I’m going to further this thread with an additional question: This is based off of a FAQ question and since I’ve only played one game last night I want to be sure.
<quote>Q: The rulebook says that the worst that can happen to my unit if I make my cover roll is disruption. Does this mean that as long as I succeed at my cover rolls my attacked unit can’t be damaged or destroyed, or does the disruption count as a hit? For example, I have a Sherman in a forest hex that is hit three times by three different units. I succeed at each cover roll. Does the Sherman receive a face-down Disrupted counter, or face-down Disrupted, Damaged, and Destroyed counters?
A: If you succeed on a cover roll on an attack, then that attack is limited to disruption. If the attacked unit already has a face-down Disrupted counter from a previous attack, then a successful cover roll prevents any more counters from being placed on the unit. In the example, the Sherman would receive one face-down Disrupted counter.</quote>
My question is a variation of that one. If a unit has a face up disruption counter and he is attacked and it at least ties his defense, and then if the cover roll succeeds does he not get anything or he gets a damaged counter because he was already disrupted.
If that’s the case the cover roll doesn’t really do any good does it?
Thanks in advance for the help.