Risk taught us when we were young that Irkutsk and Yakutsk are like the North and South Dakota of Soviet Russia. Have you not visited the region of Kamchatka before–by traveling on a bold line via Alaska? We all know that bold lines can support gigantic armies.
What's the cheesiest thing about Global 1940?
Seems more like Japan’s goals more modest.
The 2 cheesiest things about Global 1940 is the same thing that has been the cheesiest thing about A&A since Classic. 1) China falls every time and is overly easy to knock them out of the game. 2) Tech breakthroughs. WWWWOOOOOHHHHHOOOOOO I got jet power now every fight I own is a Me-262. Even the ones on the other side of the world!!!
variance, your link doesn’t really work :D
sorry 'bout that. try it now. I fixed it