As for Russia, there’s not much you can do against a good player. Don’t spread yourself thin and don’t let your forces get divided and conquered. For the most part buy inf plus art as needed. In order to maximize Russia’s income (and especially if your opponent declares on G2), think about trying to capture as many +3 NOs (Iraq, Libya, Ethiopia, and there’s 2 more in Africa) as possible. To achieve this, it’s a good idea to buy some additional mech/tanks on Russia 1 and take NW Persia on R2, Iraq on R3, and so on.
G1 Attack on Russia?
UK fighters intercept SBR
That assumes the UK doesn’t badly need them for other schemes, and if they are present and intercept, who is to say that Germany won’t provide escorts? It’s a good way to potentially whittle away the Fighter defense of Moscow before the last battle. I also don’t know if the 70+ units for Russia is accounting for the output of every single Russian factory, if it is, then the UK can’t possibly guard all of these places.