• If the US is kept out until turn 4, there is no reason why India and Anzac are not large and in charge.  They should be able to send air to the middle east and russia.

  • @madisonart:

    I will try to summarize here so as not to write novels.  I am going off of memory as well so it may be a bit inaccurate.

    **First of all, what I’d do is download TripleA and look at some of the games(i.e. builds, combat moves, non-coms, etc…) of the better players on the site(Gamerman, AllWeNeedIsLove, Hobo, AlexTheGreat, just to name a few) to see what they do playing the Axis and the Allies. There are also other good players on the site as well. You can also look at their games. Also, go through the Global 1940 forum for other topics, advice, good info, etc…

    Secondly, usually the Allies get a bid of at least 12 to 15 or more IPC’s. Use the IPC’s to build a Brit Sub in SZ81 for an attack on the Italian navy in SZ97 on Turn 1. If you get 14 IPC’s build a destroyer in SZ91.

    The other thing is, in most cases you have to know that eventually Russia will fall.**

    Turn 1:

    Germany - hits UK Navy, takes France - Germany doesn’t annex Bulgaria or Finland on Turn 1? Big mistake!
    Russia - pulls back from borders both east and west, buys infantryn - Always leave at least one Infantry in each territory. Don’t build just Inf. Build a combo of Inf and Art. Amass your troops in Belarus and W. Ukraine for possible counter-attack. If Japan attacked Korea, that would activate Mongolia. Most Japanese players don’t do that. IMHO, that was a mistake on Japan’s part. Use the troops in Buryatia, Sakha and Mongolia to start marching back towards Moscow and into China.
    Japan - DW on Russia, attacks north of Korea, China and moves navy away from USA to coast
    USA - Flew Air from Philippines to Guam, grouped navy at Pearl, built mostly navy - Make a decision w/the US, whether you’re going after Germany or Japan. Amass your fleet off the East or West coast accordingly. Generally want to build a NB in SE Mexico on Turn 1 to swing from SZ64 to Hawaii or Gibraltar in one turn. You want to spend about 65% to 75% in the theater you’re going after(KJF(Kill Japan First) or KGF(Kill Germany First). If you amass your navy in SZ64 on Turn 1, you can have 6 fully loaded transports to swing to Pearl or Gibraltar on Turn 2. Usually Japan attacks on Turn 2.
    UK - Attacked Italian Fleet, 1/2 successful. Pulled back to Cairo, attacked in East Africa. Build factory in Egypt, built up India with INF\ - The Italian fleet should be pretty much dead on Turn 1. SZ97 should die most of the time, even w/scrambling 3 FTR’s by Germany/Italy. And SZ96 should be dead as well. IMHO, you should neuter Italy’s navy. It’s a big help to the Brits. How did the Italian fleet survive pretty much intact? Bad dice?
    Italy - Applies huge pressure on UK in Africa with remaining fleet (mostly intact) , does some Balkan attacks and southern France - What does some Balkan attacks mean? Greece? Again, if you take out 2 Italian Trans on Turn 1 w/the Brits, then that pretty much prevents them from taking Greece. Especially if you have Brit naval units left in SZ97.
    Anzac - Build men and a boat, occupied Dutch New Guinea. - Occupy Java on Turn 1. Build a Trans and occupy New Guinea on Turn 2.

    Turn 2:

    Germany - Builds up for Russian invasion, does some Balkan stuff, not much else really. - What does Balkan stuff mean? More details? Attack Yugo? Germany should have taken Yugo on Turn 1.
    Russia - Builds infantry, does nothing else
    Japan - Continues to push on China and Russia, builds factory in China, Air and inf/tanks, and starts island attacking - What does island attacking mean? If Japan attacked any of the Brit, Dutch, US or Anzac island(s), then the US should have been able to have declared war on Turn 2. Your notes state the US didn’t declare war until Turn 3. Most Japanese players declare war on Turn 2. You need to have the US available to pounce on Turn 2.
    USA - Builds more navy, gets air from Guam to Hawaii.  Also builds some infantry and transports
    UK - Continues to fight Italians in Med, stacks up defenses in Egypt and clears off Italians in east Africa.
    Italy - Reinforces units in Africa, attacks Yugo and takes it.
    Anzac - Builds an air, saves the rest I think

    Turn 3:

    Germany - DW Russia, takes frontier, annexes Finland and builds big INF stacks. - Why didn’t Germany annex Finland on Turn 1?
    Russia - Builds infantry, consolidates and waits in defense
    Japan - Pounds China, pushes more into Russia taking Sakha and the territories east, keeps fleet near China and takes more islands
    USA - DW on all Axis, moves stack to Gibraltar, mixed builds of ground and naval in preparation for fleet battle with Japan and landing troops in Africa or England
    UK - Continues fight in Med, holding out in Egypt, as Italians are on both sides of Cairo. - If you didn’t wipe out the Italian fleet on Turn 1, where is the UK navy? If you get a bid and put a Brit Sub in SZ81, you can attack SZ98 w/2 or 3 FTR’s, 1 Sub, 1 DD, 1 CC, 1 AC, 1 Tac and 1 SBR. More than enough to wipe out SZ98.
    Italy - Takes Trans Jordan and reinforces more into Alexandria, controls all Med waters.
    Anzac - Builds a ship and saves rest takes another island if I recall

    Turn 4:

    Germany - Takes next layer of Russian territories, (Not Novgorod though)  Builds more for land war.
    Russia - Builds more INF does not attack.
    Japan - More gains against China, Burma road falls, gains in Russia and Mongolia as well, builds are in air, inf, tanks. - The Burma road didn’t fall until Turn 4? I seriously hope you were building Art w/the Chinese.
    USA - Builds on both sides of USA, but leaning on Pacific still with Air/Carriers (By end of game I had 4 Carriers loaded with Air)
    UK - Takes Trans Jordan back, counter attacks Burma road, taking it back.  Fleet in East Africa.  Builds more in Egypt and preps for Attack on Alexandria.  Navy ready at the Red Sea.  
    Italy - Pretty much builds Infantry and air and waits for UK counter in Africa.
    Anzac - Has nice fleet now and engages part of ��� fleet at New Guinea and takes it with heavy losses.

    Turn 5:

    Germany - Takes Novgorod, and builds more for Moscow assault, also Stalingrad falls.
    Russia - Builds inf and consolidates… waiting.  About 40 Inf in Moscow now.
    Japan - Pushes more into Russia linking with Germans at Kazahkstan, retakes Burma.
    USA - Moves amphibious group from east coast to Gibraltar. Large fleet moves to Soviet east and lands at Far East.  Continues to spread builds out for Pac/Euro. - Move the US fleet in the Pacific down to Hawaii, then either take Caroline Is. or move to Queensland. Caroline Is. are important b/cuz of the NB or Queensland b/cuz of the NB. Can attack the “money islands” or Philippines from there. Caroline Is. still puts you in range of Japan. Not sure how much Soviet Far East is going to do for you, unless you think you can take Japan, land in Korea or land in SZ19 or SZ20. Or, convoy disrupt in SZ6. What happened to US fleet that moved to Gibraltar?
    UK - Finally clears out Italy from all of Africa with big attack on Alexandria.  By now though the Germans are in the Caucasus and threatening the Middle East.  India is starting to feel the pinch and builds INF.  ��� air is incredible and the Germans are getting close too.
    Anzac - Starts 2nd fleet builds and doesn’t do much.  2 of its air are in Moscow by now.

    Turn 6

    Germany attacked adjacent to Moscow with size still had massive stacks just out of reach.
    Russia - Counter attacked 1 stack wiping it, but down to about 35 inf in Moscow
    Japan - Massed fleet near Malaya, upgraded factory in China to major and continued to build air/tanks/men.  Ignoring US fleet.
    USA - Moves fleet to Japan, only has 4 Inf vs 10 Inf and 8 Air.  Decides to Park and blockade to goad Japan to attack me.  Continues to build split between Europe/Pacific.  Japan just ignores my fleet and continues to push inland to India and has all the islands now.  I realize I will have to chase the fleet to Indian ocean to destroy it, which will take 2-3 turns.  Meanwhile they just keep building ground/air and beef up Japan.  It’s too late to do much now, Russia is down to about 8 income, China is gone, Japs are next to India even though their fleet is 1/2 the US fleet in carriers and surface ships I’m about x2, but out of reach without much amphib capability in the Pacific
    e decided it would take far too long for USA to be effective.  Allies hold Norway, all of Africa, just India and Australia and Hawaii.  All of Asia is conquered other than Moscow and Soviet Far East.  Japan income was in the the 70’s Germany in the 60’s UK 30 maybe and USA was around 60 I think.  Italy about 10.

  • I noticed a detail that may have something to do with USA not being effective.

    You mentioned having to wait to declare with USA til end turn 3, but on your J2 description you mention Japan attacking islands. This may be a misunderstanding of your post on my part, but if Japan attacks islands it has to declare on the Western Allies, which means USA is in the war on turn 2.

    Am i misreading your post?  If not, you guys may have been playing the political rules slightly incorrectly.

  • Hello Madisonart,

    A long post but I thought if you are used to playing operational level wargames (OCS), you must also be used to reading very long rules and players notes ;-). I know I have. I read whole bookworks to be able to play certain games!

    I’ll try to give you an idea of a general allied strategy that works for me all the time. Instead of analysing your game and give turn-by-turn advice, which was already provided by ghr and commando. They provided some excellent strategic and tactical notes, such as grabbing Iraq with Russia for example, which I will skip. I’ll just try to give you a very basic, general template that works for me.

    I am assuming Germany launces a focussed barbarossa like in your game. So, not elaborating on all the ins and outs of a (surprise) Sea Lion.

    Russia must start building and moving very defensively, always to the aim of getting the maximum amount of defensive combat values and units in Moskou by the turn Germany can attack it. Also, the building of ART must not be overlooked because those units will improve Russian attack ability while not hurting the maximium defense value in Moskou.
    For Barbarossa I build 4ART+7INF a turn pre-barbarossa, complemented with building as much bodies (inf/art/mech) as possible during barbarossa. This usually requires building slow INF and ART in Moskou and MECH in Stalingrad.
    If Russia looses no units during Barbarossa (and shouldn’t), the unit-count in Moskou goes up to the 100 with a big fat 225-ish defensive value!
    Maybe you are thinking Russia must loose units during Barbarossa because some lonely INF must Always be put in the front areas to prevent German blitzes?
    That is not necessary if you defend very strongly in the second area(s) away from the German stack(s) until you reach Moskou where you must hold the line obviously. With this defense, Germany can attack only with ARM+MECH pairs + Luftwaffe (IF it is in range, because some Germans leave the Luftwaffe to ward off the UK+USA). Your stack(s) should have more units AND more combat value than the German Blitz-stacks, so attacking you is highly unfavorable for Germany. The only option Germany now has is attacking 1 area deep per turn because you will kill each and any Blitzers happily (they will Always end next to your big stack(s) and trading inf/art for German ARM/MECH is very favourable).
    Moving Russian units defensively (for Moskou) also means that you must not try to attack Finland or to defend Leningrad/Ukraine. Units used here cannot defend Moskou and if Germany just ignores your units stationed there, Moskou is screwed. You can, of course, attack each and any area back if this can be done with equal or less losses than German units.
    Bringing back the Siberians + Mongolians (those 18INF+Mongolians around the Japanese Borders) is very important for the Survival of Moscou. Start retreating them at once. The extra IPCs that they protect (7/turn) cannot produce 18-21 INF during the first 9 turns anyway.
    A tactical note: attacking German stacks/units adjacent to Moskou is always good if you do not loose more defensive value than Germany looses offensive value. If you can kill the main/big German stack threatening Moskou do it! Even if this means you can’t win but most likely bring the stack down to a few units that the RAF (see below) can mop up after you. Try to keep your air alive if you do this.
    Once the Siberians returned, position your forces so that Moskou is unbreachable and Stalingrad + Caucasus can be attacked with much force OR you can take out the main German stack next turn if you move everything into Moskou.
    If the Luftwaffe is fighting Americans, the Germans in Russia are now done for. If not, the western Allies have easy time picking off areas in Europe.

    UK1 -> If you think a surprise Sea Lion is possible, build 2FTR + 2INF in London and move your med-fleet to Gibraltar. I 'll not go any further into Sea Lion because this complicates things unnecesarily and I am assuming a focussed Barbarossa anyway. In UK2 it will be very clear no nasty surprise will come.
    Kill the Italian fleet asap with favourable odds. UK1 this is possible but it can be done later as well. In the worst case scenario, Italy will be able to sail its TRS/fleet once to put more forces into Africa and then you can destroy it. The extra Italian troops in Africa are also not much of a problem for the UK.
    Try to build 2 FTR/TAC (London/SA/Canada) a turn for a while (4/5 turns from the start) and start channeling them -> Africa (-> Persia -> Moskou if need be). The rest of the UK IPCs should either be spent on ARM/MECH or INF/ART/TRS in SA for as long as needed to make sure UK will hold/take back Egypt. Comes turn 6 the RAF is in very good shape and this force is amazingly flexible! UK can fly them everywhere where needed. Afrika should be safe. Maybe taly got their hands on Cairo but you can make sure it is never for more than 1 turn! A viable alternative to this might be building an IC in Persia like was suggested by others.
    Once the USA has a strong presence in the Atlantic/Western med, switch to producing STR, TRS, INF, ART + the occasional protection for the growing US-UK TRS fleet. CVs are great for this since the RAF already is huge!
    Together with the USA the UK should position so that a large range of targets is under invasion-threat. Berlin, West Germany and all of Italy must be reachable all in 1 turn. The Axis will have a hard time deciding how to position against this flexibility.
    While the US-UK invasion force is growing, pound German and Italian factories with STR, so they must pay multiple ribs from their body if they want to reinforce Western Europe. And you just make sure they MUST ;-).
    India must build a lot of INF plus the occasional ART/MECH. If you can slide in an extra FTR/TAC, perfect! Take advantage of the DEI for as long as you are at peace with Japan by taking them 1 by 1 together with ANZAC. Defend Burma with everything you have for as long as you can (retreating the Malayan force into Shan State is a good tactical move with a strong adjacent Burma stack).
    Once Burma can be taken by Japan without massive air-losses, retreat.
    Retreat all the way into Persia, and even further if needed. In the mean time, the British Africa-veterans march into the Middle East to contest Caucasus and Stalingrad if Germany (repeatedly) takes it and/or reinforce India.
    Do Not Loose The  Indian Army in this stage of the game! Once the Pursuing Japanese (if they pursue at all) come in range of all the extra European UK Air and land units, they will get a nasty surprise…

    A very important reminder first: The IJN is not really that much stronger than the US fleet! It is their (number of) aircraft that you must fear! And those aircraft have a difficult time reaching Hawai/Sydney… If it is not for defending Hawai/Sydney, keep your fleet out of their range.

    The USA has multiple options but I just go into my own favourite. Assuming Japan is focussing down India and the DEI, defend Hawai by spending basic here. Basic means that you spend roughly 20% of your total income PLUS what Japan might be spending on stuff that can kill Hawai (on average!). Spend on warships (CV, FTR, DD, Sub). Some of my friends ignore warships and try to stack Hawai with INF + FTR but I Always end up taking Hawai if I play Japan against this.
    For the early game, ignore their TRS-builds in this regard, because those cannot kill Hawai if Japan cannot kill your warships + air. Hawai is positioned very good to punish Japan everywhere his air can’t reach you. Keep a keen eye out for his aircraft range when you pinish Japan by raiding his convoys/taking away his Islands one by one.
    Once the IJN returns its attention towards you (usually after India fell), USA has no other options than to spend as much on warships and TRS+load as Japan does. Even if this means 100% of its income. Otherwise Hawai/Sydney may fall and that is a Pacific win right there!
    Some pretty good tactical outmanouvring may be needed to win but as far as spending and grand-strategical position goes, USA has the upper hand and only looses Hawai/Sydney due to its own mistakes. USA has produced more on warships than Japan for roughly 7 turns and that is enough.
    In Europe, the USA must occupy Gibraltar NO later than turn 3, with as much loaded TRS as possible. Ofc those TRS need adequate protection (so keep an eye on what Axis air can reach that spot). Depending on when Japan DOWS, I usually arrive in Gibraltar US3 with 5 loaded TRS and adequate protection.
    Before most or all US resources must go into the Pacific (if at all), I tend to produce 10/11 TRS fully loaded, adequate protection against the Luftwaffe (IF it is still in the west, not fighting Russians), which means Carriers with air, the rest AIR.
    The odd FTR for scrambling (also a great means to protect the fleet from London, or Gibraltar when  the UK placed an airbase there) but mainly STR to drob bombs on Germany together with the UK. Those STR also add a lot of punch to the invasion force when the time comes.
    Take out Norway asap, with a token force if needed. Sacrifice a TRS for this if you have to. Loosing Norway costs Germany 8 IPCs!
    Take out Normandy/Southern France just for fun and income. Huge amounts of RAF can land there same turn the US took it. If you can still spend in Europe, produce out of those factories. If not, forget it ;-). Keep your TRS nearby and protected to evacuate/attack somewhere else if needed. Liberate Paris only if you can keep it indefinately, and/or Kill Italy now. UK (+ French if you liberated Paris) production should more than compensate if you cannot produce in Europe anymore due to Japan’s actions. My rule of thumb: never loose your invasion force. Do NOT land where you can be kicked out immediately after as you might not have the resources left to replace your army here and the threat must remain intact. If you have lots and lots of IPCs to spend here it is a different story…
    Remember: If Germany is making it very hard for the US-UK to gain ground in Europe, Russia will have a much easier time and be on the counterattack even! Germany cannot be strong everywhere at the same time. Especially its Luftwaffe!

    The Little ones:
    ANZAC must not be fooling around and every action/production must be done with the aim to protect Sydney. The first turns go ahead and take Java/DNG but never produce less than 3 units per turn in Sydney, preferrably as much FTR as you can. Once India has fallen, Sydney must be SO strongly defended that Japan can only take it with major investments and effort, opening up the way for the USA to attack them in their flanks. A lot of Air is also very flexible in switching to the offensive once that becomes an option. 3 ANZAC FTR should be in the NB-AB where the US fleet is positioned for extra protection, as well as the ANZAC fleet. In case of the FTR, only as long as  sydney is safe.
    CHINA must attack Yunnan as long as possible with as few units as possible to grow stronger in Szechwan. But they must retreat out of Szechwan once Japan is in position to wipe it clean while loosing only 3 to 4 aircraft itself. If you can double their air losses it might be worthwhile to stay a bit longer in Szechwan but your main goal here is to preserve the Chinese army as long as possible!

    Hope this all can be of help!

  • Brando, why would you leave 1 inf in each territory?  The only ones that matter are rostov and Baltic States.  You will lose 6 ipcs in units for not much gain in epl/bess.

  • Thanks for all the replies.  I don’t recall details on the other countries.  I think it’s safe to say the players did their due diligence and annexed countries as soon as possible. e.g., Germany hitting Finland and Bulgaria turn 1 etc.  No one botched builds IMO.

    Japan didn’t take out any islands until turn 4.  I need to clarify that.  When they moved on turn 4, most all the islands fell as did French Indo, Burma, Malaya and the Brit holding in China.  The only ships the Japanese player built the entire game were transports.  Not 1 other ship.  So the bulk of his builds were tanks/inf and air.  By turn 5 the Japanese and Anzac where fighting fleet vs fleet and both got mashed.  The Jap’s had 2-3 fleet groups and they were all down by Malaya and Borneo.

    I’ll read the long posts later, I just wanted to mention that all the things you normally are supposed to do annexing and doing smart builds was more or less done IMO.  Again I apologize on lack of details for other countries, I sad idle a long time building and advising my son who played UK and Anzac but I tried not to pester them too much.

    I also have done 5-6 games on TripleA.  Beat my oldest son last night by like turn 10-11… as allies.  He went for a Sea Lion and all out on UK… I lost Egypt but took it back.  Russia stayed strong with 50+ in Moscow and pushing back into China.  Calcutta fell but would have been retaken.  Japan lost all its island holdings, Korea, and its two factory builds in China fell to US/Anzac forces.

  • @ShadowHAwk:

    Also dont bother buying mech with russia or india at all the first few rounds.
    For russia you can produce 6 units at the front line and the rest can come from moscow. The mech does not add anything there an art costs the same and gives you striking power.I would still buy mechs if Germany is doing sealion so that I threaten east europe.  They also become useful for running down to Iraq or supporting china.  But usually, russia is too busy defending itself to buy mechs.
    For india unless you intend to DOW japan yourself you dont need mech, as you are 2 steps away from the important zones and you need art to be there with you.I agree that it depends on what you plan on as india.  Mechs are good if you plan on supporting yunna  or threatening/supporting malaya/fic/persia.  Otherwise, inf and art are the way to go.

    Mech is generaly only usefull for japan and germany as they have to move far from their production and getting inf to the frontlines takes them a long time, the allies can produce practicaly on the front line.

    As russia dont be afraid to pounce germany if they are 2 light and then attack towards your factories for extra reinforcements.

  • madisonart, most of what you posted sounded pretty standard, but a couple things stood out.

    1. The Axis waited for turn 3 to attack on both sides (this should work to the favor of the Allies as far as bulking up Moscow). Russians building a couple ftrs, and mostly inf should give you a 50-60+ unit Russian wall to delay the German assault. You managed to get some allied ftrs to Moscow, need a few more IMO. Once you have control of the Med your UK planes and Med/Indian forces can start to filter into Russia.

    2. As the others pointed out, sounds like your Russians may have been trying to def Leningrad. If you stack Leningrad, those inf probably don’t make it to Moscow for the big dance (to slow, or are dead). The only way I fight in the north is if I (or other allies) can kill the Germans Baltic fleet so the Russians can take and hold Finland/Norway for the 3 IPC NO bonus. This would be rare, but it can happen, Norway might be better left to the Western Allies though (IC). You might pull back, and counter attack a weak German army to trade Leningrad, as long as the cost isn’t too much (delays them from building units there, same with Ukraine or Stalingrad). I would also be pulling the bulk of the Siberians back each turn (maybe leave 4-5 inf and 1 AA to def so the Japs can’t easily blitz through. If you get a chance to attack/defend with them on China’s back side then do it to delay or kill the the Japs as they breakthrough (a couple mechanizes units or ftr(s) can help here, but don’t risk too much). I normally buy a Russian ftr each turn, and an occasional art/mech for attacks of opportunity. If you can keep a couple inf/mech/tank near the Mid East border Iraq could be a valuable target (again NO bonus IPCs), and your fast moving units can come back to def Caucasus, or work w/UK units filtering into the Mid East.

    3. You built an IC for Egypt UK1 (which I like), so I’m assuming the German builds indicated a straight forward Barbarossa especially if they attacked with their Battleship on G1 (if I’m going Sea Lion I would want the BB to protect German transports, along with a carrier build at some point). As UK I would have probably built a ftr and 2 inf for London (along w/IC in Egypt) just for extra security (ftrs are always needed). The Germans could still do a semi surprise Sea Lion, or attempt a move on Scotland followed by an assault on London.

    4. Not sure what happened in your attack on the Italian sz97 navy. It sounded like you whiffed, or didn’t hit it hard enough (you said the Italian navy was left mostly intact). If you don’t fear Sea Lion (which you didn’t) then the Italian navies in sz 96 & 97 are a must kill. Not sure if the UK cruiser off Gib survived G1, but if it is still alive use it to attack sz 96 (with a ftr). Hit sz 97 using your Med fleet (carrier), other air units in the Med and at least 1 ftr from London (land on carrier). Your bomber can make it as well (probably lands on Malta w/AA/inf and other air units). As you know the Axis can scramble up to 3 air units to sz 97 so you need to overload it. If they scramble then generally it would be a near wash, but the UK should be able to kill off the Ita Navy (transport must die) a couple axis planes and have a couple planes left. If they elect to not scramble then you easily kill off the fleet, and might leave the carrier (UNDAMAGED) destroyer and 1-2 ftrs to force the Italians or Germans to hit it (overload Italy on their first turn, they can’t do it all). Either way you’re killing axis units, and you have a new fleet arriving from the Indian Ocean. Egypt should be safe leaving Italy with only one transport, but make sure to kill the Ethiopians UK1 (use your transport) so they can’t surround you on Ita1. The Germans will probably send some ftrs to protect the Italians after they take Alex (you should have pulled back to Egypt maybe leaving just an inf depending if your ships survived and have blocked out the Italians via sea). You will be able to draw in reinforcements, and build units in Egypt, so all should be well.

    5. The USA needs to be guns blazing when they go to war (or soon after) especially if the Axis have waited til the 3rd turn to attack. I favor heavy builds on one side or the other (over 2-3 turns), that way you will have the punch you need to make a difference. If you spend evenly with the US on both sides early you will find that you are too weak to do anything of real value. You might need to build a couple things for the other side, but I like to overload to make an immediate impact. Many times what the Axis do the first couple turns will help indicate what and where the US builds. Are they doing Sea Lion, or did Germany lose some air power the first couple turns and are a better target.

    If the Axis are delaying, I like to build heavy Pacific the first 3 turns so I can threaten the Japanese income and warships/transports ASAP (also might force them to buy war ships, not only transports and ground units). The US can move more freely on the Pacific side pre-war. Positioning in Hawaii or off Queensland is a better option IMO (as the others have said) then trying to invade or convoy Japan itself (as you have found out), just make sure your not a sitting duck LOL. The US needs to threaten the $ Islands, Caroline Is, or Southern Asia to take some pressure off India. When the Japanese take the $ Islands they should expose some of their transports, or maybe other fleet, the Pacific allies need to be ready to strike. I like for the Anz to back up my American fleet (maybe save and buy a carrier), play clean-up if things go well in a major battle, and always have a transport ready to take something away from Japan. Your Anz seemed to fair pretty well taking a chunk out of the Japanese navy and getting ftrs to Moscow. Just imagine what you could do with a US Power in better position packing a punch!

    If you’re going heavy Pacific the US should supply a destroyer(s), maybe a carrier to the Atlantic and help to defend a rebuilt UK fleet. If going Europe Gibraltar is generally a good path to threaten all of Europe, but Iceland to Norway can be quicker because the Germans can’t block your path to Norway as easily, like they can if you are attacking Norway from Gib (Germany builds a destroyer in sz 110 w/French IC so you are delayed 1 turn from landing in Norway). Of course they will see where you are going, and Italy/Med won’t feel threatened.

    1. As others have pointed out, the Japanese can’t build (or upgrade to) a major IC on Chinese land (has Chinese control marker). The only place they could build a Major is on Korea. Another tidbit is that if the the Japanese build a Minor on an original Chinese territory, and the allies liberate that territory (reverts back to China) the IC goes by-by (removed from play). So if you get an opportunity to liberate such a territory w/complex Japan will be bummed.

  • Wild Bill’s moves are fairly standard, except that as you play more and more you will find that the 97 hit isnt always the optimal move on UK1.

    It seems like killing those boats would be the best you can do, but stacking 92, or with bid units killing tobruk actually does more to stop further Italy moves than the 97 hit.  The issue is that the cost involved (losing the Brit med fleet) can actually make it easier for Italy to rebuild a fleet relatively safely, and continue to have a strong effect on Africa, potentially even growing enough to threaten Egypt.

    Generally, if you stack 92, no matter what the combined 95 and 97 fleets do, they are doomed.  They arent big enough to hit the brit boats plus airbase defense, and they also cant get away from overwhelming brit attack dice with all the air UK can put in the theatre.

    Similarly, a Tobruk wipe just completely shuts down any Africa moves that Italy might try and pull off, as it puts Egypt so far ahead in bodies that it will never fall.

    Just watch out for the surprise Sealion if you send too much stuff forward to 98 (meaning air)

  • @WILD:

    madisonart, most of what you posted sounded pretty standard, but a couple things stood out.

    1. The Axis waited for turn 3 to attack on both sides (this should work to the favor of the Allies as far as bulking up Moscow). Russians building a couple ftrs, and mostly inf should give you a 50-60+ unit Russian wall to delay the German assault. You managed to get some allied ftrs to Moscow, need a few more IMO. Once you have control of the Med your UK planes and Med/Indian forces can start to filter into Russia.

    2. As the others pointed out, sounds like your Russians may have been trying to def Leningrad. If you stack Leningrad, those inf probably don’t make it to Moscow for the big dance (to slow, or are dead). The only way I fight in the north is if I (or other allies) can kill the Germans Baltic fleet so the Russians can take and hold Finland/Norway for the 3 IPC NO bonus. This would be rare, but it can happen, Norway might be better left to the Western Allies though (IC). You might pull back, and counter attack a weak German army to trade Leningrad, as long as the cost isn’t too much (delays them from building units there, same with Ukraine or Stalingrad). I would also be pulling the bulk of the Siberians back each turn (maybe leave 4-5 inf and 1 AA to def so the Japs can’t easily blitz through. If you get a chance to attack/defend with them on China’s back side then do it to delay or kill the the Japs as they breakthrough (a couple mechanizes units or ftr(s) can help here, but don’t risk too much). I normally buy a Russian ftr each turn, and an occasional art/mech for attacks of opportunity. If you can keep a couple inf/mech/tank near the Mid East border Iraq could be a valuable target (again NO bonus IPCs), and your fast moving units can come back to def Caucasus, or work w/UK units filtering into the Mid East.

    3. You built an IC for Egypt UK1 (which I like), so I’m assuming the German builds indicated a straight forward Barbarossa especially if they attacked with their Battleship on G1 (if I’m going Sea Lion I would want the BB to protect German transports, along with a carrier build at some point). As UK I would have probably built a ftr and 2 inf for London (along w/IC in Egypt) just for extra security (ftrs are always needed). The Germans could still do a semi surprise Sea Lion, or attempt a move on Scotland followed by an assault on London.

    4. Not sure what happened in your attack on the Italian sz97 navy. It sounded like you whiffed, or didn’t hit it hard enough (you said the Italian navy was left mostly intact). If you don’t fear Sea Lion (which you didn’t) then the Italian navies in sz 96 & 97 are a must kill. Not sure if the UK cruiser off Gib survived G1, but if it is still alive use it to attack sz 96 (with a ftr). Hit sz 97 using your Med fleet (carrier), other air units in the Med and at least 1 ftr from London (land on carrier). Your bomber can make it as well (probably lands on Malta w/AA/inf and other air units). As you know the Axis can scramble up to 3 air units to sz 97 so you need to overload it. If they scramble then generally it would be a near wash, but the UK should be able to kill off the Ita Navy (transport must die) a couple axis planes and have a couple planes left. If they elect to not scramble then you easily kill off the fleet, and might leave the carrier (UNDAMAGED) destroyer and 1-2 ftrs to force the Italians or Germans to hit it (overload Italy on their first turn, they can’t do it all). Either way you’re killing axis units, and you have a new fleet arriving from the Indian Ocean. Egypt should be safe leaving Italy with only one transport, but make sure to kill the Ethiopians UK1 (use your transport) so they can’t surround you on Ita1. The Germans will probably send some ftrs to protect the Italians after they take Alex (you should have pulled back to Egypt maybe leaving just an inf depending if your ships survived and have blocked out the Italians via sea). You will be able to draw in reinforcements, and build units in Egypt, so all should be well.

    5. The USA needs to be guns blazing when they go to war (or soon after) especially if the Axis have waited til the 3rd turn to attack. I favor heavy builds on one side or the other (over 2-3 turns), that way you will have the punch you need to make a difference. If you spend evenly with the US on both sides early you will find that you are too weak to do anything of real value. You might need to build a couple things for the other side, but I like to overload to make an immediate impact. Many times what the Axis do the first couple turns will help indicate what and where the US builds. Are they doing Sea Lion, or did Germany lose some air power the first couple turns and are a better target.

    If the Axis are delaying, I like to build heavy Pacific the first 3 turns so I can threaten the Japanese income and warships/transports ASAP (also might force them to buy war ships, not only transports and ground units). The US can move more freely on the Pacific side pre-war. Positioning in Hawaii or off Queensland is a better option IMO (as the others have said) then trying to invade or convoy Japan itself (as you have found out), just make sure your not a sitting duck LOL. The US needs to threaten the $ Islands, Caroline Is, or Southern Asia to take some pressure off India. When the Japanese take the $ Islands they should expose some of their transports, or maybe other fleet, the Pacific allies need to be ready to strike. I like for the Anz to back up my American fleet (maybe save and buy a carrier), play clean-up if things go well in a major battle, and always have a transport ready to take something away from Japan. Your Anz seemed to fair pretty well taking a chunk out of the Japanese navy and getting ftrs to Moscow. Just imagine what you could do with a US Power in better position packing a punch!

    If you’re going heavy Pacific the US should supply a destroyer(s), maybe a carrier to the Atlantic and help to defend a rebuilt UK fleet. If going Europe Gibraltar is generally a good path to threaten all of Europe, but Iceland to Norway can be quicker because the Germans can’t block your path to Norway as easily, like they can if you are attacking Norway from Gib (Germany builds a destroyer in sz 110 w/French IC so you are delayed 1 turn from landing in Norway). Of course they will see where you are going, and Italy/Med won’t feel threatened.

    1. As others have pointed out, the Japanese can’t build (or upgrade to) a major IC on Chinese land (has Chinese control marker). The only place they could build a Major is on Korea. Another tidbit is that if the the Japanese build a Minor on an original Chinese territory, and the allies liberate that territory (reverts back to China) the IC goes by-by (removed from play). So if you get an opportunity to liberate such a territory w/complex Japan will be bummed.

    I totally agree w/this strategy.

  • @ghr2:


    Also dont bother buying mech with russia or india at all the first few rounds.
    For russia you can produce 6 units at the front line and the rest can come from moscow. The mech does not add anything there an art costs the same and gives you striking power.I would still buy mechs if Germany is doing sealion so that I threaten east europe.  They also become useful for running down to Iraq or supporting china.  But usually, russia is too busy defending itself to buy mechs.
    For india unless you intend to DOW japan yourself you dont need mech, as you are 2 steps away from the important zones and you need art to be there with you.I agree that it depends on what you plan on as india.  Mechs are good if you plan on supporting yunna  or threatening/supporting malaya/fic/persia.  Otherwise, inf and art are the way to go.

    Mech is generaly only usefull for japan and germany as they have to move far from their production and getting inf to the frontlines takes them a long time, the allies can produce practicaly on the front line.

    As russia dont be afraid to pounce germany if they are 2 light and then attack towards your factories for extra reinforcements.


  • @Demandr3d:

    I noticed a detail that may have something to do with USA not being effective.

    You mentioned having to wait to declare with USA til end turn 3, but on your J2 description you mention Japan attacking islands. This may be a misunderstanding of your post on my part, but if Japan attacks islands it has to declare on the Western Allies, which means USA is in the war on turn 2.

    Am i misreading your post?  If not, you guys may have been playing the political rules slightly incorrectly.

    If Japan declares war on Britain, France, Anzac or the Dutch, then the USA on the beginning of it’s next turn, can declare war on Japan and all restrictions are lifted immediately. If Japan doesn’t declare on Britain, France, Anzac, Dutch or the USA by Turn 3, then on the Collect Income phase of the US Turn, it can declare war on Japan. The Collect Income phase is after Combat Movement, Combat and Non-Combat Movement, so the US in this scenario would still be limited by movement restrictions in the rule book. In your post, you mention Japan attacking the islands on Turn 2. So, the US should have been able to declare war and attack Japan on Turn 2. However, you didn’t mention the USA doing anything until I think it was Turn 3.

  • @ShadowHAwk:

    Also dont bother buying mech with russia or india at all the first few rounds.
    For russia you can produce 6 units at the front line and the rest can come from moscow. The mech does not add anything there an art costs the same and gives you striking power.
    For india unless you intend to DOW japan yourself you dont need mech, as you are 2 steps away from the important zones and you need art to be there with you.

    Mech is generaly only usefull for japan and germany as they have to move far from their production and getting inf to the frontlines takes them a long time, the allies can produce practicaly on the front line.

    As russia dont be afraid to pounce germany if they are 2 light and then attack towards your factories for extra reinforcements.

    I totally disagree. Mech CAN be hugely important to Russia, especially if Germany SeaLion’s. You can go after Iraq/Middle East w/Mech. You can go after Japan w/Mech. Combined w/tanks and air. This can be very devastating for the Axis.

  • @ghr2:

    Brando, why would you leave 1 inf in each territory?  The only ones that matter are rostov and Baltic States.  You will lose 6 ipcs in units for not much gain in epl/bess.

    I leave 1 Inf in each territory, so the Axis/enemy can’t just walk in. Inf have a 33% chance of a hit. Prevents a country from just taking a territory w/1 Inf. Usually the attacking country has to attack w/2 ground units, just in case your Inf gets a hit. Also prevents the enemy from sending just one ground unit on a long walk across your territories(i.e. when Japan starts marching across the Soviet Far East). I don’t always do this. Like in China, I consolidate the Chinese Inf whenever possible. But in Russia, I always try to leave at least 1 Inf in each territory. One thing to point out, I don’t leave 1 Inf in each territory, unless the enemy has a chance to take that territory.

  • @Commando:


    Brando, why would you leave 1 inf in each territory?  The only ones that matter are rostov and Baltic States.  You will lose 6 ipcs in units for not much gain in epl/bess.

    I leave 1 Inf in each territory, so the Axis/enemy can’t just walk in. Inf have a 33% chance of a hit. Prevents a country from just taking a territory w/1 Inf. Usually the attacking country has to attack w/2 ground units, just in case your Inf gets a hit. Also prevents the enemy from sending just one ground unit on a long walk across your territories(i.e. when Japan starts marching across the Soviet Far East). I don’t always do this. Like in China, I consolidate the Chinese Inf whenever possible. But in Russia, I always try to leave at least 1 Inf in each territory. One thing to point out, I don’t leave 1 Inf in each territory, unless the enemy has a chance to take that territory.

    Because they only have a 33% chance to hit, I would not want to risk giving away nearly free infantry kills to Germany unless they are defending something valuable.  Each infantry you put in his way is 1 less body defending something critical for a 33% chance to kill 1 thing.

  • @ghr2:



    Brando, why would you leave 1 inf in each territory?  The only ones that matter are rostov and Baltic States.  You will lose 6 ipcs in units for not much gain in epl/bess.

    I leave 1 Inf in each territory, so the Axis/enemy can’t just walk in. Inf have a 33% chance of a hit. Prevents a country from just taking a territory w/1 Inf. Usually the attacking country has to attack w/2 ground units, just in case your Inf gets a hit. Also prevents the enemy from sending just one ground unit on a long walk across your territories(i.e. when Japan starts marching across the Soviet Far East). I don’t always do this. Like in China, I consolidate the Chinese Inf whenever possible. But in Russia, I always try to leave at least 1 Inf in each territory. One thing to point out, I don’t leave 1 Inf in each territory, unless the enemy has a chance to take that territory.

    Because they only have a 33% chance to hit, I would not want to risk giving away nearly free infantry kills to Germany unless they are defending something valuable.  Each infantry you put in his way is 1 less body defending something critical for a 33% chance to kill 1 thing.

    It’s not just a 33% chance of killing something. It’s making the enemy commit more than 1 Inf/1 ground unit to take the territory. Maybe you didn’t read my entire post. Again, I don’t always leave 1 Inf behind in each territory(i.e. China and other territories). However, leaving 1 Inf behind on such things as islands, even 1 IPC islands. Your enemy would most likely have to commit at least 2 ground units to take the island. Therefore, forcing your opponent to commit more resources to take territories and have less units to use elsewhere. Like I said in my explanation, Soviet Far East is a good example. There are 13 IPC’s from Soviet Far East to Vologda/Samara. If your strategy is to leave these unguarded for Japan to just take w/1 Inf, then go for it. In my opinion, over the 26 years I’ve played A&A, it’s the wrong stategy.

  • I think ghr is referring to the German ‘deathball’ approach towards Moskou.
    In that case leaving 1INF in front of this huge army is ofc nuts… Germans will attack the territory with loads and loads of units anyway.

  • @Commando:




    Brando, why would you leave 1 inf in each territory?  The only ones that matter are rostov and Baltic States.  You will lose 6 ipcs in units for not much gain in epl/bess.

    I leave 1 Inf in each territory, so the Axis/enemy can’t just walk in. Inf have a 33% chance of a hit. Prevents a country from just taking a territory w/1 Inf. Usually the attacking country has to attack w/2 ground units, just in case your Inf gets a hit. Also prevents the enemy from sending just one ground unit on a long walk across your territories(i.e. when Japan starts marching across the Soviet Far East). I don’t always do this. Like in China, I consolidate the Chinese Inf whenever possible. But in Russia, I always try to leave at least 1 Inf in each territory. One thing to point out, I don’t leave 1 Inf in each territory, unless the enemy has a chance to take that territory.

    Because they only have a 33% chance to hit, I would not want to risk giving away nearly free infantry kills to Germany unless they are defending something valuable.  Each infantry you put in his way is 1 less body defending something critical for a 33% chance to kill 1 thing.

    It’s not just a 33% chance of killing something. It’s making the enemy commit more than 1 Inf/1 ground unit to take the territory How would this hurt a country like germany that will have mechs constantly reinforcing and the positioning does not screw him?. Maybe you didn’t read my entire post. Again, I don’t always leave 1 Inf behind in each territory(i.e. China and other territories) Japan can just send 1 inf and air, it really won’t hurt him if he wants to.. However, leaving 1 Inf behind on such things as islands, even 1 IPC islands. Your enemy would most likely have to commit at least 2 ground units to take the islandIt depends on the value of the island and the likelihood he/she would go for it.. Therefore, forcing your opponent to commit more resources to take territories and have less units to use elsewhere. I understand what you mean, but this is also a game of economics and efficiency.  If your opponent does not need to go for it, or is not even affected by it, the one infantry won’t be an issue.Like I said in my explanation, Soviet Far East is a good example. There are 13 IPC’s from Soviet Far East to Vologda/Samara. If your strategy is to leave these unguarded for Japan to just take w/1 Inf, then go for it. In my opinion, over the 26 years I’ve played A&A, it’s the wrong stategySince russia can easily stop japan from taking it unless Japan commits more to the front, it really is not an issue.  Also, with mongolia, it won’t be unguarded.

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