Desperate for a good German Strategy!

  • I am playing A&A soon with Germany and I need a good strategy… SOON!!! :o :o :o :o :o

  • Are you playing Russia Restricted?

    This will determine whether you should build sum tanks right away or not. If you are playing Russia Restricted – it’s best to buy all infantry for the 1st couple of rounds (and perhaps a tank if 2 ipcs are left over).

    In either case – it’s good to destroy the entire UK fleet and move sum additional troops to Africa. Definitely try and take Egypt! It’s also good to try and keep the German bomber in W. Europe, to destroy any transports (if 3 or less) in the E. US Sea Zone. You may also want to move the S. European AA gun to E. Europe to help detour any Russian attack, but this is purely circumstantial (depends on several factors).

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    fortify East Europe!!!

  • It depends on how aggressive the allies are being to you and your ally. If they are too aggressive with Japan, head for Moscow.

  • Pull back to strengtehn EEu and then after G1 start launching spoilers at Karelia aimed at chipping away the defenses. I will assume you have taken all or most of Africa at this point so you will have the IPC base for a few turns (until the Americans go take Africa back for the Brits) to get 10-11 INF each turn. Keep moving them to EEu from Germany and keep launching attacks on Karelia every turn with a lot of INF and all of your tanks. The tanks should take out 3-5 INF plus what the INF take out (I don’t know the mathematical statistics but it ranges from a few to a bunch if you get lucky)… anyways after a turn or two fall back and keep moving troops from Germany that you placed there last turn into EEu. DO NOT take Karelia unless you have the troops to keep it for one turn. Normally if you take it you have only a few INF and all your tanks and all that means is that in a counter Russia takes out all or most all of your tanks. In any case, keep that up and hope Japan can whittle away at Russian strength until you can break through. Then take Moscow and once that is done just turn west and break the UK.

    I know, I know… long paragraph… sorry it’s late :)

  • With your $32 in IPCs, purchase 4 infantry and 4 tanks per round. This gives you a great mix of cheap defense/cannon fodder and offense. Anything above and beyond the $32 gained in later rounds should just go to additional infantry or tanks. What you do on your first turn really depends on what Russia does. If they take Ukraine SSR, take it back or attack Karelia depending on where he has the majority of his units. As someone else mentioned, you want to make sure that you want to have a decent-size force to take on Karelia to defend it. Your 1st objective is to take Karelia. Once you can do that and begin building there, you’re in great shape. As far as the Allies navy, use all of your available airforce and navy to wipe it out! North Africa is key to this game in getting you extra IPCs. Amphibiously assault Anglo-Egypt Sudan with with either 2 infantry or 1 tank from Southern Europe on the transport along with your Battleship & bomber and use your 1 infantry & 1 tank from Libya as well. You have to be very aggressive with Germany in the 1st round to weaken the Allies all around & gain the extra IPCs.

  • I’m actually in the process right now of writing an opening strategy for Germany but I’ll tell you it involves the same kind of moves I advocated when I last posted here: all INF for the first few turns and on G2 and after start launching spoilers on Karelia with the INF from EEu and the tanks. With 8 tanks you can inflict some heavy damage on the Russians. After 2-3 turns, the Japanese should be putting serious enough pressure on the Russians that they cannot keep up (of course by this time the Americans and British will be back in Africa and threatening to even start putting troops in Russia) but Russia is most likely pumping all of their troops into Karelia every turn minus maybe 2 in Russia proper so once you beat Karelia and can hold on to it for a turn you can pretty much toast Russia.

    If the odd IPC savings add up that you can buy a tank plus the ten INF on a given turn, then by all means do so but if you keep all tanks in Europe alive save the one in SEu that you’re probably sending into Africa on G1, you will have 8 tanks to strike on a given turn. Russia has a lot of INF but unless they keep both fighters there and the British keep the fighters as well in Karelia they don’t have much of a defensive punch other than numbers.

    Keep pounding turn after turn with the tanks… and hope Japan plays well :D

  • It can be a bit of a risk, but if Russia has taken the Ukraine in force and bulked up Karalia, it seems like a good idea to launch a spoiler attack asap into the Ukraine or Karalia. Depending on which is weaker but making sure you don’t take it.

    Spoiler attacks in turn one could be a goer in Karalia so as to “retreat” the Norway/Finland forces into EE. Also there are no english aircraft there yet. In the Ukraine you could knock out a rusky armour but with only 3 inf for fodder it is a bit dodgy.

    Then again a spoiler attack v Russia on G1 is a bit iffy. I think I will calculate some odds, back in a tick.

  • I know it is a bit lame replying to myself but regarding those odds…

    It does not look pretty attacking Karalia if it is stacked with 19inf, 3rm and 2 ftr with 9inf, 7arm and no airforce. That assumes RR.

    The Ukraine foray is only feasible if Russia took heavier than expected losses seizing it and even then if Germany takes heavy losses in the spoiler attack, those Russian armour are likey still intact.

    A G2 spoiler against Karalia, assuming R2 took out Fin/Nor with 3arm, 3inf and 2ftr still leaves Karalia very strong. I’d think R would have moved all but one remaining inf from Ukraine, raised another 5-8 (some of that could be arm) and got the english ftrs. All in all that’s about 25inf & 4ftr. Or 10hits/7 hits/4 hits with a reserve in Fin/Nor.

    I think the spoiler attacks should start only if R is silly or once Japan starts putting pressure on Moscow.

  • Any attack launched at Karelia is only to take out several of the Russian infantry. The idea is to eventually gain infantry superiority in order to make the assault more feasible as Japan gains Russian territory in the East.

  • Any attack launched at Karelia is only to take out several of the Russian infantry. The idea is to eventually gain infantry superiority in order to make the assault more feasible as Japan gains Russian territory in the East.

    Exactly… and Russia cannot attack unless the superiority is huge on their part because of a complete lack of offensive minded units. Just because they can get 20 INF into a territory doesn’t mean they can do anything but sit there with them.

  • do not build inf. it is a waste of money if you plan to go on the defensive from the beginning you might as well not play build tanks if it is russia restricted attack Russia 1st turn if it is not RUssia restricted attack RUssia 1st turn to win the war Russia must be destroyed befor America gets to Strong!

  • (1) Infantry is a better unit than tanks. There are some web pages around doing alot of statistics and evaluation.
    (2) Please, use pnctuation. It hurts to read your posts without any full stop or comma.

  • @MysticalRommel:

    do not build inf. it is a waste of money if you plan to go on the defensive from the beginning you might as well not play build tanks if it is russia restricted attack Russia 1st turn if it is not RUssia restricted attack RUssia 1st turn to win the war Russia must be destroyed befor America gets to Strong!

    If RR, the odds against a German win are pretty high, and also assume (if I remember right, taking fighters as a loss, major don’t) and if not RR, then Russia is most likely going to have done something that will have made the attack on Karelia unfeasable anyway.

  • Falk is right about the infantry. It is not Germanys job to destroy Russia it is their job to keep the allies occupied while Japan gets huge. Buy lots of infantry and keep Russia weak, but don’t try to march into Moscow until Japan has taken most of asia.

  • no ifantry is a wate of money tanks are the way of victory

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    no ifantry is a wate of money tanks are the way of victory

    Depends… I have seen the all tank strat fall apart because Germany is encumbered with Sea and Land problems in the Med and Atlantic as well as Africa… You are not seeing what the I nfantry are for… 11 Infantry 2 nd Turn fortifying E europe is a nice mix when the rest is Armor… plenty of cannon fodder for Offense and Defense… Plus if W. Europe needs Fortification, Why was 5 IPC’s rather than 3…


  • The whole “inf vs. tanks” diversion is somewhat pointless.
    A good German player will purchase and use an appropriate combination of armor and inf. If not, they will find their armor quickly depleted by a hit-and-run style allied defense. All territory that they take will be at a significanly inflated price (3 for the price of 5). Let’s say i have 2 russian infantry on Ukraine. You attack it with 2 arm, no inf. Furthermore, let’s let you have it with no losses. I can take out both tanks with 2 inf and 2 ftrs, losing 1-2 inf. You lost 10 ipcs in arm (gained 3 for UKR). I lost 6 ipcs in inf (gained 3 for UKR). I would happily exchange 6 ipcs for 10 with germany all game, especially considering that the allies tend to have an income of roughly 85 to axis of roughly 70 for much of the game.
    your odds here suck, my friend.

  • the stastics are stacked against me I agree but Germany must be very aggresive if not it shall be destroyed this is not only the way it was in reality (as soon as germanies expansions stopped it ended) but countless games inf I still find are a wast airforce and tanks

  • @MysticalRommel:

    the stastics are stacked against me I agree but Germany must be very aggresive if not it shall be destroyed this is not only the way it was in reality (as soon as germanies expansions stopped it ended) but countless games inf I still find are a wast airforce and tanks

    really, it can be only so aggressive.
    A third turn “aggressive” Germany will be shredded by a 1-2-3 allied punch.
    Discretion, my friend, is the better part of valor.

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