The Allies playbook: Standard openers and suggestions for sequential rounds

  • Yes you can ditch China and get everything to Europe… you pretty much are broadcasting that you are going for the Europe win and that is it.

  • Or that Germany has zero chance of victory wile Japan will have to fight with every US build from rund 2 and + 13 (10russian and 3anzac) xtra units in India to win. Bringing to hawaii fleet is more than you need though, they better for blocking japan.

    If germany “gives up” on victory you sail right trough suez and abracadabra your in the pacific.

  • I’ve been playing with Japan during our game (which is ongoing) and we are starting round 6 or 7, can’t quite remember. But I’d say I’ve done a fairly good job. I have wiped out China, I will take India next round (5tanks and 3 planes versus 4 inf.)and currently-convoyed-to-shit Australia will be down in 3 roudns max. I’ve collected all the money islands, Hawaii, Philp. and I just invaded Alaska, forcing him to defend his country 100%. I can pump 8 units to Alaska every single turn. 6 planes is on its way from souteast Asia and my fleet is way bigger. Atm I make 80+ (that number will increase by 10 when I take Sydney and Calcutta), which slightly more than US. My plan is to build a minor IC, establish a troop route to Alaska/canada and convoy the western us with subs.

    On the eastern front, Russia is gathering enourmous stacks and a german attack would not be a viable option atm. They will have to build in ukraine, lenin and an ic Germany bought in west.ukr. Italy just fell, loosing 17 bucks to USA, but it was recaptured with ease. Germany has alot of units to defend the west front, but US just built a minor IC in spain, defended by 3 tanks and 3 inf. The problemis that Uk has blocked german armor from rushing through normany/south france to attack spain.Still though, Spain will fall now that US is forced to re-prioritize their buys.

  • Shameless bump

  • @Cow:

    1. take sumatra with uk and java with anzac, during non combat fly 3 fighters into java with anzac.

    Is this a legal move? Can I land fighters in a territory I just “captured”? Or are there special rules for Dutch countries that I am just missing?

  • @Shaniana:


    1. take sumatra with uk and java with anzac, during non combat fly 3 fighters into java with anzac.

    Is this a legal move? Can I land fighters in a territory I just “captured”? Or are there special rules for Dutch countries that I am just missing?

    For boh UK and ANZAC the rules state that their units can freely move into DEI territories in their ncm. DEI is already ‘aligned’ with them and is not at all treated as a ‘neutral territory’. UK/ANZAC may even take control of such a territory (gaining their IPC income), but that requires a land unit to move into it.

    The way I interpret it: you don’t even need to control a DEI territory (by moving a land unit in it first) in order to land aircraft in it. Except of course if Japan first conquered it ;-).

    Even though I think there is little room for interpretation, I’d be happy to hear if I’m wrong about this.

  • I think you have to conquer it to land fighters on it in the same round.

    Not 100% sure.

  • Below a quote from the rulebook, so decide for yourself:


    The United Kingdom and ANZAC
    These two powers also have an arrangement with the Dutch government in exile (Holland having been captured by Germany) and have taken guardianship of the Dutch territories in the Pacific. As a result, they are free to move units into these territories as a noncombat movement at any time, as long as they have not yet been captured by Japan."

    The above rules are pretty clear about it, not? Units can move in it during the ncm and may be aircraft or land units, the rules state no distinction.
    The act of taking control of the territory is explained later in that paragraph which only happens when a land unit moved into such a territory during its ncm, but I can’t see how this prevents aircraft to land there as well.

    “They may actually take control of them (gaining their IPC income) by moving land units into them.” (…)

    I Look at it as a territory that is controlled by the allied side from the start of the turn. What changes when a UK/ANZAC land unit moves into it, is who gets the IPCs (the Dutch government in exile or the UK/ANZAC) and control switches from the Dutch to UK/ANZAC.

    A legal landing spot for aircraft is NOT an area that you controlled from the start of turn, but an area that was friendly (but not friendly neutral) from the start of the turn. The DEI are not neutral!

    TLDR (sorry if it is ;-)):
    If you cannot decide if it is legal or not, you can also move land units of the UK into Java first, and then fly the ANZAC FTR as a leapfrog action. AZAC then can take Celebes/DNG instead…

  • yeah so you have to put land units on it to land fighters. :D

  • Hehheh, Mooooh! ;-)

  • @Cow:

    yeah so you have to put land units on it to land fighters. :D

    No you don’t.
    It’s just that moving land units into them gives you their money.

  • bump… :-D

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