• Sponsor


    I have long wanted the UK NOs to be reworked, into something much like this:

    1. Collect 5 IPCs if the UK controls Quebec, Scotland, Gibraltar, Egypt and Trans-Jordan and no axis warships are in a sea zone adjacent to these territories.
    Theme: Control of vital supply lines to the Empire.

    2. Collect 5 IPCs if Sea Zones 101-127 are free of axis warships (Excluding zones 112-115)
    Theme: Security of shipping routes in the North Atlantic

    Likewise, Germany should perhaps have a new NO (instead of a London NO) to stimulate combat in the North Atlantic:

    1. Collect 5 IPCs if one of your warships ends your turn in an enemy convoy zone.
    Theme: Commerce raiding strategy considered valuable to German war effort.

    These are great ideas, but I would still give $5 for Germany controlling London… it’s the ultimate “National Objective” in the true sense on the term.

  • To be perfectly honest, the entire NO structure could stand to be reworked.

    The US should be able to get a lot more money as it goes on the offensive as a mechanic to end the game. They should have had a 5 IPC bonus for occupation of Normandy, or Holland Belgium. And they should have had a bonus for taking Iwo Jima and Okinawa and still having hawaii

  • Sponsor


    To be perfectly honest, the entire NO structure could stand to be reworked.

    The US should be able to get a lot more money as it goes on the offensive as a mechanic to end the game. They should have had a 5 IPC bonus for occupation of Normandy, or Holland Belgium. And they should have had a bonus for taking Iwo Jima and Okinawa and still having hawaii

    If you have the time, could you please list for us your complete restructuring of all National Objectives for 1940 Global?

  • Maybe some of this is a little messy, but I wrote this up a while back and never got to test it.

    When Germany Is Not at War with the Soviet Union:
    • 5 IPCs representing wheat and oil from the Soviet Union.
    Theme: Beneficial trade with the Soviet Union.

    When Germany Is at War with the United Kingdom and France:
    • 5 IPCs if Axis powers control of France, Southern France, Normandy/Bordeaux, Holland/Belgium, Western Germany.
    Theme: Control of Western Europe and maintaining the Atlantic Wall.
    • 5 IPCs if Germany controls Denmark and Norway while Sweden is not either pro-Allies or Allied-controlled.
    Theme: Access to iron ore and other strategic resources.
    • 2 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Iraq, Persia, and/or Northwest Persia.
    Theme: Access to strategic oil reserves.
    • 3 IPCs if a German land unit occupies Axis controlled Egypt.
    Theme: Access to strategic oil reserves.

    When Germany Is at War with the Soviet Union:
    • 5 IPCs if Germany controls of any six (6) of the following nine (9): Baltic States, East Poland, Bessarabia, Ukraine, West Ukraine, Belarus, Smolensk, Bryansk and Rostov.
    Theme: Living space, “Lebensraum”, for the German People
    • 5 IPCs if an Axis power controls Caucasus.
    Theme: Control of vital Soviet oil production.

    Soviet Union
    When the Soviet Union Is at War and no units belonging to other Allied powers are in any territories originally controlled by the Soviet Union.:
    • 3 IPCs for each Axis or neutral territory with an IPC value of 1 or more that the Soviet Union controls.
    Theme: Propaganda value and spread of Communism.

    When the Soviet Union and the United States are both at war with Germany and no units belonging to other Allied powers are in any territories originally controlled by the Soviet Union.:
    • 3 IPCs if the sea zones 124-127 are free of Axis warships and both Archangel is controlled by the Soviet Union.
    • 3 IPCs if the sea zones 2-5 are free of hostile Axis warships and both Amur is controlled by the Soviet Union.
    • 3 IPCs if the sea zones 98, 81, 76, and 80 are free of hostile Axis Warships and Persia is controlled by the Allies.
    Theme: Access to Allied Lend Lease materials.

    When Japan Is Not at War with the United States:
    • 10 IPCs if Japan is not at war with the United States, has not attacked French Indo-China, and has not made an unprovoked declaration of war against United Kingdom/ANZAC.
    Theme: Strategic resource trade with the United States.

    When Japan Is at War with the Western Allies:
    • 5 IPCs Japan controls any eight (8) Pacific Islands that have no IPC value.
    Theme: Strategic outer defense perimeter.
    • 5 IPCs if Axis powers control all of the following territories: Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and Celebes.
    Theme: Strategic resource centers.
    • 5 IPCs if Axis powers control all Chinese territories.
    Theme: Elimination of largest Asian opposition to the Co-Prosperity Sphere
    • 5 IPCs if Axis powers control all of the following territories: Dutch New Guinea, New Guinea, New Britain, and the Solomon Islands.
    Theme: Strategic control of the South Pacific.

    United Kingdom
    When the United Kingdom Is at War in Europe (awarded to the Europe economy):
    • 5 IPCs if Sea Zones 101-127 are free of axis warships (Excluding zones 112-115)
    Theme: Security of shipping routes in the North Atlantic
    • 5 IPCs if Africa and the Middle East are free of axis combat units.
    Theme: Colonial superiority and security for the United Kingdom.
    • 5 IPCs if no hostile Axis warships are adjacent to Egypt, Trans-Jordan or Gibraltar while all are controlled by the United Kingdom.
    Theme: Vital trade with the Far East.

    When the United Kingdom Is at War with Japan (awarded to the Pacific economy):
    • 5 IPCs if the United Kingdom controls both Kwangtung and Malaya.
    Theme: Maintenance of the empire considered vital national objective.
    • 5 IPCs if no hostile Axis warships are adjacent to Egypt, Trans-Jordan or Gibraltar while all are controlled by the United Kingdom.
    Theme: Vital trade with the Mother Country.

    When ANZAC Is at War with Japan:
    • 5 IPCs if an the UK Pacific Command controls Malaya and ANZAC controls all of its original territories.
    Theme: Malaya considered strategic cornerstone to Far East British Empire.
    • 5 IPCs if the Allies (not including the Dutch) control Dutch New Guinea, New Guinea, New Britain, and the Solomon Islands.
    Theme: Strategic outer defense perimeter.
    • 5 IPCs if the Allies control all of the following territories and no Axis warships are adjacent to them: Queensland, Solomon Islands, Gilbert Islands, Johnston Islands, Hawaiian Islands.
    Theme: Vital supply route to the United States

    When Italy Is at War:
    • 5 IPCs if there are no Allied surface warships in the Mediterranean Sea (sea zones 92 through 99).
    Theme: Propaganda and strategic advantage.
    • 3 IPCs if Axis powers control all of the following: Greece, Albania, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria.
    Theme: Axis dominance of the Balkans.
    • 3 IPCs if Axis powers control at least five (5) of the following: Gibraltar, Malta, Cyprus, Crete, Sicily, and Sardinia.
    Theme: Mediterranean dominance and security from Allied air power.
    • 3 IPCs if Axis powers control all of the following territories: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Tobruk.
    Theme: Stated North African military objectives.
    • 5 IPCs if Axis powers control all of the following territories: Alexandria, Egypt, Trans-Jordan, Anglo-Egypt Sudan, and Ethiopia.
    Theme: Italian colonial empire in Africa.
    • 2 IPCs per territory if Italy controls Iraq, Persia, and/or Northwest Persia.
    Theme: Access to strategic oil reserves.

    United States
    When the United States Is at War:  (In relation to sovereignty and War-time production.)
    • 15 IPCs if the United States controls all of the following territories: Eastern United States, Central United States, and Western United States.
    Theme: Basic national sovereignty.
    • 10 IPCs if the axis controls no territories in North America or South America, (including Hawaiian Islands, Aleutian Islands, West Indies, and Greenland).
    Theme: Security of commerce and transportation in the Western Hemisphere

    When the United States Is at War. (Accomplished in the European Theater)
    • 3 IPCs for each of the following territories occupied by American land units:  Normandy/Bordeaux, Holland/Belgium, Southern France, Sicily, Southern Italy.
    Theme: Opening of 2nd front in Western Europe
    • 5 IPCs if at least two of the following sea zones are occupied by American surface naval units: 107, 108, 117, 118.
    Theme: Atlantic shipping security

    When the United States Is at War. (Accomplished in the Pacific Theater)
    • 5 IPCs if the United States controls Philippines.
    Theme: Center of American influence in Asia.
    • 5 IPCs for American control of any eight (8) Pacific Islands that have no IPC value.
    Theme: Island Hopping strategy against Japan.

  • Sponsor

    Awesome!, Thank you for that.

  • When Germany Is at War with the Soviet Union:
    • 5 IPCs if Germany controls of any six (6) of the following nine (9): Baltic States, East Poland, Bessarabia, Ukraine, West Ukraine, Belarus, Smolensk, Bryansk and Rostov.
    Theme: Living space, “Lebensraum”, for the German People

    This is a bit tedious.
    I would prefer to have OOB 5 IPCs for the VCs.

    When the Soviet Union Is at War and no units belonging to other Allied powers are in any territories originally controlled by the Soviet Union.:
    • 3 IPCs for each Axis or neutral territory with an IPC value of 1 or more that the Soviet Union controls.
    Theme: Propaganda value and spread of Communism.

    I really like this, eliminates some cheesy play, and goes back to the 1st ed OOB NO.
    Makes more sense too.

    When the Soviet Union and the United States are both at war with Germany and no units belonging to other Allied powers are in any territories originally controlled by the Soviet Union.:
    • 3 IPCs if the sea zones 124-127 are free of Axis warships and both Archangel is controlled by the Soviet Union.
    • 3 IPCs if the sea zones 2-5 are free of hostile Axis warships and both Amur is controlled by the Soviet Union.
    • 3 IPCs if the sea zones 98, 81, 76, and 80 are free of hostile Axis Warships and Persia is controlled by the Allies.
    Theme: Access to Allied Lend Lease materials.

    I really like this aswell. More historical, and a touch easier for Russia to actually get some of it lol.
    I would however revise the 2nd to ‘if either sz 3 or 4 contains no axis ships’ and the 3rd to 98 or 80. Dont make it so hard it never happens, then its pointless to even add it. Also too many SZs to watch/check is tedious.

    When Japan Is at War with the Western Allies:
    • 5 IPCs Japan controls any eight (8) Pacific Islands that have no IPC value.
    Theme: Strategic outer defense perimeter.

    Again, this could become a bit tedious. I get the point is to promote more island action, but is there any other reason to have it?
    OOB version of this makes more sense, but may be more difficult to obtain. Not all NOs are supposed to be easy though.

    • 5 IPCs if Axis powers control all Chinese territories.
    Theme: Elimination of largest Asian opposition to the Co-Prosperity Sphere

    This is a good one, but should be higher. 10 IPCs would be better. This will be difficult to get in most games, and i imagine that this meant a little more to Japan than some of its other goals.

    United Kingdom
    When the United Kingdom Is at War in Europe (awarded to the Europe economy):
    • 5 IPCs if Sea Zones 101-127 are free of axis warships (Excluding zones 112-115)
    Theme: Security of shipping routes in the North Atlantic

    This definitely needs back in the game.

    • 5 IPCs if Africa and the Middle East are free of axis combat units.
    Theme: Colonial superiority and security for the United Kingdom.
    • 5 IPCs if no hostile Axis warships are adjacent to Egypt, Trans-Jordan or Gibraltar while all are controlled by the United Kingdom.
    Theme: Vital trade with the Far East.
    When the United Kingdom Is at War with Japan (awarded to the Pacific economy):
    • 5 IPCs if no hostile Axis warships are adjacent to Egypt, Trans-Jordan or Gibraltar while all are controlled by the United Kingdom.
    Theme: Vital trade with the Mother Country.

    Not sure we need all of these. A bit redundant and possibly overpowering.
    Id just stick with the 1st of these 3.

    • 5 IPCs if the Allies control all of the following territories and no Axis warships are adjacent to them: Queensland, Solomon Islands, Gilbert Islands, Johnston Islands, Hawaiian Islands.
    Theme: Vital supply route to the United States

    Not sure about this one. Would become tedious.
    Was this a vital shipping route during WWII?

    Either way you add too many NOs to ANZAC and UKPac and too little to Japan.
    Just reduce the allied ones, dont add anymore.
    Too many NOs will start to detract from the game.

    • 3 IPCs if Axis powers control all of the following: Greece, Albania, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria.
    Theme: Axis dominance of the Balkans.
    • 3 IPCs if Axis powers control at least five (5) of the following: Gibraltar, Malta, Cyprus, Crete, Sicily, and Sardinia.
    Theme: Mediterranean dominance and security from Allied air power.

    The first one is too easy.
    The second one tedious.
    I much prefer the single OOB NO for ‘Greater Roman Empire’, makes sense, isn’t too hard or too easy, and only involves 4 territories.

    • 3 IPCs if Axis powers control all of the following territories: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Tobruk.
    Theme: Stated North African military objectives.
    • 5 IPCs if Axis powers control all of the following territories: Alexandria, Egypt, Trans-Jordan, Anglo-Egypt Sudan, and Ethiopia.
    Theme: Italian colonial empire in Africa.

    Way too much here.
    Stick to the single OOB NO of ‘stated N Africa goals’

    When the United States Is at War. (Accomplished in the European Theater)
    • 3 IPCs for each of the following territories occupied by American land units: � Normandy/Bordeaux, Holland/Belgium, Southern France, Sicily, Southern Italy.
    Theme: Opening of 2nd front in Western Europe
    • 5 IPCs if at least two of the following sea zones are occupied by American surface naval units: 107, 108, 117, 118.
    Theme: Atlantic shipping security

    We already have the UK NO for Atlantic shipping regarding axis submarines.
    The first one i like (except Sicily), 2nd one is redundant (UK NO regarding Axis subs in Atlantic). Again, too many NOs starts to detract from the game.

    • 5 IPCs for American control of any eight (8) Pacific Islands that have no IPC value.
    Theme: Island Hopping strategy against Japan.

    Again i get what this is meant to accomplish. But not sure it would have the desired results. In the end its tedious, and we already have too many NOs to keep track of.

    • 15 IPCs if the United States controls all of the following territories: Eastern United States, Central United States, and Western United States.
    Theme: Basic national sovereignty.

    This by itself would help balance, but overall there are too many Allied NO additions vs Axis. Bids are only 9-12 average?
    Maybe we can start with small adjustments.

    It may sound like a cheap argument to just call some of them ‘tedious’, and any one of them by themselves really wouldn’t be. But when you start looking at 4-5+ spaces for 2-3 NOs for all the nations, it will get very tedious, and severely detract from the game.

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    How about if all powers just had 1 NO: $5 for every victory city?

  • Does that include their own victory cities?

    I was going to have this in a rule set (my own enhanced ruleset)

    Victory City Occupation
    To occupy a victory city you must do the following:
    1. You must assign units to occupy the city equal to the IPC value of the territory. (This may include AA guns)
    2. The enemy does not have any surface warships in adjacent sea zones.
    3. You control the territory containing the victory city.
    4. You are at war with at least one enemy power.

    Each victory city you occupy grants the flowing bonuses
    1. Units assigned to the occupation defend at +1 (Including AA Guns)
    2. You collect 3 IPCs extra for each victory city you occupy
    3. You may mobilize one more infantry than normally allowed in a territory you control with an occupied victory city.

  • There is a house rule set for revised where infantry were produced from victory cities rather than industrial complexes.

    The cost of each infantry produced depended upon several factors, including is it adjacent to a capital, is it a capital, and is your government a democracy or a dictatorship. price ranged from 2-4 IPCs

    I would prefer another advantage from battling for VCs other than additional cash.
    Strategic rail movement,

    All units that begin their turn within a friendly ‘home’ VC may move an additional space during noncombat only.
    That is German units can not rail via Russian cities.
    Tanks and mech can move 3, infantry artillery AAA can move 2

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12


    Does that include their own victory cities?


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