• hey guys

    it took me a while but i finally had time to play another round of A&A 42.

    somewhere in the game germany attacked two ships of the Uk with a bomber and a sub.

    the ships of the UK where protecting two transports with cargo.

    now this is what happened, G sinks one ship, UK kills the sub. round 2, G sinks the second ship but UK also takes down the bomber.

    what happens with the transport? we left it where it was because G only could throw one hit with its bomber. is this correct.
    in the manuel you read that transorts are automatticly sunk because they can’t defend but you can only sink them when no other units are remaining.
    so since we sunk the last boat and it took us down from the sky we decided that the transports remained unharmed.


  • Official Q&A

    You decided correctly.

  • ok thought so, thanks for the reply

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