Does anyone have a good American strategy?

  • The strategy section of this page america has no good strategies for america… does anyone here have a good strategy for america? Thanks for the help!

  • the americans arent usually considered a strategic player. their role is mainly to support and defend UK/Russian holdings. if anything, they liberate Africa and harrass Japan in the Pacific, or take a Japanese area on the mainland after Russian forces have weakend it. they arent really meant to be an offensive country and take to long to really get into the game to have any majorly decisive battles. The best they usually can do is a combined US/Russian assault on the home islands, and by that time Germany is usually out of the game and it is basically over the the Axis anyway.

  • The Americans usually end up being more of a supporting cast character, at least until later in the game when they can get their economic power into full swing and start pumping units left and right. Even then, the relative distance of the main US production areas (east and west USA) makes their ability to deliver troops on a need basis rather iffy… playing as America means being patient and not rushing things. It’s not like the other players where units you buy are good on the next turn.

    As far as an American strategy, I will suggest the basic idea is to follow what was historically known as the “Germany First” agenda. All too often I’ve seen the following: American player decides to “take revenge” on Japan for Pearl Harbour. He goes after the Japanese islands and takes them one at a time. All this while, he gets maybe 3 IPCs from Japan which Japan has already made up by taking China, Sinkian, Soviet Far East, India, ect… and meanwhile Germany, with the added 9 or so IPCs from Africa, is beating down on Russia with no fear of an American offensive in Africa. Those games usually end (with the absence of brilliant play and luck by the other Allies) with an Axis win.

    Ignore the Pacific… any major Japanese offensive can be sniffed out a few turns in advance. Take Africa back for the British; it not only helps them out getting back on their feet but it gives Germany 3-4 INF LESS per turn which adds up RATHER quickly. Land some troops in Karelia to support defenses there. Strategic Bomb Germany as much as possible to keep their economy in shambles. Allow the Russians the ability to move troops to the east; remember it’s a race between them and the Japanese because if you let the latter go a few turns without checking them they will get an IC on the continent and get enough transports to keep pumping INF/armour combos and you’re in trouble.

    Once the situation in Europe is under control, start building a navy and begin to go into the Pacific because ultimately you want to be able to seize and hold the Japanese SZ so no more transports. Without pumping troops from Japan proper, Japan is a dead duck; they cannot support offensives from the mainland alone. Get a Carrier w/ two fighters and a bunch of subs in the SZ so you can take hits from Japanese fighters trying to clear it.

    America is both at times one of the easiest and hardest plays because while you’re not in direct danger from any attack and thus can putz a bit if you’re a newbie, if you don’t get things running to Europe the UK/ Russia are in trouble. Ignore Japan at first except for maybe getting a few troops to Alaska and Mexico/ Panama just to serve as a deterrent from a quick raid there. Remember, unlike Germany who has all her units close enough to launch attacks in any direction, with Japan you can see the attacks in the Pacific as they are forming by the transports and escorts she’ll need to launch anything.

    Hope this helps a bit… :D

  • I should make one addendum to my last post… if you’re playing with bids (which in most games is the case) always remember that before any long term strategy is dealing with real and present threats. For example, if Germany gets a decent bid and decides to go all out against Russia early, get troops to help defend Russia BEFORE going after Africa… Germany will ignore Africa because if he gets Russia the game is in extreme danger for the Allies. So don’t have a plan and then stick to it just because “it’s the plan”… if the plan needs to change because of sudden movements on the enemies part, make the change or else you’ll liberate Africa just as the German army is regrouping to take not only Africa back but England as well :cry:

  • Search for a strategy called “shuck-shuck”.
    That´s the best bet for the US.

  • I agree w/both all of the above. :lol:

  • Moderator

    yep, this is the best way to go…. :wink:

  • I would like to say that with America it is important (in case I haven’t stressed this enough in my last posts hehe) to be able to change strategy on a dime.

    As was suggested, the “shuck” is the basic American strategy as well it should be. But the shuck must be pliable; the American player must constantly decide where the greatest threat lies. Usually there are two main areas that are threatened: Russia (Karelia) and Africa. Taking back Africa is critical by say G4 at the latest. However you must be able to send troops to Russia on short notice if it looks like a German breakthrough is going to happen there because that’s more important than Africa.

    I know I’m probably repeating myself over here (it’s late… just bear with me guys) but it’s just I’ve seen a lot of people give America to the “newbie” and then it gets the reputation of being the newbie country. I will easily grant that it is easier to play than Germany, UK and Japan (I think Russia is probably one of the easiest because there’s not much you get to decide on… hell, you get RR on R1 it’s just a lot of infantry for the first few turns) but if the United States doesn’t get their act together and quickly Germany will break through and Japan will get troops into Africa.

    The US player must also be prepared to recognize weaknesses and to counter them on behalf of the German player. For example, if he’s not paying attention to Western Europe, and you have your transports plus maybe the remnants of the Pacific fleet, try and take it. If nothing else it will force the German player to pull some troops that would normally have gone on the offensive in Russia to shore up the West. Also once you’re in Africa, look at how well defended Southern Europe is. Does the German player have 2 INF there? Invade if you can. The bottom line is that time is on the side of the allies so even Dieppe-esqe raids can be effective: you can replace your losses on the next turn, but Germany is not in so great a shape. If you can force the German player to put 2 INF in both WEu and SEu to defend, that’s 4 INF you’ve deprived him of that could have attacked Russia which means less cannon fodder to protect his tanks, even if only in a spoiler attack. Every little bit helps but you must be aware of this as the US player and must jump on every opportunity to go after them.

    Also, make sure that if your allies ask for help in a certain area you give it to them. If for example Russia needs fighters in the East because they have a good deal of infantry but need sharp defensive units, buy a fighter and send it over. Try and get a few bombers over to striking distance so you can strategic Japan: even the loss of a few IPCs can mean 1 less INF down the road and Japan needs every INF they can get for their initial pushes.

    Ok, I’ll cease now… I just want to make sure I have pointed out that although admittedly one of the easier countries to play, the US can just as easily end up being a disaster for the allies because without them England and Russia cannot hold up alone.


  • If you wanna try something new, try the US Pacifik Strat.
    Its a valid strat, unlike what many think.

    Build a lot of subs.

    One of the tricks?
    Retreat subs when being attacked by Japs and counterstrike with them.

    Good luck,

  • So what happens when Japan goes all out to Mainland Asia and has no ships for the subs to attack?

  • I don’t think the american sub attack would work as often as liked. All the different strategies I like and/or mess with never rely on japanese sea power. It’s too much of a money sink for the japanese when they could be doing so many better things.

    I have been messing with one new American strategy. It’s kind of an expensive strategy though. Build nothing but bombers and send them to britain. You end up being able to build 2 a turn while getting some extra infantry to defend the homeland. Bomb germany from england strategically. It gives japan free riegn though to do whatever they want almost.

    it’s positive affects are kind of obvious though. I’ve hasd turns where I took all of germanys IPCs. They cannot reinforce africa and if they do … Great! They’re weakening europe. Usually a normal turn once I have about 8-10 bombers goes where I loose 0-2 bombers (i’ve lost 3 only once) and take all but enough IPCs for germany to buy 1-2 infantry. If you feel like mixing it up and germany is weak and russia is also weak divert your bombers to bomb ground units and clear (or nearly clear) a province for the russians and/or british. I always retreat after loosing a few bombers which is the firsat attack, but i’ve already taken out about 7-8 units by then.

    If you start getting lots of bombers change production to like 12 infantry per turn and move them up to alaska. This is obvious what you want to do with them. It makes the japanese decide whether they want to stay and defend against 24 infantry (what i usually end up attacking the far east with) or carrying on with attacking russia.

    I’ve only tested this on the computer and it always keeps attacking russia which i see as the way to go anyways because germany is screwed without help and no money. And once I land my forces in the far east germany is usually about done and japan is starting to loose all it’s money from every coming in from all sides.

    Anyways, it’s just a strategy I have been messing with and you could say it coukld backfire with some bad rolls … But show me a strategy that won’t backfire with some bad rolls :P

  • I have been messing with one new American strategy. It’s kind of an expensive strategy though. Build nothing but bombers and send them to britain. You end up being able to build 2 a turn while getting some extra infantry to defend the homeland. Bomb germany from england strategically. It gives japan free riegn though to do whatever they want almost.

    I think you’ve hit a good note here, my only concern with this being that you’re basically giving Germany say 3 turns before you can start to really hammer away at their economy. Sometimes that’s enough for Germany to make the push into Russia, but if they haven’t taken her out yet by the time the USA gets 6-7 bombers going at Germany every turn you’re right it does really put a crimp in the German supply of IPCs.

    I wouldn’t worry about letting Japan go “free reign” tho because let’s face it for the most part as the USA you’re not going to be going after Japan anyways nor are the other Allies (if playing RR there’s no Manchurian surprise either) so Japan pretty much has a free run of things for the first 2-3 turns anyways.

    My only concern with this overall strategy of going all out w/ bombers is that I feel the Allies need American troops badly in the beginning and that this is pushing that off until at least US4 or later if you really want a decent fleet of bombers up and running. Letting Germany keep Africa any longer than really needs be is bad, as they get an xtra 3 or so INF each turn from that. Now buying maybe 1 bomber per turn and the rest going normal strat is not a bad idea, but hey if it works for ya then it’s a good strat :)

    It makes the japanese decide whether they want to stay and defend against 24 infantry (what i usually end up attacking the far east with) or carrying on with attacking russia.

    Yes but unless you have the transports to get 24 INF off of Alaska and into battle (which is 12 transports) they’re not going to do much more than just sit there and get cold :D But the idea of getting some troops from Alaska to possibly threaten the far east isn’t a bad idea. I guess it all depends on what the current game situation is.

  • I’m no expert with the usa, that’s for sure!
    Try to keep a big naval presence. I’m experimenting with having “extra” transports (more than you need to move max infantry builds each turn) simply to further threaten germany.

    Another later turn strategy:
    If you can take western europe, do it with uk, unless you can hold it, in which case do it with the usa. Then next turn build an ic for western europe. Now Germany is screwed as you can move the remaining men in, and build 6 tanks a turn at the same time, So you get “double” reinforcements for 2 turns because of this.

  • The correct response against an all bomber strategy is to immediately shift to an eco victory strategy with the Axis. With no US troops for Africa, no troops to take back Russian territories before the turn end, and no immediate troops to take back Alaska, Mexico, Panama, Brazil, etc.

    The decisive turn will be when Germany air sacrifices against the UK fleet to kill trannies, splits off enough troops to hold Ukraine against a UK counter from Karelia, reshifts Europe troops to hold WE, Ger, EE, SE against the UK, sacrifices whatever it takes to get as much of Africa, Middle East as possible, and Japan sacrifices air if necessary to take and hold every Asian property it can with 1 Inf, lands trannies everywhere on the US West Coast etc. This is referred to as the eco spread.

    In other words, military units become irrelevant as long as the Axis can hit magic 84. The principle here is that Bombers can’t hold ground, so it doesn’t matter how many the US has if she doesn’t have any ground units in the game. As long as the Axis know what they are doing, an all bomber strategy is a poor strategy. I have even shocked a few US players who rolled and obtained Heavies on US 1, proceeded to buy all bombers, and still lost when the Axis hit 84 on T4/5.

    The spread often looks like a massive and complete military victory for the Allies is at hand, and often Russia is in a position to annihilate the Axis forces on her borders….but surprise, she doesn’t get to move as the game is over with an eco win. The US polishes up all those purty bombers and puts em back in the box.


  • You’re right about it taking awhile to get the bombers flying in. I am decently bombing germany by US3 when I have 3 bombers in there. You’re also right that germany does push into russia pretty hard but by the time they start loosing all their IPCs it’s hard to hold karelia, ukrain, cacaus, germany, western europe, southern europe and africa. That’s a thin spread of troups as it is without having your IPCs bombed. As soon as germany starts loosing lets say even … 7-8 ipcs per turn they have to almost go into a completely defensive stance if they want to hold what they have. And if britain has either got troops in scandinavia with transports still alive or a factory going in S africa then on either or both fronts the germans are in trouble.

    As to the transports to get those 24 infantry across. I usually manage to get 5 transports sitting just out of range by alaska and bring 10 troops over at once and then buy 4 more or so in another turn to keep a flow going. if you can secure the water by the soviet far east with a destroyer or subs.

    It all depends on the roll of the dice as to what you’ll get in the pacific. if I have lets say 8-9 bombers in germany and the pressure is on them i’ll buy nothing but transports and infantry until i’m down to 5 bombers. sometimes that can last a decent amount of turns depending on the dice. sometimes at that point i will only buy 1 bomber per turn just to keep light pressure on germany. but by that point germany has probably lost africa and the allies are sitting on the ukrain anyways.

    I’ve played this strategy about 5 times against the computer now and everytime it looks like germany and japan have a heads up on the allies then the bombers kick in and it’s like germany has hit a wall. just imagine germany only bringing in half the IPCs all of the sudden just after taking karelia. they’re pretty much screwed. how are the going to hold that. usually they spread themselves just thin enough for britain to take western europe once or twice. if that happens (which at least in the computer version it does often) germany either has to accept this loss or turn it’s army around to recapture it while weakening it’s eastern front all the while loosing even more IPCs from US bombers.

    I don’t have a perfect strategy written down as to what to do as I see some other have for their strategies. I just react to how the dice treat me :P

    Anyways, maybe give the strategy a try with real people and let me know how it goes. I’ve only tried it on the strategically impaired computer, hehe.

  • Well, I have no worries about anyone taking american provinces. I usually have a few points left over to atleast leave enough troops to spread to stop a one transport attack from sneaking in … But … You’re blind if you don’t see a japanses d-day hitting the US. stop bomber production for one turn and build some infantry/tanks. Plus I always shift most my troops to alaska in wait of the landing on eastern russia. I would also welcome a japanese attack on US soil because that means that’s a huge diversion of funds from harassing russia and maintaining asia.

    Maybe i’m wrong here but unless germany gets good rolls it’s hard to keep and maintain it’s fighters. especially if they are doing lots of offensive. Same thing for japan. I’ve done the 1 infantry many planes attack for japan and it’s expensive as hell and leaves no room for an attack on the US. I mean … it’s possible to attack the US but what’s the point unless you’ve got something big enough to attack and hold provinces in the US. A smart US player should be able to see any kind of real attack coming and be ready for it.

    I dunno though. I consider myself an A&A rookie because I never get to play with actual people, hehe. But I just believe I could stop a quick economic victory. As britain I like to build a factory in southern africa on UK1 and pump out tanks. If germany is able to take and hold karelia and africa all the while stopping 2 tanks per turn from the UK in s africa and a few troops every now and then from the US in africa and bombing runs that only get worse everyturn also from the US i’d like to see the strategy and try it out myself.

    The only time i’ve seen a quick eco victory for the axis is when I controlled both myself against the computer, heh. The computer isn’t so good at thinking many turns in advance other than that it must build units and take countries.

  • Moderator

    Some real people you don’t want to play with… :wink:

  • As soon as germany starts loosing lets say even … 7-8 ipcs per turn they have to almost go into a completely defensive stance if they want to hold what they have.

    My only warning for this line of thinking is not if Germany currently is getting 7-10 per turn from Africa and/or central Asia. Germany is quite capable of assaulting Russia with her normal starting economy; the bonus from Africa is gravy that helps. But unless you’re going to consistently take out 10+ from Germany it’s not going to make all that major of a dent in her economy, and since that requires at least a few bombers to take into account lousy rolls, you’re looking at a few turns minimum building the bombing fleet and SUD showed quite clearly how Axis will run the economic victory gambit before your bombing can do the intended damage.

    I think this isn’t a bad strategy to employ as the war drags on because certainly once German and Japanese aggression is checked you can shorten things up considerably by bombing away, but I suppose the same could be said for going tech.

  • I’ll give a go at a USA strat, for kicks. Btw I’m a newb, I’ve read Don Rae’s essays, heard the pro/con tech debate and thrashed the stupid iron blitz AI. I play a couple of mates on the pc and we’ve only just stopped being absolutely horrible.

    Anyway, nuff about me. The following assumes that:
    -3rd ed., RR, no bid
    -Russia consolidated Yakut, Karelia
    -Germany, built inf/transport, wiped all fleets bar US transport at cost of all non-med. navy and 1ftr, reinforced Africa and fortress EE
    -UK built india industry/ftr, reinforced Karelia
    -Japan built 2transport/3inf
    -Manchuria reinforced
    -Your fleet was nuked for the price of 1 sub
    -China was wiped but you took 1 inf
    Pretty bad.

    With China down you shouldn’t build an industry in Sinkiang and 1inf goes to India.
    Now you could go Japan or Germany.

    You have to take out their fleet or evade it and they are in pacific central. The entire USAAF and fleet could counter-attack but odds are you will lose, sure enough you charge and all die for the price of 1battleship/2ftr. You now need to rebuild air and navy and Japan goes before you which puts you on a back foot. Many multiple subs (6-8) from many directions could evade the Jap airforce to sink transports but that sacrifices 3 (2building, 1positioning) USA turns for 2 Jap (building ftr/trans, the survivors are all very useful too).
    It would probably be better to bait out Jap with a sub/tran/marine/inf island hopping. All the while positioning air units/additional subs. Or not, because an occupied Jap navy isn’t in Africa or protecting the shuttle. In effect this would simply be a distraction.

    The real problem with Japan is that naval encounters probably won’t stop them from carving up Asia unless you can crunch the transports.

    Conventional wisdom is to buy 3tran/4inf and on US2 fly ftr to the UK carrier and shuttle up troops to Russian finland. Build a supply of ground forces and after UK moves the carrier off Algeria, you follow and dump a load of forces to capture Africa. Then move up 1 to shuttle forces into Finland/Karelia, while builing up for DDay.

    Africa needs enough inf/arm to evict Germany but not too much otherwise Russia suffers. The German med. fleet should be chased out or wiped by aircraft (UK ftr heavy India).

    Russia need forces to free up soldiers v Japan. Preferably let Russia occupy dead zones because they need the $ the most.

    Note: After Germany, all allies get their turns. This means that the allies (air) can reinforce positions or attack previously weakened areas.

    You need enough transports at some point to dump a huge load into WEu or Germany proper, preferably after UK has weakened it. Or use UK as the counterattack after a US/Russia 1-2. Attacking from Spain gives the opportunity to retreat, you might want to go there straight from Algeria, recycling African spare forces.

    Japan is largely ignored except for an inf/arm dump in WestUS, which then gets plugged into the shuttle. I am fond of loading a transport with 1 marine and 1inf, it can often take a lone garrison cheap. You might want to tinker away in the south Pacific doing this at some point, even dropping off in Africa (Madagascar, sp?).

    I started off trying to be specific, but all the variables… Anyway, what do you all think?

  • i belive the best stratagy for the usa is simply this. my bro belives that onthere first turn america should biuld a bomber and a fighter to replace the current b & f in eastern europe in wich you send straight to the uk along with your transport and two infantry thyat will go to algeria to combat nazi forces in the northern africa (if the usa manages to capture a land in the africa he should place a ind complex imediatly and take overthe germans for in my experiance even a talented player leaves nazi africa porly defended and dicardes the usa threat) hey even i do that somtimes and im the essex camp 3 years running :lol: 8) ( qoute steve~o) yeah dude :wink:

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