Britan lacked the man power to fight in Asia and Europe. Also if it wasn’t for fighter units from all over the empire the UK would have quite possibly lost the Battle of Britan which would have opened the door for Operation Sea Lion. They also saved the British in North Africa and in several other areas of the war. I don’t know if the war would have drawn on longer they may have just lost the war if it wasn’t for commonwealth forces.
Latest posts made by bobthefish
RE: The Effect of British Commonwealth Troops in WWII
RE: Nazi Germany VS The Soviet Union
IL is exactly right there would have been no advantage or purpose for the Japanese to invade Russia outside of maybe bragging rights at most. If the Germans would have commited to a complete invasion of Russia they would have been successful. The Russian people origonally welcomed the German forces with open arms until the SS came along and started murdering and destroying everyone and everything in there way. The reality of it is if as many of ya’ll have said Hitler had left it to his commanders and if the SS hadn’t ticked everyone off the Russian people would have been much happier under German rule and the Germans would have conquered Russia easily. Back to the SS issue mentioned earlier by some of ya’ll, the SS was not an eliete part ot the Wermacht. It was a unit filled with guys who in most cases were nothing short of maniacs. They were murders while the Wermacht was only doing what its nation called it to do. The SS was just a group of guys so deathly loyal to hitler that they could be asked to do anything that Hitler claimed was for the benifit of Germany (or him) and they would do it no questions asked. Which is why we had the Holocaust and is why an entire part of my family disapeared. Saying the SS was an eliete branch of the wermacht is completly inaccurate.
RE: Sink the Transports
It wasn’t so much that they allowed me but I’ve gotten pretty lucky on most of those rolls. Also I have found that if you make advances in several diffrent directions the allies really don’t know where to concentrate their forces. Also in the first turn you can move your carrier force back two spaces and the US could only buy 5 bombers plus the two or three on the board to start with so that isn’t very much of a strinking force and the carrier would be pretty well protected by then and almost out of range.
RE: Sink the Transports
That sounds pretty legit, but I usually play as the japanese player and I usualy whipe out most of the allied navy early on in the game then I continue to try and kill off as many naval units as they are created to buy me some time for advances in other places. And I usually keep my transports pretty well deffended and out of range of allied air units.
RE: Adding More Players and Countries
I like the first two ideas and I’ve tried stuff like that before but I think the US IPC value should be the same as it is now because if you think about it the we were fighting a two front war and we had a policy of Europe first so most of our focus was on the European theater. So I feel the current income for the US if anything should start out much lower the first couple turns or so and increase to 75 or (72 once the phillipines falls) but nothing really more than that because most of the focus was on Europe and supplying the allies. So I feel the current value is more than generous and relatively accurate and gives the japanese some chance of winning. But those rules sound pretty tight.
RE: Find Opponents Here!
Hey Feds I am interested in playing but I don’t know of anyone who I could team up with, but if the offer is still open I’m interested. I am confused on how the dice thing works though.
Minis for sale or trade
This is what I have and I’m really not looking for anything, I am mainly looking to sell these but if you want to make trades I’m open to that as well. If you are looking to trade I’m looking more towards Japan or British Figures.
Allied Rares:
Churchill Crocodile
M18 HellecatAxis Rares:
sIG 33Allied uncommons:
M3 Stuart
Vickers Machine-Gun Team
Inspiring Lieutenant
M4A1 Sherman
Red Devil Captain
Kuomintang Machine-Gun Team
T-70 Model 1942Axis uncommons:
Imperial Sergeant
PAK 38
MG 42 (x2)
Panzer III Ausf. F
Sd Kfz 222
Panzer IV Ausf. G (x2)
SS-HaupsurmfuhrerAllied Commons:
6-Pounder AT
Royal Engineers
M1 Garand Rifle (x2)
Bazooka (x2)
Mortar M2
3" Gun M5
MAS 7.5mm Rifle
PTRD-41 AT-rifleAxis Commons:
Antitank Grenadier
SNLF Paratroopers
Ariaka Rifle (x2)
Fucile Modello 1891
PAK 38 AT (x2)
Panzerfaust 30
Mauser Kar 98K -
Victory Points
Alright I hear a bunch of people talkin about how Pacific is tilted in the Japanese favor, but I don’t see it that way. Maybe its because I am to historically oriented and i feel I have to fight all my enemies at the same time, and also my dice rolls are usually pretty unlucky. I also think though that it is because many people play the victory points and I dont see how that is in anyway historically acurate because the allies wouldn’t have just called it quits if Japan had captured enough territory where they were an economic power or what not, and also I don’t think the allies would have called it quits if India or Australia or the US was captured by the Japanese or any combonation of two of the capitols. If that makes any since.
RE: Which fleet combination is the best at sea?
Idk but I always like to throw a couple of transoprts or subs in with my fleets as potenital sacrifices