FMGC 2013 - Planning, Roster, Suggestions, Invites

  • Regarding the size of the venue, we were discussing that at the end of the evening on Sunday.

    We could definatley have optimized the space a LOT better, so there could easily be another 4-5 tables available (or just more walking room).
    I (personally) doubt we will have access to that other room, as that is for 420wing members only (it’s their clubhouse so-to-speak).  But with the extra space we CAN make we can make it work.

    I think the best bet is to put a CAP on the number of tickets available, for the next year anyway.  If it hits that, then absolutely we need to consider moving the event (sadly and happily at the same time).  If we had 50-60 show up, I imagine we could cap it at 80 (the venue apparently holds 100 in that main room alone), leaving a little leeway for walkins.

  • @Gargantua:

    • What if the event ran 3 days instead of 2?

    • And should I pack a step stool for Jeremy?   :D

    The only issue I can see with a 3 day event at THAT location is that they seem to have a members-type event going on most Friday nights.  We had to hang out until they slowly left in order to get in and do a super-rush setup this year.  Last year we couldn’t even get in friday night to set up and did it all Saturday morning!

  • I have a minor suggestion.  Next year I volunteer to start something called “swap box”.  I’ll bring a box of pieces that I don’t have use for and put it out for people to swap pieces, chips, dice, whatever crap they don’t have use for.  Take something; leave something.  One man’s trash is another’s treasure.

    One more thing: the food from 5 guys was very good.

  • Sponsor


    Regarding the size of the venue, we were discussing that at the end of the evening on Sunday.

    We could definatley have optimized the space a LOT better, so there could easily be another 4-5 tables available (or just more walking room).
    I (personally) doubt we will have access to that other room, as that is for 420wing members only (it’s their clubhouse so-to-speak).� But with the extra space we CAN make we can make it work.

    I think the best bet is to put a CAP on the number of tickets available, for the next year anyway.� If it hits that, then absolutely we need to consider moving the event (sadly and happily at the same time).� If we had 50-60 show up, I imagine we could cap it at 80 (the venue apparently holds 100 in that main room alone), leaving a little leeway for walkins.

    I agree, The space has great potential and could be used in a different way to accommodate more. I bet that 4 more table could fit between the projector and the front door alone. no point in leaving such an awesome hall until we actually see between 80>90 participants attend. I would cap it at 90 (70 for preregistration and 20 for walk ins) and if it’s reached, than it’s time to walk with the Zombies of down town Oshawa.

  • Tanks Young Grasshopper!!! I’ll see you in 362 days if not sooner at a game in Niagara Falls.

  • @Vance:

    I have a minor suggestion.  Next year I volunteer to start something called “swap box”.  I’ll bring a box of pieces that I don’t have use for and put it out for people to swap pieces, chips, dice, whatever crap they don’t have use for.  Take something; leave something.  One man’s trash is another’s treasure.

    One more thing: the food from 5 guys was very good.

    What a great idea!  Definately has to go on the to-do list!
    (And the silent auction needs to be announced.  lol.  that was a bit of a dud sadly this year)

    5 Guys burgers and fries is great … but damn expensive!

  • @suprise:

    Tanks Young Grasshopper!!! I’ll see you in 362 days if not sooner at a game in Niagara Falls.

    I’m in on that one too!

  • Sponsor



    Tanks Young Grasshopper!!! I’ll see you in 362 days if not sooner at a game in Niagara Falls.

    I’m in on that one too!

    Ya, those Niagara guys are awesome, I would do that in the summer some time.

  • Next year the hall should be open all night Saturday so the truly hard core among us can play through from Saturday morning til Sunday night.

    No sleep til Victory!

  • Im in, though next year im leaving the German uniform at home (or letting someone borrow it) and rocking my Finnish uniform  :-D

  • Customizer


    Oh and maybe Most Holy could host a sunday night “drinking game” event. lol.

    I got it! Take a shot every time an infantry falls. China and Japan will be hammered by the end of round one and in the hospital by the time America is at war!

  • @Most:


    Oh and maybe Most Holy could host a sunday night “drinking game” event. lol.

    I got it! Take a shot every time an infantry falls. China and Japan will be hammered by the end of round one and in the hospital by the time America is at war!

    God, thats like my Gettysburg drinking game, take a shot every time someone gets shot, we never make it past the first hour of the movie!  :lol:

    Somewhere in the variants or house rules threads i’ve posted a A&A Drinking game with detailed rules, i’d be up for trying them out next year

  • Oh my god.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


                                    COMMANDER JEN

    Who would win? Who do you want to see win? Would you side with one or the other, as a teammate?

  • Sponsor



                                     COMMANDER JEN

    Who would win? Who do you want to see win? Would you side with one or the other, as a teammate?

    I would be rooting for Cmd Jennifer.

  • I would love to see the 41 set up from Larry Harris at the next event.
      I tried it yesterday and it was a blast, I’ll bring the set up with me next year and my boards

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Whats the 41 setup?  Larry Harris did it?  For Global?

  • Yes and it was great fun, Ill send you the link.
    I would love it if my name was with Axisplaya and Gargantua’s at Grasshopper’s
    we’ll see there may be people more deserving than I

    I hope this works,if not go to Larry’s site and look around

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