Also for future OOL selections (If any may you please just post a screenshot of the game board/state and the tripleA hits)
R02 - DutchmanD (Axis) vs Battling Maxo (Allies +14);
6 hits. Prob soak 1 BB, lose 5 dd or lose an AC due to subs present?
Ahh, I needed another hit or 2 to make you see the light. I probably should have let you roll since you do a much better job for me. :-D
lose 4 fighters
z12 cleared with 1 BB, 1 cru, 2 dds, 1 fighter remaining.
inf, art France > Gib, end tnp z12
fighter in z12 lands Gib.Mobilization
sub z14
ftr ItalyCollect $16
Has $16 -
US 12 buy 3ss 2ftr 2inf save 0
lets blow some things up
2bmb eus/bmb alg/3ss z7>>z12
As usual gear rolls when it doesn’t matter z12 cleared with loss of sub
3inf eca/inf wus>>wca 2inf art eus arm wus>>eca 3bmb z12>>uk
mobilize 3ss z10 2ftr z12 2inf eus
5 damage for total of 11.
5 arm Kar > Nor
inf Bst > Belo
arm Belo > Kar
3 inf, aa gun Bst > Kar
fleet z13 > z7
dd z5 > z7
3 ftrs z13 > z5
2 ftrs z13 > z7
4 inf Germany > France
2 inf, 2 art Poland > Germany
11 arm Epl > Bst
8 arm Epl > Germany
4 arm Caucasus > Epl
inf Sudan > EgyptMobilization
8 tnps z5Collect $63 +3
Has $66 -
A little sealion insurance policy in case Russia doesn’t fall….
Russia 13 repair 8 buy 2inf
inf art rus>>bel
inf art rus>>euk
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