It’s all very clear to the objective observer - we live also in a society in which the best interests of the existing members are served by perpetuating the ‘work ethic’ of production. However, is this much production really needed? Time for the next counteroffensive…
Exactly what am I supposed to be producing, and for whom?
The only reason in the world that we need so much production is that we have so much consumption. Most of the work done in today’s society is unecessary, pointless, and serves only the vanity or greed of others. We are obsessed with our perfect homes, cars, furniture, restaurants, electronic gadgets, vacations, and all that other needless consumer goods. Why shouldn’t we? After all aren’t we brought up to embrace those principles in a capitalist society? If everyone followed the old Marxist slogan “from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs,” meaning that people will have reached discipline enough to work for the good of society, we will take what we need, but not so much as there could be someone else who needs it more. Most of the ‘production’ that good capitalists want us to accomplish would be suddenly rendered moot. If what tal said is correct, that we aquire greed naturally, then it is capitalism that accelerates and magnifies these vanities? Absoultely.
"If he benefits more by lies and deceit this is the path he will follow unless he has been taught as a child the value of honesty and helping people if for no other reason than it’s “the right thing to do.”
Exactly. That is exactly why it is up to Communists to educated the next generation that will live in a world true of communism. That is why education is one of the top priorities. “Education is a fundamental right, and must be provided free of charge to all who are interested and able. Teaching is a critical skill in any society; let us return teaching to its proper place of honor and respect…” Another problem we see today is a clear disrespect for teachers in general. Though teachers teach merely for the sake of teaching (read my previous post on rewards), a teacher’s income is often laughed upon by students and adults alike. It is often precieved teaching as being a ‘waste.’ However in communism this certainly wouldn’t be the case.
“Even in these tribes cooperation is born out of a sense of self. If it is in a person’s best interest to cooperate he will do so.”
This may be true (I’ll get in tribes later). However, isn’t this more of an argument more in favor of communism? In Capitalism you try and get ahead of other people, under Socialism and later Communism we all get ahead together. Now shouldn’t the later be more acceptable by a tribe to cooperate one another? What provides more of the inspiration: for only one to benefit or for all to do so?
This is the problem of clear capitalistic brainwashing. People are becoming too concerned with their own selves to care about anybody else.
Never before have we had so little time in which to do so much
[ This Message was edited by: TG Moses VI on 2002-04-09 22:43 ]