What free tech roll does Germany have? I do not remember this one, did I miss something?
No free Tech roll. Consult the Tech Chart die rolls.
Unless you mean for the 35,000 page rules for the 36,39 game.
Really ? Why 39 now when u wanted 36.
Take out London navy. You should have 5 subs (7or8) if you attack Canada navy 1st impulse and 3 surface ships if u don’t get diced. Or take Canada navy out 2nd impulse so they can’t build navy there UK T1.
Impulse 1 take UK navy, Reims, Warsaw, activate Hungry, Romania and Finland.
Impulse 2 take UK navy, Paris (no planes), Yugo, Narvik, German Cruiser take out UK tranny in SA, Vichy rolls, activate Bulgeria and land some figs in Romania so you can land them in Italy T2 in Torbuk.
T2 take Holland (collect 18 icp), Denmark and Norway.
This is the kinda normal moves in our games.
This is for the 39 1st Edition map.