• It seems as though this is the game best suited to actually buying Battleships. I was just wondering how important everyone else thinks they are to Pacific.

    I think that Battleships are quite useful in this game. Not only can they provide much needed firepower to amphib assualts that may be out of range of bombers but they also provide far more than a destroyer. That, coupled with 2 HP for every countries turn I think makes it worth it to keep a couple around.

    aint no need to hide, aint no need to run, 'cuase I got you in the sights of my gun.
    -Led Zeppelin, How Many More Times

    [ This Message was edited by: bossk on 2002-03-03 19:03 ]

  • no one has any comments on battleships? no on thinks that they are a waste of cash? no one has on opinion? what is the world coming to?

  • When i play the Americans, on the frist turn i like to buy 3 Battleships, there tight.

    I dont think the Japs can afford them.

    Nothing beats a horde of battleships, somtimes you just have to over do it.

  • IMHO, destoyers are a better deal for the US because you get an attack of 6 and a defense of 6 for 24 IPCs instead of 4 and 4, plus the “anti submarines” capabilities of the destroyers.

    Even the “two hits” capacity of the battleship does not make them equal.

    • ThePro

    [ This Message was edited by: ThePro on 2002-03-13 14:14 ]

  • Yes, but the battleship’s superior amiphib assualt shot (4 opposed to 2) makes it quite valuable in an island hopping campaign.

  • I think you do not understand my point:

    Destroyers have a 2 on Amphibious Assault but you get two of them for a battleship (4) so they are even of this point !

  • No, you don’t understand probability. the chances of hitting with 2 destroyers in an amphib assualt are 1 in 6. the odds of a battleship doing this is 2 in 3.

  • with 2 hits the battleships are better, IMO.If you hit a Bship once its still around, a hit on a Destroyer…it gone.
    With the amount of ICP the US has in the game, i dig on the battleship.

    [ This Message was edited by: Mr Ghoul on 2002-03-13 19:51 ]

  • bossk, you must revise your probabilities maths !

  • '19 Moderator

    Battleships are perfect for attacking small fleets because they soak up the damage. They’re a great tool for america to use to clean up the pacific. They also in a way negate the sneek atack by subs since they don’t sink in the first hit.

  • But with destroyers, subs do not get their first attack hit ! Even better !

  • Battleships can take the frist sub hit.

    [ This Message was edited by: Mr Ghoul on 2002-03-14 16:21 ]

  • i’m a fan of destroyers too… much better bang for the buck:
    amphib assault:
    chance 2 hits = 11%
    chance 1 hits = 44%
    chance >0 hits = 55%
    chance 2 hits = 0%
    chance 1 hits = 60%
    chance >0 hits = 60%
    so, a slight edge for the BB but no chance of 2 hits…
    regular combat
    chance 2 hits = 25%
    chance 1 hits = 50%
    chance >0 hits = 75%
    chance 2 hits = 0%
    chance 1 hits = 60%
    chance >0 hits = 60%
    so, hige edge for the destroyers, plus the chance of 2 hits!
    add to this the sub killer ability and and it seems such a better deal

  • I still say battleships are better, though you need destroyers for support.

    If you have a battle with 6 destroyers and 3 battleships, who would have the advantage?
    The destroyers would on paper. But, if 3 destroyers hit with one attack and all the BBs’ hit, the BBs have the upperhand. If the BBs’ were the attackers, then they can withdraw with no loses and the destroyer numbers are halved with 36 icp lost.

  • Battleships are useful for protecting transports from subs. If you get a few casualties, just damage the battleship(s). With destroyers, you’d be losing transports.

  • Ture. If you do the match numbers you risk losing either 11-14 IPCs if you get hits from subs on a destroyer or transport. However you can also interpret half a battleship as being worth 12 IPCs…

  • Buying battleships is really quite pointless, the only country that can really even think about doing it is the US, and in my opinion they have to get in the war too quickly to be buying battleships.
    Maybe this is strange, but I’ve never played a game in which japan had’nt won or lost by the end of J4. If Japan is going after India, which is often the case, the only hope with an American Navy is to invade mainland Japan, even that is hard to do by the fourth turn, and even this can usually be stopped with sub stalling.
    So if I know Japan is going after India, I’ll usually build four bobmbers to harass the Japanese with the only unit that can possibly get there in time, often the japs will leave transports unguarded, thinking them safe.

  • I just started playing Axis& Allies Pacific 2 days ago. What is Cameron talking about with the 2 hits thing? And I prefer destroyers by the way. Mostly because I use 5 carriers per game and destroyers are necessary to prevent first strikes that would destroy my carriers and possibly both fighters they are carrying. On the other hand, I prefer battleships for amphibious assaults.

  • :oops: (CORRECTED)

    to clarify a few things -

    The bb may be played as a 2 hit to sink it in the same turn(damage repaired at the end of the battles if did not receive 2 hits).

    A)bb cost 24 IPCs hits on def/off @ 4 or less(66% chance to hit, 33% chance to miss),
    B)can assist in amfib. :P ass. with one shot @ 4 or less(66% chance to hit, 33% chance to miss), and
    C)can absorb 1 first shot attack from ss and still shoot back,


    A) des cost 12 IPCs hits on def/off @ 3 or less(50% chance to hit, 50% chance to miss),
    B) can assist in amfib. :P ass. with one shot @ 3 or less(50% chance to hit, 50% chance to miss),
    C)cancels all first shot attacks from subs each round the des starts, and
    D)enables ftrs to assist in attacks v subs in the same sz in each round of battle the des starts.

    So the idea is for 24 IPCs you can get 1 bb that will hit on 4 or less and survive if only takes one hit,


    for 24 IPCs you can get 2 des that will hit on 3 or less(def) and lose one if it only takes one hit.
    Did I get it right or confuse my games? - Xi(CORRECTED)
    P.S. - The 1999 rules state that the destroyer gets a 3 or less to hit on def/off/amf. ass. :P

  • I believe that Xi confused the defense and amphib assualt values for destroyers. They defend at 3 or less and their one shot support attck is at 2 or less.

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