Is it a good strategy to try and get small pieces to build up an economy or to try and take out victory cities first?
Is it a turn limit game and/or short time limit game?
If so, economy is not as significant, especially as the game gets toward the end.
In a time limit game, economy is focused entirely on “do I have enough IPC to build what I need to take the VCs?”
If it is a death match with all the time in the world, the economy becomes more important.
In the death match, if I can stalemate the VC situation while getting a leg up on the economy, I will win. In this kind of game the 19 IPC that UK has scattered through Africa, Asia and the Pacific gets valuable. The Allies are not well positioned to get units into these areas and even if they try to build a factory in the southern hemisphere it is either on the front lines or severely limited by unit count. India and Sinkiang are classic gambits. Australia, Union of South Africa or Brazil are less obvious choices with pros and cons…