[East & West by Imp Games] Soviet strategy playtest

  • Japan SZ
    Defender: 2 crz
    DiceRolls: 2@3; Total Hits: 12@3: (3, 4)

  • Technology Results:
    US gains Ballistic Missiles

    Complication Results:
    Global Outrage
    China:  USSR $8
    Arabs:  USSR $0
    OAS:  Neutral $0

    Escape Results:
    1 bmb (US) lost in the mushroom cloud

  • (due to the Arab League no longer being Neutral, the Suez Canal is now closed to NATO ships)

    Non-Combat Movement:
    1 arm Okinawa to Indochina via 1 trn Okinawa SZ to Burma SZ
    1 trn, 1 crz, 1 AC West US SZ to West Panama SZ
    3 inf West US to East US
    1 arm West US to Quebec
    1 bmb East US to Midway
    1 inf, 1 arm East US to Quebec
    2 inf East US to France via 1 trn East US SZ to Irish SZ
    1 crz East US SZ to Irish SZ
    1 ftr East US to France
    1 ftr Iceland to Italy
    1 sub Iceland SZ to Irish SZ
    1 trn, 1 crz Italy SZ to Morocco SZ

    Placement: [5 inf, 1 trn, 1 spy]
    1 inf – Iceland
    4 inf, 1 trn – East US

    South Korea: 2 inf
    Japan: 4 inf
    Philippines: 2 inf
    Okinawa: 1 inf
    Alaska: 1 inf
    Midway: 1 inf, 1 bmb
    Hawaii: empty
    West US: 1 AA, 1 IC
    East US: 7 inf, 1 trn, 1 AA, 1 IC
    Panama: 1 inf
    Iceland: 4 inf

    Japan SZ: 1 trn, 1 sub, 1 AC, 2 ftr, 1 BB
    West Panama SZ: 1 trn, 1 crz, 1 AC
    Irish SZ: 1 trn, 1 sub, 1 crz
    Morocco SZ: 1 trn, 1 crz

    (Allied territories)
    Quebec: 1 inf, 2 arm
    France: 2 inf, 1 ftr
    Italy: 4 inf, 2 arm, 2 ftr
    Indochina: 1 arm, 1 trn

    Collect Income:
    USSR – 0
    USA – 43
    Neutrals – 0
    China – 0
    Arabs – 0
    OAS – 0
    Saved – 0
    Total: 43

    Production Chart:
    USSR:  $63/53
    WE:  $27/27
    UK:  $33/33
    USA:  $43/43
    China:  USSR $8
    Arabs:  USSR $0
    OAS:  Neutral $0

  • **Round 1

    US purchases 1 spy
    Global Outrage against NATO

    US gains Ballistic Missiles

    Land Battles:
    USSR captures West Germany, Greece, Turkey, South Korea
    Western Europe liberates West Germany

    Naval Battles:
    Soviet navy clears the North Sea, Japan SZ
    European navy strafes the Black Sea
    US Fusion Weapon clears the North Sea
    US navy clears Japan SZ

    Amphibious Assaults:
    UK strafes Karelia
    US liberates South Korea**

    Combat Map:
    Soviet attacks in dark red
    NATO attacks in light blue
    Areas attacked by both sides in pink

    Final Map:
    Holdings at the end of Round 1

    Rd1 Combat Map.JPG

  • USSR 2

    1 free @ Counter-Intelligence
    DiceRolling 1d6:

    1 free @ Nuclear Weapons
    DiceRolling 1d6:

    Purchase: [63 IPCs]
    26 inf [52 IPCs]
    1 spy [10 IPCs]
    Save [1 IPC]

    Combat Movement:
    West Germany [2 inf]

    • 1 inf – East Germany

    • 3 arm, 4 ftr – Yugoslavia

    Total: 2 inf, 3 arm, 4 ftr vs. 2 inf

    Pakistan [1 inf]

    • 2 inf – Turkmenistan

    • 1 ftr – Georgia

    • 1 bmb – Russia

    Total: 2 inf, 1 ftr, 1 bmb vs. 1 inf

    South Korea [2 inf]

    • 2 inf, 2 arm – North Korea

    • 2 ftr – East Siberia

    Total: 2 inf, 2 arm, 2 ftr vs. 2 inf

  • Technology Results:
    USSR gains Fusion Weapons

  • West Germany
    Attacker: 1 inf, 3 arm, 4 ftr
    DiceRolls: 1@1 7@3; Total Hits: 31@1: (1)7@3: (5, 2, 2, 5, 4, 4, 5)

    Defender: 2 inf
    DiceRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 22@2: (2, 1)

    Attacker: 2 inf, 1 ftr, 1 bmb
    DiceRolls: 2@1 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 12@1: (5, 4)1@3: (5)1@4: (2)

    Defender: 1 inf
    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)

    South Korea
    Attacker: 2 inf, 2 arm, 2ftr
    DiceRolls: 2@1 4@3; Total Hits: 32@1: (6, 5)4@3: (3, 5, 3, 2)

    Defender: 2 inf
    DiceRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (6, 1)

  • Wow. Those are some BS defense dice.

    P.S. please replace “Fusion Weapon” with “Fission Weapon” in all of my previous posts. It’s been a long time since I thought of them as anything other than “little nuke” and “big nuke” so in my attempt to be literally correct as per the rules, i failed horribly  :roll:

  • Non-Combat Movement:
    1 inf East Germany to West Germany
    2 inf East Germany to Poland
    2 arm, 4 ftr West Germany to Yugoslavia
    3 inf Poland to Yugoslavia
    2 inf Romania to Yugoslavia
    3 inf Greece to Yugoslavia
    1 crz Black Sea to Algeria SZ
    1 arm Karelia to Poland
    1 inf, 1 AA Ukraine to Poland
    1 AA Georgia to Ukraine
    1 hrm Georgia to Qinghai
    1 inf Georgia to Kazakhstan
    2 hrm Belarus to Kazakhstan
    2 arm Turkey to Kazakhstan
    3 inf Turkey to Georgia
    8 inf Kazakhstan to Sinkiang
    1 ftr, 1 bmb Pakistan to Sinkiang
    4 inf Sinkiang to Qinghai
    2 inf Mongolia to Inner Mongolia
    3 inf Manchuria to Inner Mongolia
    1 arm East Siberia to Inner Mongolia
    6 inf East Siberia to Manchuria
    2 arm South Korea to North Korea
    2 ftr South Korea to East Siberia

    Placement: [26 inf]
    4 inf – East Germany
    2 inf – Yugoslavia
    3 inf – Poland
    2 inf – Romania
    4 inf – Karelia
    2 inf – Turkmenistan
    2 inf – Kazakhstan
    1 inf – Mongolia
    4 inf – East Siberia
    2 inf – North Korea

    Algeria SZ: 1 crz
    West Germany: 1 inf
    Greece: 1 inf
    Turkey: 1 inf
    Pakistan: 1 inf
    South Korea: 1 inf

    East Germany: 4 inf
    Yugoslavia: 20 inf, 2 arm, 4 ftr
    Baltic States: 1 inf
    Poland: 6 inf, 1 arm, 1 AA
    Romania: 2 inf
    Karelia: 8 inf, 1 AA, 1 IC
    Belarus: 1 inf
    Ukraine: 1 AA, 1 IC
    Komi: 1 inf
    Orel: 1 inf
    Georgia: 3 inf
    Russia: 1 IC
    Urals: empty
    Kazakhstan: 3 inf, 2 arm, 2 hrm
    Turkmenistan: 2 inf
    West Siberia: empty
    Baykal: empty
    Mongolia: 1 inf
    East Siberia: 4 inf, 2 ftr, 1 AA, 1 IC
    North Korea: 6 inf (China), 2 inf, 2 arm
    Kamchatka: 1 inf

    (Chinese territories)
    Sinkiang: 8 inf, 1 ftr, 1 bmb
    Qinghai: 4 inf, 1 hrm
    Inner Mongolia: 5 inf, 1 arm
    Manchuria: 6 inf

    Collect Income:
    USSR - 48
    WE - 9
    UK - 1
    USA - 2
    Neutrals - 0
    China - 8
    Arabs - 0
    OAS - 0
    Saved - 1
    Total: 69

    Production Chart:
    USSR: $69/60
    WE: $27/23
    UK: $33/32
    USA: $43/41
    China:  USSR $8
    Arabs:  USSR $0
    OAS:  Neutral $0

  • WE 2

    Purchase: [27 IPCs]
    9 inf [27 IPCs]
    save [0 IPCs]

    Combat Movement:
    West Germany [1 inf]
    1 inf, 3 arm – France
    Total: 1 inf, 3 arm vs. 1 inf

    Attacker: 1 inf, 3 arm
    DiceRolls: 1@1 3@3; Total Hits: 31@1: (3)3@3: (1, 1, 2)

    Defender: 1 inf
    DiceRolls: 1@1; Total Hits: 11@1: (1)

  • Non-Combat Movement:
    3 arm West Germany to France
    2 inf France to Norway via 1 trn Komi SZ to Komi SZ
    2 inf Algeria to France via 1 trn Morocco SZ to Irish SZ
    1 crz Morocco SZ to Irish SZ
    1 ftr Red Sea (UK carrier) to Italy
    1 ftr India to Sudan
    1 inf New Guinea to Borneo SZ via 1 trn Queensland SZ to Borneo SZ

    Placement: [9 inf]
    2 inf – Norway
    3 inf – France
    4 inf – Italy

    France: 5 inf, 3 arm, 1 AA, 1 IC
    Italy: 11 inf, 1 ftr, 1 AA, 1 IC
    Norway: 11 inf
    Indochina: 3 inf

    Komi SZ: 1 trn
    Irish SZ: 1 trn, 1 crz
    Borneo SZ: 1 trn w/ 1 inf
    Sudan: 1 ftr

    (Empty territories)
    West Germany
    West Africa
    Equatorial Africa
    New Guinea

    Collect Income:
    USSR - 0
    WE - 27
    Neutrals - 0
    China - 0
    Arabs - 0
    OAS - 0
    Saved - 0
    Total: 27

    Production Chart:
    USSR: $69/56
    WE: $27/27
    UK: $33/32
    USA: $43/41
    China:  USSR $8
    Arabs:  USSR $0
    OAS:  Neutral $0

  • UK2

    1 @ Armor [5 IPCs]
    DiceRolling 1d6:

    Purchase: [28 IPCs]
    6 inf [18 IPCs]
    1 spy [10 IPCs]
    save [0 IPCs]

    Combat Movement:
    Komi [1 inf]

    • 2 inf – UK via 2 bmb UK

    • 2 inf – Iceland via 1 trn Komi SZ to Komi SZ

    • 1 crz, 1 BB – Komi SZ

    Total: 4 inf, 1 crz, 1 BB, 2 bmb (cannot attack) vs. 1 inf

    First Strike: 1 crz, 1 BB
    DiceRolls: 1@2 1@4; Total Hits: 21@2: (1)1@4: (1)
    Attacker: 4 inf
    DiceRolls: 4@1; Total Hits: 04@1: (6, 5, 3, 3)

    Pakistan [1 inf]

    • 2 inf – Sudan via 1 trn Red Sea to Persian Gulf

    • 2 inf – Burma via 1 trn Burma SZ to Persian Gulf

    • 1 ftr India

    Total: 4 inf, 1 ftr vs. 1 inf

    Attacker: 4 inf, 1 ftr
    DiceRolls: 4@1 1@3; Total Hits: 34@1: (2, 2, 1, 1)1@3: (3)

    Defender: 1 inf
    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)

  • Non-Combat Movement:
    1 inf Ontario to Quebec
    1 crz Rio De Oro/West Africa SZ to Morocco SZ
    1 trn Morocco SZ to Quebec SZ
    2 bmb Komi to UK
    1 inf Algeria to Equatorial Africa
    1 inf Nigeria to Equatorial Africa
    1 inf Libya to Sudan
    3 inf Rhodesia to Tanganyika
    1 arm Congo to Tanganyika
    2 sub, 1 AC Red Sea to Persian Gulf
    1 sub India SZ to Persian Gulf
    1 ftr Pakistan to India
    8 inf, 1 arm Burma to India

    Placement: [6 inf, 1 spy]
    1 inf – Sudan
    3 inf – India
    1 inf – Ceylon
    1 inf – Burma

    Komi: 4 inf, 1 trn, 1 sub, 1 crz, 1 BB
    Borneo SZ: 1 inf (WE transport)

    Ontario: 1 AA, 1 IC
    Quebec: 2 inf, 1 arm, 1 trn
    UK: 3 inf, 1 arm, 2 bmb, 1 AA, 1 IC
    Gibraltar: 1 crz
    Sudan: 2 inf
    Tanganyika: 4 inf, 1 arm
    Pakistan: 3 inf, 2 trn, 3 sub, 1 AC
    India: 15 inf, 1 arm, 1 ftr
    Ceylon: 1 inf
    Burma: 1 inf

    (Empty territories)
    Western Canada
    South Africa
    Western Australia
    New South Wales
    New Zealand

    (Allied territories)
    Norway: 2 inf
    Italy: 3 inf
    Equatorial Africa: 2 inf

    Collect Income:
    USSR - 1
    UK - 33
    Neutrals - 0
    China - 0
    Arabs - 0
    OAS - 0
    Saved - 0
    Total: 34

    Production Chart:
    USSR: $69/54
    WE: $27/27
    UK: $34/34
    USA: $43/41
    China:  USSR $8
    Arabs:  USSR $0
    OAS:  Neutral $0

  • US 2

    DiceRolling 1d6:

    1 free @ Nuclear Weapons
    :dice: 1d6:
    1 @ Air [5 IPCs]
    DiceRolling 1d6:
    1 @ Armor [5 IPCs]
    DiceRolling 1d6:

  • 1 free @ Nuclear Weapons
    DiceRolling 1d6:

  • Technology Results:
    US gains Jets
    WE gains half-step towards Jets
    UK gains half-step towards Jets

  • Purchase: [33 IPCs]
    6 inf [18 IPCs]
    1 IC [15 IPCs]
    save [0 IPCs]

    Combat Movement:
    South Korea [1 inf]

    • 1 inf – Midway via 1 bmb Midway

    • 2 ftr – Japan SZ

    Total: 1 inf, 2 ftr, 1 bmb (cannot attack) vs. 1 inf

    Attacker: 1 inf, 2 ftr
    DiceRolls: 1@1 2@3; Total Hits: 21@1: (2)2@3: (3, 2)

    Defender: 1 inf
    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (3)

  • Non-Combat Movement:
    1 inf Panama to East US via 1 trn West Panama SZ to East US SZ
    1 crz, 1 AC West Panama SZ to East US SZ
    2 inf East US to France via 1 trn East US SZ to Irish SZ
    5 inf East US to Quebec
    1 trn Morocco SZ to Quebec SZ
    1 crz Morocco SZ to Irish SZ
    1 sub Irish SZ to Morocco SZ
    2 inf Iceland to Komi via 1 trn Irish SZ to Komi SZ
    1 inf France to West Germany
    1 inf, 1 ftr France to Italy
    2 inf Philippines to Indochina via 1 trn Burma SZ to Burma SZ
    2 inf Japan to Indochina via 1 trn Japan SZ to Burma SZ
    1 sub, 1 AC, 1 BB Japan SZ to Burma SZ
    2 ftr South Korea to Burma SZ
    1 bmb South Korea to Japan

    Placement: [6 inf, 1 IC]
    1 inf, 1 IC – Japan
    2 inf – Philippines
    2 inf – Iceland
    1 inf – East US

    Alaska: 1 inf
    West US: 1 AA, 1 IC
    East US: 2 inf, 1 AA, 1 IC, 1 trn, 1 crz, 1 AC
    Iceland: 4 inf
    Philippines: 2 inf
    South Korea: 1 inf
    Japan: 3 inf, 1 bmb, 1 IC
    Okinawa: 1 inf
    Hawaii: empty

    Irish SZ: 1 trn, 2 crz
    Morocco SZ: 1 sub
    Burma SZ: 2 trn, 1 sub, 1 AC, 2 ftr, 1 BB

    (Allied territories)
    Komi: 2 inf, 1 trn
    France: 2 inf
    West Germany: 1 inf
    Italy: 5 inf, 2 arm, 3 ftr
    Indochina: 4 inf, 1 arm

    Collect Income:
    USSR - 0
    USA - 43
    Neutrals - 0
    China - 0
    Arabs - 0
    OAS - 0
    Saved - 0
    Total: 43

    Production Chart:
    USSR: $69/52
    WE: $27/27
    UK: $34/34
    USA: $43/43
    China:  USSR $8
    Arabs:  USSR $0
    OAS:  Neutral $0

  • **Round 2

    USSR purchases 1 spy
    UK purchases 1 spy

    USSR gains Fission Weapons
    US gains Jets; WE, UK gain half-step each

    Land Battles:
    USSR captures West Germany, Pakistan, South Korea
    Western Europe liberates West Germany

    Naval Action:
    Soviet navy controls the Mediterranean
    UK fleet rallies in the Persian Gulf
    US fleet rallies in the South China Sea (Burma SZ)
    NATO fleet in full command of the North Atlantic (East US SZ, Quebec SZ, Morocco SZ, Irish SZ, Komi SZ)

    Airborne & Amphibious Assaults:
    UK marines & paratroopers capture Komi
    UK marines liberate Pakistan
    US paratroopers liberate South Korea
    US marines land in Komi, Indochina**

    Combat Map:
    Soviet attacks in dark red
    NATO attacks in light blue
    Areas attacked by both sides in pink

    Final Map:
    Holdings at the end of Round 2

    Rd2 Combat Map.JPG

  • Doesn’t look good for the Soviets; NATO marines are on Moscow’s doorstep, and the Red Army isn’t sustaining any gains anywhere.

    If the offensive into southeast Asia is successful (starting turn 4 at the earliest) and the USSR can develop Ballistic Missiles, they may yet pull out a victory. But NATO is cashing out high every turn, and that’s bad news…

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