Great picture.
Should white people feel guility?
The Hun Empire, only tribute from the Romans prevented them from become conquered slaves like the Germans were.
Somewhat true. There were 75 years, from 375 to 450 AD, were the huns pressed on europe.
But, if you look for Huns, who were nomads, as slaveholders, you probably will rather find them treat their conquered people like Ammianus Marcellinus writes in his ROman History, book 31, chapter 3.
“Igitur Huni pervasis Halanorum regionibus, quos Greuthungis confines Tanaitas consuetudo nominavit, interfectisque multis et spoliatis reliquos sibi concordandi fide pacta iunxerunt eisque adhibitis confidentius Errnenrichi late patentes er uberes pagos repentino impetu perruperunt, bellicosissimi regis et per multa variaque fortiter facta vicinis nationibus formidati.”
They looted and plundered, and then forced treaties onto the beaten people. Slavery is not directly mentioned, maybe because it is part of looting for a Roman.
It’s hard to tell. More important is the when and for how long if you look for effects. But, you are right, there were other cultures oppressing cuacasians. The effect of that (apart from starting the great movement of people and thus the fall of rome etc.), so the direct effect i would think is neglectable, compared to the indirect effect (as the merging of germanic and roman culture, thus setting the way for christianity and the Holy Roman Empire, and all that follows). -
The main reason why I think other countries didn’t take advantage of the Europeans was due to technology. From 1300 onward, the Europeans had a great boon in technology - moreso military technology and the applications of it (esp. in naval combat). If other civilizations had access to this sort of technology before the Europeans did, I think a many would go about conquering other counteries and enslaving them.
i know that i would :)
In 1300 Europe was about third in technology. The muslim world still was stronger, and i would also take the chinese as more advanced. The latter being a good example of not trying to get the whole world, with everything outside China being considered as barbaric. They had one Emperor who forced exploration and oversea trade, but that was limited to a short time.
i would also take the chinese as more advanced. The latter being a good example of not trying to get the whole world, with everything outside China being considered as barbaric.
So then you advocate their policy of forced, extreme isolationism? Not to mention their extreme xenophobia.
Well, it is too late for that anyway…
In 1300 Europe was about third in technology. The muslim world still was stronger, and i would also take the chinese as more advanced. The latter being a good example of not trying to get the whole world, with everything outside China being considered as barbaric. They had one Emperor who forced exploration and oversea trade, but that was limited to a short time.
Muslims also went about trying to conquer European territory (see Ottoman Empire), though you could say this was for fear of Christianity. As for the Chinese, yes, they were very advanced (and remained a dominant power until about 1700), though they lacked a strong, advanced navy do much conquering (and the fact that they were also facing a host of internal conflicts and barbarian tribes.
well, as to the chinese navy, they had a reasonably advanced one, as there has been evidence uncovered that they may have been the first settlers (discounting the Vikings and Native Americans) of North America, in 1421, as well as the first to circumnavigate the globe. Theres an interesting book on the subject, titled 1421, that you should check out for further information.
well, as to the chinese navy, they had a reasonably advanced one, as there has been evidence uncovered that they may have been the first settlers (discounting the Vikings and Native Americans) of North America, in 1421, as well as the first to circumnavigate the globe.
Yes, I read about that too. Though I was thinking more on the lines of cannons.
o, well in that case, i have no idea
Still, didn’t know the Chinese circumnavigate the globe. Any idea as to when this happened?
Its not been proven to my knowledge, neither has the evidence in 1421. But evidence has been uncovered that they were the first to circumnavigate the globe. When it is said to have taken place, I dont recall
Ummm… okay… the junks the Chinese use are great for sailing, but fragile, as I heard…
I dont pretend to be an expert on the subject, Im just passing on the info Ive heard and read in 1421, I dont think any of it has been proven true however, but read up more on your own if you want to.