• Sponsor

    For me, I’m not interested in which character is more of a bad ass, or how the film looks… What’s important to me is how entertaining is the film. I’m pretty sure I’ll only watch Skyfall that one time (like Casino Royal which I thought was just as good as Skyfall, if not better), but I’ve already seen TDKR 3 times and will likely see it again in the future. Maybe it’s because I’m not a big fan of Bond, because some who I would call big fans were clapping during the end credits… Lots to be praised, but overall, just another James Bond film that relies more on the theme song, the 20 time quota for that cheese horn melody, and the casting of a hot supporting actress rather than an intriguing spy script that chalanges the intellect like most spy plots do.

    EDIT: and what’s with that lame sex scene? Kissing in the shower? Boringggggggg.

  • Sponsor


    Just saw Skyfall. Horrible movie. Bad script. Boring movie. Don’t waste your money.

    You’re right, I was being to nice in my last post…. it sucked.

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