Next, the last of a 5 player scenario, &, the last appearance of the Ottoman Empire. British & French Empires & U.S.A., versus, Austro-Hungarian & Ottoman Empire.
Round One: AH Empire builds 2 transports, fighter, &, BB. BB,C, &, transport leave Home Waters, &, arrive off Ottoman capital(trooper & gun debark). For now the forces will help protect the capital, &, allow the Ottoman to move more forces to their borders.
France builds fighter, BB, &, submarine. If France can keep the AH fleet boxed in, British can reduce the Ottoman Empire, with U.S.A. helping in both goals.
Moves land forces to Marseilles, &, fighter flies in from Paris. W. African troopers head for the north, while transport from S. France, picks up trooper from Algeria & Tunisia(lands them in Egypt).
Escorting BB & C block AHE & Ottoman Home Waters, with BB from Brest sailing to join them. Also transport from Brest sails for Canada.
British Empire builds 2 fighter(one in India), BB, &, submarine. Land Forces in Africa head for Egypt, transport off Egypt heads for S. Africa, BB & transport from India arrives in Red Sea & debark 2 troopers onto Egypt(Indian C arrives off Egypt, in Med. Sea).
Off Canada C joins Fr. fleet in Central Med. Sea, &, transport with trooper & gun arrives off S. France(also 2 troopers board a Fr. transport). In home islands land forces begin to move towards Wales, &, fleet of BB, 2C, &, transport with trooper & gun, heads for Egypt.
Ottoman Empire builds fighter, sub., &, gun. Moves land forces to E. & W. parts of the Empire, wile still covering the coastal provinces. Both C attack two Brit. C off Egypt, all lost.
U.S.A. builds fighter, transport, &, submarine. While BB arrives off Spain & C arrives off S. France, both from East Coast.
Round Two: AHE builds fighter, sub., &, BB, fleets from Home Waters of both Axis powers, they move to off Italy. Here 2 BB, C, fighter, &, 2 transports(one has 2 troopers for Ottoman Empire), versus, Fr. BB, C, &, transport, with Brits. Cruiser. Losses Axis C, fighter, &, transport, &, Allies all. Two damaged BBs, with one returning to Home Waters, &, another goes to off Ottoman’s capital & transport debarks 2 troopers.
French Empire builds transport, sub., &, BB. Transport from Canada arrives in Med. Sea, &, another with trooper from Algeria and S. France, goes to Egypt & debarks. BB from Brest arrives off Egypt, &, fighter lands there from S. France. From Marseilles BB & sub., with no mine lost, enters Ottoman Home Waters, &, engages AHE damaged BB, &, transport, and, Ottoman sub. & fighter. Lost all Allies & Axis AHE transport, and, Ottoman sub. & fighter.
British Empire builds fighter for India, and, C & BB. Transport arrives off S. Africa with trooper & gun board, &, transport leaves Red Sea for India. BB & sub, leaves Wales for Egypt. Fighter flies from London to Paris(while another flies from India to Egypt), while BB from Red Sea enters Ottoman Home Waters. Brits. BB versus damaged AHE BB, losses mine damaged, &, both BBs sunk. Meanwhile 2 C, arrive in Central Med., while BB arrives off Morocco.
Ottoman Empire builds fighter, trooper, &, gun. More land units enter into Jordan.
U.S.A. builds BB & C, moves transport(2 troopers) & sub., to entrance of Med. Sea. BB & C joins Allied Fleet in Central Med. Sea.
Round Three: AHE builds sub., transport, BB, &, fighter. Home Feet stays at anchorage, next round will attempt a breakout to link up with Ottoman Empire, who will be invading Egypt.
France builds C, submarine, &, fighter. Transport leaves Egypt, goes to S. France & returns with trooper & gun(while a transport already at Marseilles does the same). BB escorts both transports to Egypt.
British Empire builds 2 fighters in India, transport from S. Africa with trooper & gun, arrives off E. Africa. Another transport from India arrives Red Sea and debarks trooper & gun(fighter flies in also). Two BB & sub. from Home Islands joins fleet in central Med. Sea, while another BB & C leaves Wales.
Ottoman Empire builds fighter, &, 3 troopers. From capital fighter flies into Jordan, &, trooper & gun enter from Smyrna. Also from capital trooper & gun enter Smyrna.
U.S.A. builds transport, sub., &, fighter. Moves sub. & transport off Egypt(2 troopers debark), while fighter flies to Morocco.
Round Four: AHE builds fighter, C, &, BB. The navy knows it is outnumber by no less than 50% off Italy, if the Allies want to prevent a breakout, let them come and get them in their Home Waters(one fleet at a time).
France builds 2 BBs. Fighters fly from capital to Marseilles, two transports go from Egypt to Marseilles, and, back(debark 4 troopers). Fleets from W. & Mid. Med. Sea enter AHE Home Waters with fighter from Egypt. Battle 2 BB(both damaged by mines), C, 2 subs., &, fighter, versus, AHE 4 BB, C, 2 subs., transport, &, 3 fighters. Losses a fighter each side in air duel, Fr. losses all ships, &, AHE losses all BB damaged, 2 subs., &, 2 fighters.
British Empire builds 2 fighters & 2 troopers India, &, 2 transports. Transport arrives in Red Sea from E. Africa(trooper & gun debark), while another transport arrives off India, with 2 fighters land in Egypt from India. Two BB arrive off Marseilles, while a BB & transport(trooper & gun) leave Wales for Egypt(joined by another transport with trooper & gun wayward for reasons not know, while off Brest).
Finally fleet off Italy enters AHE Home Waters. Two BB, 2 C, sub.(no mine lost), 2 fighters, versus, AHE 4 damaged BB, &, C. Losses Allies fighter, sub., &, damaged BB, and, Axis all.
Ottoman Empire builds 5 troopers. No Axis naval forces left, with a contested Egypt, might help at the peace table. Cannot wait for Allies to invade Jordan, with unhindered fleets coastal landings can begin to happen. In air duel 2 fighters dog fight 3 BE fighters, lost all Axis and Allies 1 fighter. Eighteen troopers & 6 guns, versus, BE 11 troopers, 4 guns, &, 2 fighters, and, Fr. 10 troopers & 2 guns. Losses Brits. 7 troopers & Fr. 6 troopers, and, Ottoman Empire 11 troopers.
U.S.A. builds gun, tank, fighter, &, transport. Transport & sub. arrive off Egypt(debark 2 troopers) joining US fleet of BB & C. Fighter flies into Egypt from Morocco, another fighter leaves East Coast to Morocco. Aslo sub. & transport(trooper & gun) leaves E. Coast for Egypt.
Peace breaks out! AHE knows where this is going, their fleet will never get big enough to take on the Allies. If by chance they get naval superiority for one turn, probably Ottoman Empire will be overrun.
The Turks actually have some forces in Egypt, they agree to pull out, and, hand out economic “candy” to the Allies, oil leases(they make sure AHE helps finance their share of the Ottoman leases).
IPCs lost Axis troopers 11, &, Allies trooper 13, fighters 7, &, 3, transport 2, &, 1, subs. 3, &, 4, C 4, &, 5, and, BB five each side.