Guess who was on call with the Trauma service . . .

  • in case any of you are interested in some of my day-to-day life . . .
    First thing in the morning (0730), i had my first patient - 59 y/o stabbing victim. We went into the OR to check him inside and out - he was ok.
    Eventually i saw the other 5 patients on my ward, and then this:

    • and the article was mistaken - we had 3 come in from that accident. 1 was a paraplegic w/ multiple burns, 1 had non-specified neurological damage, as did his wife (they were not aware that their child had died tho’). I think they’re still alive.
      After we saw these, i went to the OR again for more exploration. Then the 59 year old motorcyclist-in-ditch (probably still alive but barely), followed by a little old lady bleeding liters of blood out her stomach (still alive and feisty). By this time it was midnight, and we went to the OR again - some stomach thing - he made it. Soon it was 0200 and i went to bed until around 0300 when 3 stabbing victims (3 different places, all intoxicated) came in. After myself and my resident cleared them (they’ll live, although i’d like to shoot one of them), i got another hour of sleep. At last - it was 0530 and i was awoken because a pedestrian got in the way of a car (going 60 km/h). He died.
      By 1200 i had seen my 7-or-so patients, and left for home. It’s bed time.

  • So, how many traumas did you cause?

    What kind of deal can I get on a trauma for $23.47?
    (it’s all I’ve got on me. Do you take PayPal?)

  • Look on the flip side, at least you get paid well for your troubles. :)

  • @cystic:

    followed by a little old lady bleeding liters of blood out her stomach (still alive and feisty).

    How many liters of blood can you lose and still be alive and feisty? :-?
    I thought people only had like five liters or something like that.

  • @Grigoriy:


    followed by a little old lady bleeding liters of blood out her stomach (still alive and feisty).

    How many liters of blood can you lose and still be alive and feisty? :-?
    I thought people only had like five liters or something like that.

    generally people’s total amount of intravascular fluid (the blood in their veins) is about 7% of their body weight. This means that a 70 kg man prolly has around 5 liters of blood. Once a person loses around 30-40% of this they go into shock and come pretty close to dying.
    The secret to the “little old lady” riddle is that she had a couple of liters of blood pumped into her.

  • Cheater, cheater, liter eater!

    Figuratively, of course.

  • generally people’s total amount of intravascular fluid (the blood in their veins) is about 7% of their body weight. This means that a 70 kg man prolly has around 5 liters of blood. Once a person loses around 30-40% of this they go into shock and come pretty close to dying.
    The secret to the “little old lady” riddle is that she had a couple of liters of blood pumped into her.

    I ate a hamburger pattie raw once. :)

  • @TG:

    generally people’s total amount of intravascular fluid (the blood in their veins) is about 7% of their body weight. This means that a 70 kg man prolly has around 5 liters of blood. Once a person loses around 30-40% of this they go into shock and come pretty close to dying.
    The secret to the “little old lady” riddle is that she had a couple of liters of blood pumped into her.

    I ate a hamburger pattie raw once. :)

    that’s pretty gross.
    also several orders of magnitude more dangerous in terms of bacterial infection than eating a steak raw.
    ahhh E. coli 0157 . . . :)

  • It’s also pretty confusing w.r.t the topic. :-?

  • that’s pretty gross.
    also several orders of magnitude more dangerous in terms of bacterial infection than eating a steak raw.
    ahhh E. coli 0157 . . .

    Hey, the way I see it is that we’re all mammals here… and if a tiger/bear/lion/kangaroo eats raw meat – I sure as hell can! I would eat my sister too, but I hear there’s some pretty nasty diseases you can get from eating your own kind.

  • whats really nasty is, there are restaurants that serve raw chicken! my dad actually ate at one. said it was pretty nasty. the nastiest thing I ever ate was probably chicken feet (yes, feet). what does this have to do with the topic? very little. how much do i care? not much. what time is it? 220 am.

  • Mmmm… I love chicken feet. Seriously, it’s pretty good if you cook it with soup. :)

    But raw chicken, might be pretty nasty with all those feather and what not. Plus a chicken is a dirty animal.

  • not to mention raw chicken is very disease causing.

  • eh, today, everything will give you cancer and/or radiation in some form or another. :-? Besides, you only live once, so I want to try everything out myself personally (no matter if it’s human flesh or raw beef)

  • @TG:

    eh, today, everything will give you cancer and/or radiation in some form or another. :-? Besides, you only live once, so I want to try everything out myself personally (no matter if it’s human flesh or raw beef)

    ummm . . . it’s not a matter of possibly getting cancer, but more a matter of likely getting a nasty bacteria. Yersinia, E.coli, salmonellae etc. . . . .
    This is a good site for lay-people interested in topix like food poisoning. I actually find doing a google search with “topic emedicine” (where “topic” is anything from anuria to Zollinger Ellison) gives excellent information written by speciallist/experts in their field and edited by their peers - i.e. other experts.

  • other stuff i saw when on call - this one woke me up around 0530 or so and broke my heart.

  • @TG:

    I would eat my sister too, but I hear there’s some pretty nasty diseases you can get from eating your own kind.

    I thought that was marrying your own kind.

    the nastiest thing I ever ate was probably chicken feet (yes, feet).

    Nastiest thing I ever ate? Head cheese. Mmmm…brains. :P

    eh, today, everything will give you cancer and/or radiation in some form or another. Besides, you only live once, so I want to try everything out myself personally (no matter if it’s human flesh or raw beef)

    I second that! :)

  • no, supposedly cannibalism can lead to some pretty nasty diseases.

  • @Janus1:

    no, supposedly cannibalism can lead to some pretty nasty diseases.

    Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and kuru in people, mad cow disease, chronic wasting disease in deer, and scrapie in sheep to name a few.
    All thanks to prions.

    This is a good site for lay-people interested in topix like food poisoning. I actually find doing a google search with “topic emedicine” (where “topic” is anything from anuria to Zollinger Ellison) gives excellent information written by speciallist/experts in their field and edited by their peers - i.e. other experts.

    Don’t worry, I went over your article CC, and I’ll try to be on the safe side myself whenever I eat raw meat.

    I mean look at the cause of most of viruses… feces. I am never going to eat feces. Period.

    Bacteria. Mostly because the food was not chilled properly or in human waste. There are some when meat isn’t cooked, but that’s good enough for me to take my chances. :)

    Parasites caused by contaminated water. Don’t worry, I never use water that’s been contaminated

    I thought that was marrying your own kind

    Yeah, that’s what troubled me at first too. If there a difference between eating my sister and eating someone like oh… say, Grigoriy Ivanovitch (that’s what you get for using your real name :wink:)? I mean, if I’m going to eat somebody, I may as well make sure I’m not going to get some Luke-Leia Jedi inbreeding disease going on…

    mad cow disease

    Yeah, that worries me too… however, would it be the same if say… the meat was pre-cooked first?

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