FMGC 2013 - Planning, Roster, Suggestions, Invites

  • '12

    djensen, you’re a beer writer eh?  A friend of mine whom I used to play A&A with is a brewmaster.  Perhaps if you have time you might peruse:

  • Sponsor


    If I knew you were a beer writer, I would never have recomended an Alexander Kieth when we were at Jack Asters, but in my defense they didn’t have a great selection. Even though small micro breweries here in Canada make great beer, you can’t find it easily, and comercial Canadian domestic beer is only great when compared to American beer. The Germans make the best comercial beer, however, Canadian rye wiskey is better than Russian Vodka, American brandy or even French wine.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10



    If I knew you were a beer writer, I would never have recomended an Alexander Kieth when we were at Jack Asters, but in my defense they didn’t have a great selection. Even though small micro breweries here in Canada make great beer, you can’t find it easily, and comercial Canadian domestic beer is only great when compared to American beer. The Germans make the best comercial beer, however, Canadian rye wiskey is better that Russian Vodka, American brandy or even French wine.

    Oh - a LIKELY story from an easterner

    Don’t worry FRIEND, your western counterpart here  BROUGHT several independant beers to appease Mr. Jensen, knowing FULL-WELL that all of his eastern canadian counterparts would FAIL thier american hospitality and personal knowledge tests.

  • Sponsor

    As the slogan goes “those who like it, like it a lot”., but the truth is… it’s not very good. When I did drink beer, it was always Stella or Hieniken.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    I can’t drink keiths anymore… after finding out their “spokesperson” went to jail on kiddie charges. - ick…

  • @Young:


    If I knew you were a beer writer, I would never have recomended an Alexander Kieth when we were at Jack Asters, but in my defense they didn’t have a great selection. Even though small micro breweries here in Canada make great beer, you can’t find it easily, and comercial Canadian domestic beer is only great when compared to American beer. The Germans make the best comercial beer, however, Canadian rye wiskey is better than Russian Vodka, American brandy or even French wine.

    If you consider the fact that the Boston Beer Company is now the largest American owned brewery, I like to consider that “American beer” is now only craft beer (aka microbrews). Therefore, American beer is now the best in the world. :wink: It’s high quality, innovative, aggressive, delicate. American breweries make traditional beer and also create brand new styles: Double IPA, Black IPA, White IPA, Belgo-IPA (there’s a trend here). Some of the sour beer by American breweries rival even those made in Belgium.

    Now my whole argument falls apart the minute you add Bud, Miller, Coors into the equation. And I think we were talking about large commercial breweries. In that case, yes, there is a lot of great German beer that might be considered commercial. I don’t like Becks but I do think Steigel [sic] is fantastic.

    As for Canada, I was very impressed by the growing movement in Toronto to advocate cask beer.

  • Customizer

    Who knew? Our founder is a true renaissance man. We’ve got a pretty good craft brewery here in Niagara Falls called Taps (22 cent wings on Wednesdays) Big commercial places in Canada are almost as bland as they are in the States and I think the whole CDN vs. US beer debate refers to those ones, our shitty beer is better than your shitty beer, basically The only big namer in the States I like better than any of our biggies is Sam Adams. As far as whiskey goes, taking Celtic stuff out, I’ll take Makers Mark over every Canadian whisky but then it’s a long list of Canadians with Crown Royal being at the bottom. Anyone saying it’s a good whisky instantly loses credibility with me. Junk. Jim Beam is at the very bottom and second worst is Crown.

  • Thank you for the renaissance man compliment.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Thank you for the renaissance man compliment.

    Wait David,

    What’s that under your desk?

    MOST HOLY?!?!?!

    B U S T E D!

  • Customizer

    Its not gay if its under the desk.

  • '12

    Most Holy, love Tapps!  My buddy Dave the Dog man has his dog training academy near Tapps and he’s taken me there a few times, make a GREAT burger there too, wings sounds rather affordable will have to check them out too!  As for Rye, yeah, Crown was the big thing when you were a kid.  I was drinking Gibsons but switched to Forty Creek, well, technically mostly to water but that is only for awhile and there are exceptions to the rule!  I’m going to try to drag John the Brewmaster up, perhaps now its a summer venue he might take a break from the collage brewing program.  He seems to know a thing or two about everything and just about everything to do with beer!

  • DJ- My wife drinks her share of beer, but despises IPA’s!  So if that’s the direction in American small beer culture, then she’s in trouble.

    If I come down to the Spring Gathering, I will bring you some Bell’s.  That is some good craft beer out of Kalamazoo, MI.  But you probably already know that.

    When I go out to WBC each year, I am drinking Yuengling.  A very good basic beer.  I used to bootleg ten to fifteen cases back each time, but it is now sold in Ohio so I don’t have to bring a bunch back at that time.  Just run down to Toledo and grab a small supply.

    Beyond that, I am usually a stout man.  The darker the better! :wink:

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    DJ- My wife drinks her share of beer, but despises IPA’s!  So if that’s the direction in American small beer culture, then she’s in trouble.

    If I come down to the Spring Gathering, I will bring you some Bell’s.  That is some good craft beer out of Kalamazoo, MI.  But you probably already know that.

    When I go out to WBC each year, I am drinking Yuengling.  A very good basic beer.  I used to bootleg ten to fifteen cases back each time, but it is now sold in Ohio so I don’t have to bring a bunch back at that time.  Just run down to Toledo and grab a small supply.

    Beyond that, I am usually a stout man.  The darker the better! :wink:

    Yope is near Toledo? … Me too.

  • @LHoffman:

    Yope is near Toledo? … Me too.

    No, I just visit there occasionally. :-o

    There are a couple of very good A&A players in the Toledo area that meet up with once in a while, though it has been a bit since that has happened.

    I can make it down to the border in approx. 1.5 hours from my “compound” in the Blue Water area.  All depends on the traffic in the city though. :roll:

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Is that where [redacted] has been keeping you for forum violations all these years? :P

    [admin] Redacted an unnecessary jab at another user. [/admin]

  • @Gargantua:


    Like a stubborn case of crotch rot!

  • @Gargantua:


    Is that where [redacted] has been keeping you for forum violations all these years? :P

    Actually, I was setting up my fields of fire and anti-personal mines for the day he tried to show up at my door. :-P

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Sounds like quite a game of A&A.  :)

  • @Gargantua:

    Sounds like quite a game of A&A.  :)

    More like whack-a-mole, but replace the last part with a more appropriate term that rhymes with it. :wink:

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