From what I remember doing
G1: carrier (save 14 IPC, collect 51 (france, Yugo,fin) + 17 french = 81)
G2: 20 mech
USSR 1: 1 ftr, 4 art, 5 inf
USSR 2: 5 art 7 inf
UK1 EU: 6 inf 1 ftr
UK2 EU: Depends, mIC in egupt/ Carrier in europe/ 2 infs and trannie in s Africa / start building ftrs
UK1 P: All inf
UK2 P: mostly inf, if at peace. If at war, some fleet/ftrs and some land
Anzac1: 3 inf
anzac2: start builign ftrs while making some landunits
USA1: if a peace: 9 subs, if at war: 2 carriers, 1 sub and 2 DD for japan
USA2: 2 carriers for europe, 2 carriers 2 subs for japan
it1: either ftr or 1 mech, 1 tank for easter front.
it2: 1 mech + ftr + ??? Depends on money