well there’s only a few hours on it now :-(
Storage / transportation
I just started playing, and I’m still trying to figure a way to store and transport my units.
What are you using?
I’ve been using a plastic organizer that you can buy at most any hardware store, Big Lots, Harbor Freight, Walmart, etc.
Just carry one of your larger vehicles like a Tiger in your pocket and try it out in the different cases.
I also use a plastic organizer a.k.a. tackle box. It works out well.
Anybody have suggestions for something to carry just my counters and line of site tool? I tried storing them in the tackle box with my pieces. I would, however, like them separate because I just want to put away my collection in my bag when I’m done choosing my team.
ok, I was planning on using an aluminium carrying case filled with foam. I thought I’d cut holes in the foam to place my units and put an extra piece of foam on top of the units so they don’t fall when I pick up the case. But I’m afraid I might bend the tank guns or some infantry arms. Maybe a carrying case with the handle on top instead of on the side is the solution.
The tank guns are fairly flexible. My pieces get sloshed around all the time and they’re fine.
well I have 2 panzer IV and one of them came out of the box with a bended cannon, so I’m afraid all my tanks will look like that after a while…
I finally made my choice. I’ll keep my units in ziploc bags, but I’ll transport them in a used ammo box.
I went to Lowe’s and found a organizer (for nails,etc) made by Stanley. It works really well for me. The compartments are large enough for all the tanks and it’s really light. I also use one for all my Axis cards, another for all my Allies cards.
I use zip-lock bags in a shoe box
I finally made my choice. I’ll keep my units in ziploc bags, but I’ll transport them in a used ammo box.
thats what i do to, it works. why make it more complicated, i dont need to look like some mafia sniper carrying a big long black box around. allthough i do use a WWII ammo can, not my Nam ones. :wink: