Navy's unrealisticly expensive

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    ––Concerning the Pacific theater of conflict:

    It is a FACT that if either the United States or Japan has their fleet sunk in battle it isn’t only a MILITARY victory, but….

    -that country looses the capability to ATTACK and increase it’s income through amphibious invasions.
    -that country looses the capability to DEFEND it’s possessions against amphibious attack from the enemy.
    -and after loosing enough income through having it’s islands taken from it it is weakened enough for invasion of it’s Capital and thus LOOSING THE WAR.
    ––So, it is a CARDINAL RULE that neither the U.S. or Japan can survive loss of it’s fleet.
    -The lesson to be learned here is that it is NECESSARY to spend some money on your navy in order to retain it.
    -Spend some on Destroyers to suffer as losses.
    -and eventually to purchase Subs and/or airpower to supplement it’s offensive power. Once your navy has attained enough offensive power you can then go and defeat your enemy’s fleet, depriving him of the offensive & defensive capabilities described above.

    Japan already has an enormous fleet,….and the U.S. starts the game with a most of it’s fleet: (see below)

    1-Tac. Bomber…FREE
    1-Sub…FREE a second Sub might be redeployed from the Phillippines.

    -Over three turns all that is needed is to add to the existing FREE naval force to “fill out” what is needed.
    1-Carrier…(1st turn purchase)
    2-Destroyers…(2nd turn purchase)
    2-Destroyers…(3rd turn purchase)….After adding these units you should be good defensively

    4-Subs…(4th turn purchase)….after the U.S. has increased income….In order to go on the offensive.
    After you get to this point you can judge if/when you are ready to go on the offensive.
    ----OF course, another Carrier, more Destroyers, Subs, and airpower are very welcome, but the point remains;

    If your Fleet is defeated,….you’re guaranteed to eventually LOOSE!

    ––IMHO, with more A&A experience you will see that these aren’t just MY opinions,…but FACTS!

    “Tall Paul”

  • Until recently, and in the history of axis and allies spanning over 20 years, the name of the game was always, ignore Japan, slam Germany, and the game is over within 6 turns. I have been playing since the 80’s. And all the tournament websites where you bid for the axis was the same.

    I would agree that if Japans fleet was defeated, it would lose, but Germany would then win, UNLESS, you have a novice playing Germany because of the VAST resources the US would have to spend.

    I would disagree that if all the US did was spend minimally on its PACIFIC navy, purely a defensive and buy time role against an all out assault from Japan it would lose the game. Are you seriously suggesting that Japan would be able to easily march on Washington if they wiped out the US navy. Absurd. Any serious US player would hope for such an attempt by Japan.

    At worse they lose some income from Hawaii. The rest it to easy to take back, and the time and resources spent by Japan takes away so much effort that would better be deployed elsewhere.

    You are making very general statements of FACTS, that barely apply. I would agree that it would be smart for the US to spend some money on its fleet in the face of an all out Japanese assault. Give them a reason to inefficiently spend their resources. But my ultimate point is, considering the vast resources needed to build a Navy, when two sides are both efficient players, the result is very little Pacific action.

  • And I am not sure how inexperience you are with Axis and Allies, but apparently very inexperience.

    The whole purpose of the National Objectives, the entire purpose, was precisely because in every game played by experienced players, there was not, or virtually zero naval campaigns between the US and Japan, except very early on in the game. Japan solely focused on Russia and the US soley focused on Germany. These NO were to encourage some action.

    And by the way, should the island of Hawaii rely be worth 6IPC’s, or the Philipines worth 7IPS’s. Because with the National Objectives, that is what they are worth. So Hawaii and the Phillipines are worth more economically than the entire eastern part the nation?

    No my friend, it is clear that the resources required to build a navy are unrealistic when compared to the resources required to build ground forces.

    The US stands unopposed in the Atlantic and therefore spends much less resources on building a Navy in the Atlantic and can spend more on ground troops for actual invasions of territories worth something much sooner when it matters.

    Japan can concentrate on Anzac, or Russia, or Africa or wherever else it wants and has the already necessary Navy, except transports.

  • Lastly, I am not saying the US should never by any Naval units in the Pacific. That would be an ignorant statement. There are countless possibilities where the purchase of some naval units could efficiently counter act the Japanese. But the Japanese would have to be acting inefficiently.

    So my ultimate point is that the cost of naval units is so great, the efficient action by the US is to play defensively in the Pacific and aggressively in the Atlantic.

    It is efficient for Japan to play defensively in the Pacific, ONCE THE US ENTERS THE WAR, and play aggressively everywhere else.

    If Navy’s were cheaper, it would increase naval actions.

  • Until transports cost as much or less than the infantry they are transporting? Let’s be realistic.

    Why shouldn’t transports cost less than the men they transport.

    There is a question as to what transports are suppose to represent. There have been many posts on this subject. In the old rules, where they had a defense, where they suppose to represent a group of transports with escorts? What do they represent now. Completely defensless boats that can’t even defend themselves against one single plane. That is not a very expensive boat. And i have a feeling that submarines are suppose to be significantly more expensive then a defensless boat.

    But then agian, one submarine may not represent just one submarine, and one transport is not suppose to represent just one defensless boat (though there has been much on this topic as to what they are suppose to represent with the new defensless rule), and one infantry does not just represent one soldier.

    So as to what is realistic, what is realistic is whether the cost to transport material and supplies is an accurate representation of what was at the time. I am no expert in that field, but my guess is that since they APPEAR now to be just defensless boats, they should cost much less. Remember, they used to cost 8 and could defend at a 1.

  • What makes all of this so mute as to the opposition to my idea and the references to being unrealistic and FACTS, is that historically, I am absolutely right.

    The US spent 90% of its resources on Germany until they reached near defeat. That was because that was where the prize lay.  Japans attempt to take Midway was to extend its DEFENSIVE perimeter to avoid another Doolittle Raid, not take the US or WIN THE WAR FOR THE GERMANS WITH A DECISIVE NAVAL DEFEAT. If the US lost the battle of Midway, any idea that would end the war with all of us today speaking German would be laughed at by any historian. The Pacific was a side show but nevertheless, an entertaining show.

    PERHAPS, if the Japanese suceeded in taking India, then Australia, its actions then would have been a great concern. Would it go after Russia next? or target Los Angeles? These are hard questions to answer that take a great understanding of the political situation between Japan and Germany.

    But nonetheless, there was Pacific action in the real war. But with the current cost of a navy, if the US only spent 10% of its income on a navy in the pacific, what could it buy. Very little.

    I say slash the cost of all Navy’s

  • Paul and eddie you guys both have good points. Paul I know you’re a by the book guy and we have both agreed on many things and have been proponents for the inclusion of HBG units.

    Eddie I see where you’re coming from in the naval department. I do think Paul’s a bright guy when it comes to the game and he’s no greenie.

    A compromise on non-capital ships is worth a look IMO as an HR. Especially when it comes to transports and destroyers. If HBG is/was in the works it may solve some issues. A corvette would be oh so helpfull smaller cheaper defensive units with a defense/offense roll at a low cost would and could help.

    My temp solution maybe using the small surface ships from the game Attack! as escort vessels. The three useful ships are a very small carrier which could function as an escort cv with “built-in” aircraft. Secondly, a small battleship that would scale down to a destroyer escort. Finally an even smaller ship they call a destroyer but could easily be used as a corvette.

    Just some thoughts. Game on gents.

  • Make cruisers 10, and battleships 20-22.  No player who knows better buys them now a days in global.  I don’t see a need to make anything else cheaper.

  • Well I am truly surprise there isn’t any more support for making Navy’s cheaper. To be fair, they have been already made cheaper from the days of $24 Battleships and $16 Carriers and $12 Planes. But to build even a small diverse Navy eats up so much of your resources compared to what you can buy with land troops, I really think going cheaper would be good.

    Now an alternative idea, even a realistic one, would be to require at least $10 IPC’s to be spent on their Pacific complex in the form of ships, to represent their Naval Shipyards. If they don’t spend it, it is the equivalent of those shipyards just gathering dust.

    Just and idea, but I would much prefer cheaper navy’s.

    Transports (defenseless, remember) $4
    Air Craft Carriers $13
    Battleships $18
    Planes $9

    and improved shipyards make them slightly cheaper.

  • And instead of giving the US an extra $10 for having the Philipines and Hawaii, they should start off with $10 extra and lose $10 due to a massive loss of morale when they lose them. A penalty as suppose to a reward. The loss of morale can truly result in a loss of production. That would make it more realistic.

    I am probably going to post this topic in another section. I would like to build more support for this for any future revisions to the rules.

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