Transport Loading & White Borders around Islands

  • We are new to A&A entirely and have played 2 games total so far and are really loving it.

    We have had some confusion about why some shorelines have a black border (New Guinea/Sea Zone 27) and why some have a white border (Marshall Is./Sea Zone 18)

    My buddy suggested white might mean a movement must be used to cross that line.

    To go from Seazone 18 and land in the Marshal Is. a fighter would use one movement.
    A fighter in Sea Zone 27 would be able to land without a movement in New Guinea
    As well, a fighter in Sea Zone 27 could land in New Britain without a movement because of the Air Base Icon.

    When it comes to transports he suggests
    A transport in Seazone 27 could load Inf. from New Guinea freely because no white border, as well as from New Britain because of the Sea Port icon.
    But if a transport was in Seazone 18, it would need to use 1 movement to get into the Marshall Isl., load up Inf., then use 1 movement to move back out to Sea Zone 18.

    This seems a bit fishy and I suggest we might be able to load up directly from Marshall Isl to a transport in Sea Zone 18, move 2 and unload them in New Britain.

    Also the black border being able to cross freely by fighters seems fishy as
    A fighter in French IndoChina going into SZ 46 for free, across Malaysia into SZ 47 all for free just doesn’t seem right.

    Any clarification on the black vs white borders would be greatly appreciated by us both!

    Looks like a great site here and we are so happy that we finally got brave enough to jump in feet first into the A&A universe

    Thanks in advance!

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome, Johnny!

    The white borders simply indicate that the territory is an island group, which means it’s all one territory as opposed to being separate territories.  You can’t split units and say some are on one island and some are on another.  There is no difference between crossing a white border and crossing a black one as regards movement.

  • Thanks!

    Do I need to move my transport from Seazone 18 INTO Marshall Isl in order to load Infantry
    Or can I just load Infantry in Marhall Isl. to a transport in Seazone 18 ?

  • Official Q&A

    You load and offload with your transport in the sea zone adjacent to the territory.  Sea units never enter territories.

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