Well what would you suppose I do with my Indian infantry and fighter? Should I attack Burma with it? Infantry and fighters both defend better. And why not strafe WE? Two fighters against two infantry will win with one fighter gone, and the US can land two infantry and fighter to defend and your bomber goes to the UK. Your Rhodesian infantrywould also attack alongside your Syria-Iraq infantry. And Germany wouldn’t be able to build in Karelia in G2, because Russia would counterattack with four inf, four tanks, and a fighter. And if you would win every time as Axis, the how come I play as Allies and always win?
Who is playing Germany that there are only 2 INF there? In my personal favorite openning Germany move, I have 2 INF, Anti-aircraft, and a FIGHTER in Western. You want to send 2 fighters without any land forces or naval support against THAT? And even if I DID only have 2 INF there (say the Canadian transport shot down my fighter that lands in Western), what do you hope to gain by it? You lose FIGHTERS, that UK can not afford to replace. Germany loses 2 INF. 6 IPC’s to 12 (and quite likely 24 since you lose BOTH fighters most of the time: AA role 33% chance of shooting down 1; your initial round is 1 INF killed on average (if AA failed), and my counter is also 1 on average. That leaves a 3 against a 2, 33% vs. 50%. This is AT BEST an even fight for UK with only 2 INF in Western; with NO GAIN. Mutual destruction leaves it in German hands and NO US fighters landing there. Add in my Fighter and you can’t take it as US after losing your UK airforce for no purpose.
And SO WHAT if the US puts 2 INF and 2 FIGS there next round? They DIE in G2, and those forces were not used against German incursions in Africa, AND the US transport is now sitting with 2 other TRANSPORTS, and nothing else, in UK waters.
So let’s see, here is what happens on G2 with the moves you listed:
1. Karelia falls to Germany, and Germany has enough forces to HOLD it and build there in G3. Russia is in TROUBLE.
2. Remaining German AF sinks 3 transports around UK (2 UK, 1 US) and loses 1 fighter doing so.
3. Germany uses minimal force and kills the 2 US INF in Western (IF they are even there, not likely with just 1 German Fighter in Western after G1). Since no transports exist to ferry in more troops, and the RAF is GONE, defense in Western AND in Norway is no longer needed: all forces free for final push on Russia
4. Germany transports MORE forces into Africa using their un-touched Med navy, destroys the “Rhodesian Infatry”, and on the next round will hold ALL of Africa (except Madagascar) and Persia.
By my count, Germany is UP 12 IPC’s UK is DOWN 9 (or more since I probably took Australia on J1), Russia is DOWN 3, maybe down 6; depends on how Russia did things in Caucuses; or down even MORE after losses to Japan in the east.
Germany is BUILDING IN KARELIA and has income of 44, US and UK can get NO land forces into Europe, Russia is only building at 14 to 19 IPC’s. How long can Russia last building 6 INF at most against 8 tanks plus INF each ROUND? Not to mention that Germany still has a huge chunk of their original forces on the board.
My guess is Russia falls on G3, G4 AT THE LATEST, Japan finishes mopping up in the East pumping their IPC’s up to around 45, and Germany opens up with a 70-80 IPC NAVY build the round after Russia falls.
I call Googie’s openning Allied moves “Guaranteed Quick Axis Victory”
I hate to say this Googie, but whoever you are playing against is simply NOT a competant opponent. You would benefit from playing against even the poor AI Hasbro opponents. Come back and see us when you can defeat the best Hasbro has to offer while playing only ONE country, and do so quickly and consistently.