, interceptors and the like. So they are weak against anything but aircraft. Bombers are the opposite, so you need both to launch effective attacks.
    Airbases allow unlimited scramble to adjacent sea zones and territories, which makes all aircraft present cast a umbrella of defense/ air supremacy over a whole region instead of just being placed in the most likely area of attack.
    Fighters make a presence on all fronts now, making the game really really interesting.

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