• Ok, but when your capital is re captured you can buy units again?

  • Sponsor

    When your capital is captured, you must relinquish all cash to your captor, and you may not collect an income for as long as your capital is in enemy hands. Once your capital has been liberated by yourself or an ally, you will receive cash during your “collect income” phase, equal to the total value of territories remaining in your control at that time. You may not spend your regained income until the “purchase new units” phase of your next turn (assuming you still have control of your capital at that time). Capital cash can only be confiscated by an enemy once, if a capital is captured a second time or more, the victim’s cash goes to the bank.

  • Official Q&A


    Capital cash can only be confiscated by an enemy once, if a capital is captured a second time or more, the victim’s cash goes to the bank.

    This is not true.  The capturing power takes the captured power’s IPCs each time the capital is captured.

  • i was gonna say…

  • Yeah, this is why Paris is rarely liberated, unless you come in with over whelming allied forces the Germans will just recapture it and get another French payday. That plus the allies (US) can’t use the French coastal ICs.

    It’s not in your best interest to trade a tt that is the capital, unless you are just trying to chew up enemy ground units, or delay them for a turn. I have traded India back-n-forth before, but India didn’t have much income to give to Japan (plus I was most likely going to lose it anyway). So the Jap ground units I was able to kill when he attacked (got lucky) and through the counter attack helped. Their inability to mobilize units from my former capital for an extra turn or use the naval base was worth it as a delay tactic in that case. They still got the NO + tt value + captured income for India, so it still sucks.

  • Um if s or w France r liberated b4 France allies can use the ICs…

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Capital cash can only be confiscated by an enemy once, if a capital is captured a second time or more, the victim’s cash goes to the bank.

    DOOOD, What have you been playing??!?!?! :P

    Capital cash can only be confiscated by an enemy once, if a capital is captured a second time or more, the victim’s cash goes to the bank.

    YES - but as soon as PARIS is liberated, control of all french territories, reverts to FRANCE.

  • @Gargantua:

    Capital cash can only be confiscated by an enemy once, if a capital is captured a second time or more, the victim’s cash goes to the bank.

    DOOOD, What have you been playing??!?!?! :P

    Capital cash can only be confiscated by an enemy once, if a capital is captured a second time or more, the victim’s cash goes to the bank.

    YES - but as soon as PARIS is liberated, control of all french territories, reverts to FRANCE.

    Good question here:  Supposing you liberate Paris on the US turn, does the US have to hand over any Original French controlled territory IPC value to the French on the French turn or as soon as Paris is Liberated?

    In example, the US controls FIC and S.France and then liberates Paris later in the game.

    Does the US still get to collect the IPC value of FIC and S.France on the US turn or do the territories revert to French control as soon as Paris is liberated?

  • Sponsor

    Wow, I thought there was something in place that prevented things like capturing a capital, abandoning a capital, and than recapturing the capital for a cash grab…. But I guess not. Sorry for the misinterpretation of the rules.

  • @Spendo02:

    Good question here:  Supposing you liberate Paris on the US turn, does the US have to hand over any Original French controlled territory IPC value to the French on the French turn or as soon as Paris is Liberated?

    In example, the US controls FIC and S.France and then liberates Paris later in the game.

    Does the US still get to collect the IPC value of FIC and S.France on the US turn or do the territories revert to French control as soon as Paris is liberated?

    All liberated French tt’s revert to back to France immediately when Paris is liberated. Say the US is the liberator, they won’t collect income for any French tts they have been collecting on, or be able to mobilize units in any of the French ICs that they once held. The French will collect for all French controlled tts (even those liberated by allies) in the French collect income phase provided Paris isn’t recaptured before the French turn rolls around (Italy could possibly recapture it). If Germany recaptures Paris right after the French turn, they would collect the unspent French IPCs. That’s why earlier I posted you better make sure you can keep Paris before you liberate it.

  • US can collect income on france tts ???

    Where have i been lol ?

  • '18

    I did not think allies could benefit from collecting IPC value from a territory that is originally allied, for example U.S. collecting for French Indo-China.  The posts above imply that if their capitol is in axis control then an ally could gain IPC value until the capital is liberated.  So if the U.S. takes French Indo-China they can gain IPC value for it until Paris is liberated?

  • @Uncrustable:

    US can collect income on france tts ???

    Where have i been lol ?

    Yep, so can the UK, Anz, or Russia. They have to liberate them from the axis though. If the axis don’t take them from the French, then the allies can’t liberate them to collect while Paris is in axis hands.

    BTW with alpha rules when Paris is liberated, the French also get to immediately drop 12 IPCs worth of units (it’s 4 inf w/OOB) on the tt of France (Paris). They only get to do this once, the first time Paris is liberated. So if the US liberates Paris, the French get to place these units immediately during the US turn right after the US wins the battle. If the UK is also ready to reinforce Paris with more units/air on their turn the allies may be able to hold it, depending on how prepared the Euro axis are.

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