Oztea's 1941 Global Setup

  • '17 '16 '15

    Here’s 41 Oz that will work without a saved game. Open up TripleA, open maps, open world war II global zip. Put the objectives there. Then open up games and put the xml there. Will show up in the choose game list. Everything works. Just click and go. :)

    Here’s a link to “41 Oztea zip”. It is different than the attached “Oztea 41 zip” in that you open triplea, open maps and put the zip in there. Do not add it to the existing global zip.


    This has AB and NB for phillipines. Fixed France not changing into France when liberated

    Oztea 41.zip

  • this looksawesome!! what is the order of play?

  • '17 '16 '15

    It’s the same. It tends to blow your mind a little at first since their are so many more possibilities. But once you work through it a few times the pace picks up. I haven’t played it in a while. Think I’ll start a game. :)

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    How is the Balance?

  • '17 '16 '15

    Not a top tier player and I usually just play games against myself,but they last longer and each side seems to win the same amount compared to 402nd edition. That’s with no bid so I would say it’s more balanced than global.

    Here’s a quote from Oztea "This has gone through a lot of games and seems balanced.

    Some quirks people in the community have brought to my attention are
    A) Japan can put the hurt on India (India Crush) if they want to, and you can’t stop it unless you max defend. But IF you max defend you have a decent shot at holding, so its super risky for Japan, and if you see it coming they have thrown the game away. So be cautious with India.

    B) US can buy all transports round 1 and send a ton of units to Africa round 1. Really messes up Germany’s mojo. But….lets Japan get a head start in the Pacific.
    The counter to this is an airbase in Holland (which MAY be added to the setup) that allows massive German airpower to strike SZ 91 and kill all the US transports while they are lightly defended."

  • Regarding the Philippines territory, is the Airbase and Navalbase there removed?

    Who controls Finland? There are units there.

    The UK appears to have 30 IPCs held, but you list them starting with 29. Is this an error or correct?

    Lastly, you list Germany having 48 IPCs, but the control marker’s indicate only 46. Is this an error or correct?

  • Hi Oztea,

    look’s like a nice Scenario. I think I will give it a try on our next game. But why do you eliminate the “Kamikaze-Rule” from this game?

    Ryuzaki_Lawliet: I think Finland must be controlled by Germany (as there are German troops inside).
    I would add all naval & air bases listed in the original 1940 Scenario and adjust the IPC-income according to the value of the actual controlled territories.

    Btw. has anybody thought about some Kind of "Japanese Surprise Attack-Rule like in the old A&A-Pacific (2000)?

  • '17 '16 '15

    All AB and NBs from 1940 should be included. He also adds some new ones which are listed. Here’s another thread that gives some more information:


    It’s a little longer but you can speed through a lot of it. Finland is German. I don’t remember the deal with the ipc discrepancies.
    It is a lot of fun though. :)

  • This is a great mod. I have played it maybe8 times and it seems balanced. It is great to have three setups for one game! OOB 1940 2nd, Otzeas 1941, and Larry’s tounrnament 1942.

  • '17 '16 '15

    Yea Oztea’s 41 really rocks it. In case you don’t have it here’s his 42:


  • Hey Oztea I was wondering how you got the numbers for the game? I’ve tried doing year conversions before but gave up after having to deal with countries like china and their number representation in infantry units.

  • Hey it has been a while! I have really been enjoying this! Thanks so much Barney for the link to the 42 setup by Oz!!

  • '17 '16 '15

    Oztea’s setup can now be dl inside triplea. It is in the Global 40 game.

  • '21 '20 '18 '17

    Oztea’s G41 brief review (have played x2-3)

    this is a beefy setup that deploys most of what is in the full Global set.  Germany and Japan are even more fleshed out, pretty much putting all the pieces and air on the board to begin with.  You can decide to declare war on the 1st turn or the second, so its well done as far as there being choices, though it seems far more expedient to just get to the fight when you are on either team.

    Our guys insist on putting kamikaze back in, though think it makes japan too deeply defended against anything but the deepest American commit.

    The Axis are at a disadvantage, simply because the Allies have been given a fun and flexible force to start off with
    a) there is a real, flexible eastern Russian army
    b) America has plenty of extra land units so they don’t have to waste $$ on that
    c) ANZAC has lean beef and bases and its kung fu fighting
    d) rich usa vs Africa play taking over some fun income though it cost some ships and was a diversion…

    Still, the can opener with Italy opened the way to Moscow and stabbed him in the heart, with like 7 mech 17 armor on t4…japan threw everything against the USA, which cost him the continent but kept USA from deploying against Germany full flower

  • '17 '16 '15

    I find it to be very well balanced. Much more so than OOB 2nd edition. If you haven’t already, read the first several pages on this thread. There are a lot of experienced people who comment.

  • '17

    Great Setup! Really enjoy how the setup’s scenario looks as if Europe has been engaged in a bloody war in the Atlantic, Battle of Britain, Mediterranean Sea, and North Africa.

  • Sponsor


    I’m doing setup cards for your 1941 setup in my Delta deck G40 gaming accessory… I need a question answer ASAP before I take it to the printer.

    Did you mean to leave off the bases in the Philippines or was it an error in the setup and they should be there after all?


  • This is still the best fan-made Global 1940 setup by far.  It even beats Larry’s 1942.  I have tried dozens of alternate setups and none has the originality, amazing choice decisions, historical battles, or balance as Oz’s 1941.  My 20+ game members always come to me asking for this to be on the table next Saturday.  Me and my buddies have dabbled in alternate setups but there is nothing that can be as good as this.

    Bored of 1940?  Want a change of pace?  Want to get right into action, dice-rolling, and warring?  Well, if you don’t mind having so many georgous piece on your board, play this!  It’s not simply fun, it is masterfully invigorating.

  • '17 '16 '15


    This is still the best fan-made Global 1940 setup by far.  It even beats Larry’s 1942.  I have tried dozens of alternate setups and none has the originality, amazing choice decisions, historical battles, or balance as Oz’s 1941.  My 20+ game members always come to me asking for this to be on the table next Saturday.  Me and my buddies have dabbled in alternate setups but there is nothing that can be as good as this.

    Bored of 1940?  Want a change of pace?  Want to get right into action, dice-rolling, and warring?  Well, if you don’t mind having so many georgous piece on your board, play this!  It’s not simply fun, it is masterfully invigorating.

    You know…I Agree Whole Heartedly LOL !!! Funnest mod I’ve played with OOB rules and units :)

  • Sorry I havent been able to respond in forever guys, glad to hear all the admiration the setup is still getting, thank you all. I got a new job as a Tractor Trailer driver a few years back and it has ruined my ability to play A&A consistently. I popped back on the forum to look to see if there has been any work on writing an updated ruleset for AA Anniversary to bring it in line with Global 40 rules. That has been scratching at the back of my mind.

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