• My latest viewings were

    Word Wars - about Scrabble - follows 4 eclectic elite players on the smaller tournament circuit leading up to the 2002 National Championship ($25 grand prize) in San Diego.

    Editing is very polished for this one:
    They do an interesting almost subliminal morphing of words, which is something these pros do a lot of.
    In an early chapter the letters from salvages float around and then fluidly recombine into  Las Vegas

    Other editing tricks include ESPN sports-style highlighting of key spots on the board combined with the rack letters.  Highlighted play options are shown right before the player puts the tiles on the board for scoring.

    Devil’s Playground - The Amish do not believe in baby baptisms.  At the age of adulthood (16 for them) the new young adults will have the option of living “as the English do” before deciding if they want to join the Amish church and live the Amish way.

    Dude, its like Amish gone Wild.  Parties, drug abuse, fast cars, bed courtship, etc.  In the end some stay and some leave.

    Please suggest your favorites. 
    Give me a brief synopsis so the rest of us can decide if its worth checking out at the library.

  • Roger and Me by Michael Moore. Laugh at me now, but watch it and you will love it. It is a documentary about Moore’s hometown of Flint, Michagen, after the auto factories pull out in the early 90s/late 80s. Entertaining, informative, and not anything like his new semi-documentaries.

  • Murderball was very good and makes you realize how much you love your arms and legs.  Spellbound was at times freaky, sad (in a pitying kind of way), and funny.  The Protocols of Zion - okay, interesting look at things, heavily influenced by Michael Moore’s later style, and constrained a bit by budget.  Also, terrifying.

    Winged Migration - absolutely beautiful.  Maybe a bit too much intervention by the crew to count as a full and true documentary, but it’s really something that has to be seen.

  • “Micheal and me” by Larry Elder.

    I own it and bought it for my Micheal Moore loving brother in law.

    It shoots down “Bowling for Columbine” and shows Moore as the propagandist liar that he is.  It deals with gun control and the 2nd ammendment.

    Moore is one of the only people that if I saw him on the street my rage may over take me and I would attack him.  I am shocked at the amount of crazy ass people who listen to him.  He said that the passangers on 911 were cowards because they were white, and that if it had been a plane full of “brothers” they would have taken care of the terrorist.

    So whites are cowards, and blacks are prone to violence…  and the Republicans are racists? :?

    If anyone on the right would have made a comment like that it would have ended his/her career.

  • BTW, the grand prize for the Nat’l Scrabble Championship is actually $25K.  That’s a thousand times higher than my original post.

    There is a wide array of prizes totalling $84K split up by division and a bunch of interesting categories for the 28 rounds.


    ESPN/ESPN2 now provides coverage of the finals for the Championship.  The winner gets an interview on the Today show.

    Contestants are ever hopeful that the prize money for all tournaments will increase substantially to support full time pros.

  • One Day in September - concerning the terrorist events at the '72 Munich Olympic Games (as a side note, I FINALLY got this in from the bookstore that had it on order).  See that, then check out Spielburg’s Munich - not a documentary - for related activities.
    I must second Murderball - a fantastic movie.
    I haven’t seen Grizzly Man from this year, but supposedly it’s pretty good, not to mention popular.  Many people who have seen both GM & Murderball have proclaimed GM to be the better of the two, so it must be great.
    Le Chagrin et la Pitie (The Sorrow & The Pity) - about the French Resistance during WW2.  Very good, but very long.
    There’s more, but get through those and we can go on.  Now I have to go rewatch Roger & Me…

    And by the way - if Michael Moore did say the thing you credited him as saying, Zooey, then I guess you’ve just proven him wrong.  Not only a racist, but a stupid racist at that.

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