• In Workig in this variant. Please help me with any error, sugestion or anything that can you see in this variant.
    Thank you:

    1968 Cold War ®
    Historic Background

    After the WWII the Allies pact in Yalt a teatry of non-aggression and consequences of the victory. This teatry will be crucial for the next 50 years. In 1946 the world was exhausted, it was impossible star a new war, but the biggest winner powers (USSR-USA) star increasing a preventive rearmament, especially with the new nuclear power. For the 60s decade the nuclear power was so great that can be possibility the complete destroy of the world with it. So the Two power was freezed by nuclear power and Yalt pact. The war has become with the continuous decolonization of old European powers, specifically in Africa an Asia. South America was free since time ago, but their level of poverty  was very high in contrast with they high rich soil. So the war between two powers was played in this situation. We can understand that this low level war need long time, but there are some decades that we can consider. 40-50s the reinforce of USSR and USA. 60-70s the flight for freedom (from old colonies), and, or, socialism in contrast with the struggle to maintain capitalism. And 80-90s the freeze and end of socialism theatre (specially in Europe) and the end of hardest capitalism dictatorships.

    I have choose the date 1968 because is The year of may 68 in France, Vietnam was in the middle of war, etc. is an important year but it want to represent the decades between the end of the 60s and the 70s. I want to review one by one the three most important continents for the cold war.

    South America;
    The most of the South countries have a democratic countries near to USA, some of them, like Chile, choose a Non-allied communist democracy or Cuba, with it revolution, was the first countries that want socialist spaces, most of the South Countries have in the next years a lot of tries of become Soviet allied, Nicaragua, Guyana, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, etc. With the help of USA and in trying to stop this change they promoted a lot of dictadure in the region, Brasil, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay.

    The continent has still a colony of Europe, but in the decades after WWII a lot of country has become independent from European Colonialist Countries, some of them, specially in the north-medde orient, allied with Communist (Libya, Afghanistan, Algeria, etc.), like in South America, USA and Europe promote dictatorial states, some of them was very near to Islamic Guerrilla. They found hard help in Turkey, South-Africa, Saudi Arabia, etc.

    The victory of Mao in China was a very hard influence in Asia, anyway USA helps some country that maintain a Democratic USA-Allied, like South-Corea, Taiwan, Indonesia, and they found help in the rest of Asia with the years, despite the defeat in Vietnam.

    Game Forces

    Team 1 (NATO)
    Team 2 (Warsaw pact)
    -The Guerrilla
    -Asian Communist
    -Panarabic Socialist

    more soon…

  • Something I considered using in my variant.
    US - Green
    UK & NATO - Tan
    France - Blue
    SEATO- Grey

    USSR - Red
    China - Orange

    Then you use Brown, Light Green, and Black to represent Pro Communist, Neutral, and Pro-Western
    BUT here is the twist. You put forces of all 3 colors in countries to represent their leanings.

    So for instance, a country like Venezuela would have 4 brown infantry, 2 light green and 2 black

    If you try to activate it as the US, the neutrals join the Pro Communists, but you get the 2 black infantry on to your side (represents friendly forces)
    Major powers can spend money and buy forces around the world for their proxy wars.

  • Thank You Oztea for your suggestion, it is apreciated. Anyway i think there are no way to represent Cold War with maps of WWII, The cold war was a high mobility war and focused in South. So i have a new map. Nato never figth until cold war was present. France was important colonization territories in Africa, but in the end of 60`s mostly of them were independent, maybe was very good idea for a firts years of Cold War, 1946-1966, Very focused in Asia.
    I will continue with explanations, i hope see you again and coment what do you think about.
    Piece Background

    In Cold War infantry was very important resource, especially in the war of guerrilla, that is because heavy tanks are more useful in defense that in the attack. The Guerrilla can be hidden for an enemy and infiltrate into territories. They are more powerful with helicopters that was heavy used in wars like Vietnam, to transport and attack.
    Air Units:
    The most important this years were the air war. With new Aircraft, and with new generation of missiles the war in the air against hidden guerrilla was very intense. With the first interplay engines the transport of troops was very fast. And with the directional missiles against helicopters or Aircraft more dangerous too.
    Naval Units:
    With the first generations of missiles the war in the sea should you avoid it. The Ships are very slow to missiles and very easy to destroy it, like it happens in Maldivians was. The Ships are used to transport Air units and troops, and some time land into enemy territories like in Cuba. I don,t forgot heavy submarine war in cold war, but they never be used in real war, they only was a strategic nuclear submarines.

    Game Piece Guide

    Cost Move Attack Defense
    Infantry 3 1 1 2
    MPADS* Infantry 4 1 1 2
    Tank 6 2 2 3
    Aircraft Artillery Missile 7 1 2
    Helicopter 8 2 2 3
    Aircraft 10 2 3 4
    Strategic Bomber 12 4 4 1
    Air Transport 15 6
    Cruiser 13 2 3 2
    Aircraft Carrier 17 2 1 2
    Naval Transport 6 2
    Hidden Guerrilla 1
    Factory 15 1

    *(Man-portable air-defense systems)

    Piece Special Abilities
    MPADS* Infantry: If you are defending you can use MPADS attack against Helicopters before the first attack. Launch 2 rolls and if you have 1 or less you made 1 hit over helicopter. After that the piece can not continue attacking, but it can be taken like drop. If Helicopter have an Infantry inside, the two pieces must be retired.
    You can use too in attack this special ability, in this case Helicopter can not have infantry inside. Anyway you can use this piece like a normal Infantry without using MPADS.
    Aircraft Artillery Missile: This piece launch 3 Missile that can fall any air piece. Drop the rolls before the battle and it cause damage with 2 or less. After missile launched the piece is retired, you must buy it more of them.
    Helicopter: Helicopter can transport 1 Infantry and it can help in attack. This Infantry have +1 in attack, so a Helicopter with Infantry attack with 2 rolls and damage with 2 or less. The infantry can be retired independently from Helicopter. But if Helicopter is damaged with Air Misile or MPADS the helicopter fall down with infantry.
    Strategic Bomber: Can damage Factory,s and it have a radar too to reveal hidden guerrilla inside your territory, but in that case it can not attack, you must use other pieces to that.
    Air Transport: it have the same capacity of naval transport. And it can be used like fuel refuel with Aircraft and Strategic Bomber. To refuel in air your Air Transport have 6 to move and you will have land with that 6 in 2 turns. The Aircraft must wait in the territory one turn and it can,t be attacked. After the turn returns the Aircraft have again their own move spaces, to attack or land. And The Air Transport will land to the previous selected territory. If that Territory if conquer by hostile power, you can try to land in another, if our can not, you will lost the transport. If you use like fuel transport you can not carry any piece. Any aircraft must land in friendly territory.
    Cruiser: The Cruiser can transport one Helicopter inside. In a naval war, if you are in the coast of friendly territory and there are Air units, you can use it to defend it, but remember it must be land option.
    Aircraft Carrier: Can transport Helicopters, Aircraft, Strategic Bomber. Any Ship can be attacked by any air unit. It Can transport 2 units.
    Hidden Guerrilla: One Back Piece that can be used with infantry and MPADS Infantry. One piece for each piece that you want use like Guerrilla. You can walk into enemy territory without be detected. You will be reveal if you attack or with an enemy Strategic Bomber.

  • How to Win
    There are NATO 6 City, 2 or them Capital, and the others conquest city and Warsaw pact 6 city 3 of them Capital. Washington and Moscow are no valid city in game, they can be con quested. You win wen you conquer at least 4 enemy city.

    Second Alternative win rule.
    Total conquest; you must conquest all of city’s except Washington and Moscow.
    Third Alternative win rule
    Nuclear War; After conquest 4 enemy city you can use nuclear force, in this case the objective will be Washington and Moscow like capital city. To use Nuclear power in USA or SSR turn you can choice one territory and retire all of the piece there. If in that territory are fabrics, it will have +6 damage points.

    Players Turn:
    The Guerrilla
    Panarabic socialist
    Asian Comunist

  • Players Start Piece Guide:
    The Guerrilla:
    Nicaragua: 1Infantry
    Peru: 2 Infantry, 1 Tank
    Chile:3 Infantry, 1 MPADS,1 Helicopter, 2 Aircraft, 1 Strategic Bombardier, 1 I. Complex
    South Chile; 2 Infantry
    Angola: 3 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 AA
    Cuba: 3 Infantry, 1 MPADS, 1 Tank, 2 Aircraft, 1 Air-Transport 1 I. Complex.
    Sea Zone 30: 1 Naval Transport
    Sea Zone 12: 1 Cruiser, 1 Naval Transport
    Start IPC: 15

    Mexico: 1 Tank
    Panama: 1 Tank
    Colombian: 1 Infantry
    Venezuela: 1 Infantry
    Bolivia: 1 Infantry
    North Argentina: 1 Infantry
    Argentina: 1 Infantry,  1 Helicopter, 1 Aircraft, 1 I. Complex
    Patagonian: 2 Infantry
    Brazil: 1Infantry, 1MPADS, 1 Tank, 1AA, 1 Aircraft, 1 Strategic Bombardier, 1 I. Complex
    Indonesia: 2 Infantry, 1AA
    Sea Zone 56: 1 Cruiser, 1 Naval Transport with 1 Infantry
    Sea Zone  30: 1 Cruiser
    Start IPC: 20

    Panarabiar Socialist:
    Argelia: 1 Infantry, 1 Tank
    Libya: 2 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Helicopter, 1 Aircraft, 1 I. Complex
    Egypt: 1 Tank
    Mali: 2 Infantry
    Yemen: 1 Infantry
    Somalia: 1MPDS
    Tanzania: 1 Infantry
    Mozambique: 1 Infantry
    Madagascar: 1 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 AA
    Iran: 1 Infantry
    Sea Zone 39: 1 Cruiser
    Sea Zone 46: 1 Naval Transport
    Start IPC: 16

    Turkey: 5 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1AA, 2 Aircraft, 1 I. Complex
    Pakistan: 2 Infantry
    Saudi Arabia: 1 Infantry
    Sudan: 2 Infantry
    Ethiopia: 1 Infantry
    Democratic Republic of Congo: 1 Infantry, 1 Tank
    Nigerian: 1 Infantry
    Ghana: 1 Infantry
    Philiphines: 1 Infantry, 1 Aircraft
    Rodesia:  1 Infantry
    Marroco: 1 Infantry
    South Africa: 4 Infantry, 1 MPADS, 1 Tank, 2 Helicopter, 1 Aircraft, 1 I. Complex.
    Sea Zone 48: Naval Transport
    Sea zone 37: 2 Cruiser
    Start IPC: 19

    East-Europe: 1 Infantry
    Ucranian: 2 Infantry, 1 Tank
    Russia: 6 Infantry, 2 Tank, 1 AA, 1 Air Transport, 1 I. Complex
    Central Russia: 2 Infantry
    Kazajastan: 1 Infantry, 1 Tank
    Kamchapka: 6 Infantry, 2 Aircaft, 1 Strategic Bombardier, 1 Air Transport, 1 I.Complex
    Congo: 1 Infantry
    Sea Zone 21: 1 Cruiser with 1 Helicopter, 1 Naval Transport With 1 Infantry and 1 AA
    Sea Zone 52:  1  Cruiser with 1 Helicopter, 1 Aircraft Carrier with 1 Aircaft
    Sea Zone 29: 1 Cruiser, 1 Naval Transport with 1 Infantry and 1 Tank
    Start IPC: 33

    Alaska: 1 Tank
    West Coast USA: 5 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Air Transport, 1 I. Complex
    Missouri: 1 Infantry, 1 Strategic Bombardier
    Texas: 2 Helicopter, 1 Aircraft
    Easter USA: 3 Infantry, 1 MPADS, 2 Tank, 1 AA, 1 Air Transport
    West Europe: 1 Infantry, 1 Tank
    South Vietnam: 6 Infantry, 1 Tank, 5 Helicopter, 2 Aircraft, 1 I. Complex.
    Haiti: 1 Infantry
    South Corea: 2 Infantry, 1 MPADS, 1AA ,1 Tank, 2 Helicopter
    Sea Zone 57: 1 Cruiser, 1 Aircraft Carrier with 2 Aircraft
    Sea Zone 19: 1 Cruiser, 1 Aircraft Carrier with 1 Aircraft
    Sea Zone 3: 1 Cruiser, 1 Naval Transport
    Start IPD: 44

    Asian Comunist
    North Corea: 3 Infantry, 1 AA, 1 Aircraft
    China: 2 Infantry, 1 AA, 2 Helicopter, 1 Aircraft, 1 Strategic Bombardier, 1 I. Complex
    North Vietnam: 5 Infantry, 3 MPADS, 2 Tank, 1 AA
    Myanmar: 3 Infantry
    India: 1 Tank
    Sea Zone 51: 1 Cruiser
    Start IPC: 14

  • Piece and Flags PDF

    Pieces simplyv2.pdf

  • Customizer


    Something I considered using in my variant.
    US - Green
    UK & NATO - Tan
    France - Blue
    SEATO- Grey

    USSR - Red
    China - Orange

    Then you use Brown, Light Green, and Black to represent Pro Communist, Neutral, and Pro-Western
    BUT here is the twist. You put forces of all 3 colors in countries to represent their leanings.

    So for instance, a country like Venezuela would have 4 brown infantry, 2 light green and 2 black

    If you try to activate it as the US, the neutrals join the Pro Communists, but you get the 2 black infantry on to your side (represents friendly forces)
    Major powers can spend money and buy forces around the world for their proxy wars.

    Yep been working on something like this for a long time. Finding all the pieces and color matches has been expensive and somewhat difficult to get I just the way I like it. I love the idea of proxy warfare and superpowers shuffling armies round the globe.

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