Your assuming Japan is going to walk into that. Which is false.
But if they don’t does that hurt me. Keeping Japan backed up in Yakut for a turn or two longer than usual is a good trade off I think. There are even times when Yakut can be made a deadzone as late as turn6 this way despite Japans huge numerical advantage because of what I described as Japans main problem/weakness.
Now how do you go from now having 2 inf, 8 arm, 2 ftrs to 9 inf and 11 arm? It can’t be done in one turn. Even if you buy 3 arm, 3 inf, that only puts you at 5 inf, 11 arm, 2 ftrs.
Yes I will add troops to Asia, but then again armor in Moscow can at the same time threaten Yakut as well as EEuro. Also, Russia is in no serious danger from Germany for the first three turns, unless against a PE bid. In RR or Africa bid scenario Russia has 3 turns to build a few guys for Asia along with some tanks before Germany can threaten Karelia. By which time I will add Anglo/Americans to help out no sweat.
But we can both throw around numbers all day long to support our point because we have game experience and our ‘perfect scenerios’ (or our objective) in our head but without seeing the actual game board and how the earlier turns went down, we can each throw out numbers to support our side all day long.
Yes but I’ve used this approach for Russia against people in games, and it has worked marvelously. The Japs either risk getting hit in a bad strafe or don’t move their troops along as fast as they could/should. Either way is a victory for Russia. An ancillary benefit is that the extra Russian tanks do help put more pressure on EEurope that can really scare the crap out of the germans.
If I’m the Allies and maintain the IPC adv I’ll play build up all day long. The pressure is all on the Axis to make something happen, and if they did then I’ll have to counter depending on what the board shows.
Well I’m not going to say this won’t work, or that it is terrible, but just that it can get the Allies into trouble. I’ve seen plenty of defensive axis players that will concede the Allied advantage just to wait for an opportune moment to make a M84 push which isn’t that hard to do if you know how to stretch the Axis, especially Jap forces. IMO its hard for the Allies to adequately defend all fronts at once, so either Asia, Africa, or Europe will get neglected. In this way a well time lurch by a losing player could defeat even a large Allied advantage. I also think it is not up to the Axis to make something happen, but that it is up to the Allies to defeat the Axis, with ephasis on Germany.
Germany has much of the offensive power it needs when they start and shouldn’t need large tank builds in masse to pressure the Allies. So does Japan, they have 5 ftrs, and 1 bom to start and 1 tank. They need inf for their Asian Empire.
I agree Germany doesn’t need large stacks of tanks to be successful. Once they get between 8-10 they are pretty safe. They can swing the gate against WEurope, but also maintain enough pressure on Karelia. Japan I disagree I think what they really need to do is limit Russia’s productive capability which comes on two fronts. The first is to limit their territorial size. Obviously, Sfe and Yakut are key, but Novo must be taken by Japan. The sooner the better! There are of course way to reduce the effectiveness of a Russian tank push in Asia, and it has little to do with purchasing. At least for the first few turns.
The overall value of the Infantry is unmatched in the game.
Indeed, but their is a law of diminishing returns with infantry that few are aware of, or care to be. How much offense does 30inf provide? How much more does 60inf provide. Given that it is only 5 hits but costs nearly 100ipcs this is not a good investment of resources. Personally, I like to observe a 3:1 ratio of inf to armor, and will go as low as 2:1 occasionally and with certain nations. This is because this will maximize the offensive as well as defensive potential of your armies. Consider that 60inf may not create a deadzone adjacent to where they are stationed, but that 40inf 12arm may.
They are quite valuable as an offensive weapon, esp if you have large stacks or just a few tanks for support.
No they have value as offensive weapons, but they are not valuable especially when compared to the tank.
And I’m sorry there is no good reason anybody should ever lose London or Washington prior to the fall of Moscow. That is just poor play.
Okay then I guess I suck. Well no not really. The fact is that some people will go for London in RR games because they feel they can win that way. The point I was making was that it is not a game ender by a long shot. In fact I’d prefer the germans to shoot their wad to take london for one turn because it will make it easier for me to win down the road. But like I said capturing just one capital is not necessarily a game ender whether it is Moscow or London. Wash is a little different, but not too much. Winning is more a product of taking and HOLDING territory.
Eventually after a long long game the 2 inf advantage will build up and after 10 more rounds the Allies will have 20 more inf on the board and after 15 they’d have 30 more inf and so on. Eventually this destroys the Axis.
Again this isn’t totally false, and in a Low Luck game this would likely prove true, but in dice games two things can happen. First the Axis can make a M84 lunge, and here is where the walk through the Caucausus can come into play, or the Axis can roll tech. You can complain after the fact that your opponent got HB too cheaply, but that won’t help you then. The key to victory is versatility, not stacking.
That is why, IMO, the Axis must do something early and try to put pressure on the Allies. Whether it’s hold lots of Afr, try for Cauc-Kar, or something else.
But just holding Africa is not always possible, nor does it necessarily end the game. In fact I’ve devised clever means by which to defeat the PowerAfrica bid which is not as great of a bid as many think because it mortages the present for the future, and if that future doesn’t work out too well then you’re worse of than if you’d PE’d.
Personally, I like to try and get the Axis to 70 by rd 3, and have the IPC lead by rd 4, and hold it. Just things I shoot for, and by no means does this mean the game is won or lost if this is or isn’t achieved, just some things I like to try and shoot for.
And here is why I don’t put as much emphasis on IPC production as you do. In PE bids the Axis rarely out produces the Allies, but they can if they are smart about it, take down Moscow. However, if you merely play to get an ipc advantage, which is the essence of the PowerAfrica play, a good Allied player is going to know this is what he has to prevent. So because of this I make the taking Africa from Germany my first priority.