I am not against the “rich” , i am against the superrich.If you earn 10 - 100 millions a year, then you come close to the superrich. And they should just take up the responsibility these enormous riches give to them for the society
10-100 million? I would say that makes you superrich. I question whether anyone who makes that much possibly deserves it. I also believe that people who have that kind of money should do something for society, but they’re the ones who made it and I’m not going to go harass them to give it all away.
Unless it’s to the government when they die, right? :(
What a bunch of crap. You single out the so-called “superrich” people and claim it’s okay to do so becuase they have so much money they probably didn’t earn it. Ironically, nobody says anything about this. Now, what if I was to single out the so-called “superpoor” people and tell them that they had to pay taxes too? All hell would break loose. I’d be labeled as “uncompassionate”, “heartless”, and “greedy.”
It basically comes down to the point of who the hell do you think you are, trying to take what belongs to me? The only reason you’re not labelled a thief is because you’re trying to steal the money by use of the government. :-?
Why are you more concerned about what individuals are making rather than what the government is making? :o You’re worried about making a crapload of money that you don’t deserve, well…does the government deserve it? Of course they do…some of it. But, they’ll take whatever you give them, and once they’ve satisfied the needs of the basic neccessities (defense, judicial, etc.) then they’ll waste it on needless social programs. :roll: