• I thought diversity, multi-culturalism, tolerance, etc. were the goals?….

    SOURCE :

    What next? :-?
    Yanny’s high scroowl goes French!?!? :P

  • …and “white” teachers cannot teach black history? I guess that will put a lot of “black” WHITE history teachers out of work!!

    SOURCE :

    Perversity, thy name is Diversity. :roll:

    Please, not how well the above fits on a t-shirt…

    thy name is

  • well, that second article seems a little bogus. I can appreciate wanting someone with a similar cultural background to the subject matter, however a well studied professor of any color can objectively teach a history lesson. I think that a white professor could even more objectively teach a history lesson on black history than a black professor would (however the black professor might give more insight/personal opinion etc.).
    I think that one might well ask how a black teacher could teach English literature - Yeats, Keating, etc. The subject matter in many cases is just as “old” - similar time frames, but really, to make a course an issue of race is, in my mind, bogus.
    It’s interesting that religion courses - occassionally focusing on the life and times of Jesus are often taught by atheists and agnostics. I’m sure that these people give an objective view (chuckle snort).
    As for the gay school - i don’t care.

  • As if gays weren’t ostracized enough… :o

    LOL, I thought they wanted to be accepted? Kinda hard to be accepted by other people when you go make your own school. :roll:

  • Guys it’s a P.C. world. This may just be a first of many.

    Deviant you would think they would want to be with everybody else, but even gay people can think up stupid ideas it seems.

    You can’t be diverse with everybody forming there own school!!

    What’s next seperate cities??

  • So segregation is bad with blacks in the south but good with gays in the north. Learn something new all the time

  • @waraxis:

    What’s next seperate cities??

    Too late, anybody been to San-Francisco lately? :wink:

    Woops…did I say that out loud? :P

  • @El:

    I thought diversity, multi-culturalism, tolerance, etc. were the goals?….

    Maybe you have to go into exile when you see that fighting for your goals is totally futile?

  • No way that is the case here, this school is in the Village for christ sake, a mecca of openmindness bordering on excessiveness. I just think that as of late everyone in this country thinks they are being treated unfair and want special treatment because of it. I am thinking alot of the kids going to this school were the type that loved to push buttons, loved to provoke and cause confrontation, then when the situation went south on them they cry foul…I have no pity for that. Again though I just can’t seem anyone being the victim of a hate crime on a daily basis in that part of the woods in NYC, maybe a fashion crime or two ;)

  • Political correctness has gotten way out of control.

  • @Mr:

    Political correctness has gotten way out of control.

    it’s not “out of control” Mr. Ghoul. That implies that we have control and ownership over these issues.
    I believe the appropriate expression runs along the lines of “things are different than they might otherwise be”. This, of course, is deemed to be much less offensive . . . :D

  • @cys:

    As for the gay school - i don’t care.

    Oh, yeah. Goth, Planned Parenthood, and Gay groups can meet in schools, but Christian groups and prayers are banned. Now Gays get their own school with 3.2M$ in renovations for 90(?) students this year and 170 next year.

    Apathy - the great ally of taxpayers and moral conservatives.

    Did DS say something?!

    Maybe you have to go into exile when you see that fighting for your goals is totally futile?

    Nah! That is the liberal outcry since Nixon was elected the first time(1968.) I seem to recall that a few(conservative estimate) liberals said they’d move if W won. Though I recently heard that only one had kept her word. Liberals!!

    Mr. G,
    Wow! I thought you were dead.
    :-? :oops:
    Can I have you autograph?
    Well, I guess not after that gaff.
    :cry: :cry: :cry:

  • @El:


    As for the gay school - i don’t care.

    Oh, yeah. Goth, Planned Parenthood, and Gay groups can meet in schools, but Christian groups and prayers are banned. Now Gays get their own school with 3.2M$ in renovations for 90(?) students this year and 170 next year.

    Apathy - the great ally of taxpayers and moral conservatives.

    i may not be a taxpayer, but i just may be a moral conservative . . . hmmmmm.
    i don’t get it.
    And no tormenting Mr. Ghoul!!

  • @El:


    Maybe you have to go into exile when you see that fighting for your goals is totally futile?

    … That liberals since Nixon was elected the first time(1968.) I seem to recall that a few(conservative estimate) liberals said they’d move if W won. Though I recently heard that only one had kept her word. Liberals!!

    The first sentence of yours makes no sense to me, i miss another verbum.
    Second sentence: “W” as in “GWB”?
    Nation-wide “survey of liberals”? State-wide?
    “move” in the sense of “leaving the country”, other would leave them in GWB spere of influence…
    then last: “only one” sounds like your officials check the political affiliation of each person leaving the country?
    So, i seem to be able to decipher it, but cannot see the meaning.

  • Mr. G,
    Wow! I thought you were dead.

    That is not dead which can eternal lie
    and with strange aeons, even death may die.

  • @F_alk:



    Maybe you have to go into exile when you see that fighting for your goals is totally futile?

    … That is the liberals outcry since Nixon was elected the first time(1968.) I seem to recall that a few(conservative estimate) liberals said they’d move if W won. Though I recently heard that only one had kept her word. Liberals!!

    The first sentence of yours makes no sense to me, i miss another verbum.

    Corrected above.

    Second sentence: “W” as in “GWB”?


    Nation-wide “survey of liberals”? State-wide?

    No, just the News/tabloid coverage of the many liberal actors, writers, directors, producers, environmentalists and authors in the USA.

    “move” in the sense of “leaving the country”, other would leave them in GWB spere of influence…

    “,leaving the country” would be right.

    then last: “only one” sounds like your officials check the political affiliation of each person leaving the country?

    She was quoted in the news recently and the reporter(spinner) mentioned that she had moved after the election as she had promised.

    So, i seem to be able to decipher it, but cannot see the meaning.

    I’ll give you more reponse or time if you need it. :)

    **Canada had a building boom in the late 1960’s and (I think) early 1970’s. It was prior to Nixon’s election(s) in anticipation of the expected exodus from the US after the elections. It was on TV and in the papers. They even showed film/photos of the empty new buildings after the expected exodus did not occur.

  • Thanks for clearing that up…

    but, well the true patriot needs no flag to wave, but stays in his country and helps when the cr*p is piling up ;). Of course, he/she can warn before, but from an artist i would be disappointed if that warning was not metaphorical or otherwise creative.

  • @F_alk:

    Thanks for clearing that up…but, well the true patriot needs no flag to wave, but stays in his country and helps when the cr*p is piling up ;). Of course, he/she can warn before, but from an artist i would be disappointed if that warning was not metaphorical or otherwise creative.

    You are welcome.

    I enjoy artistic metaphors…Lewis Carroll comes immediately to mind.

    Though here in the US the “STARS” do things like…

    Steven Spielberg digitally remove the weapons, from the government officials in their decontamination suits, when he rereleased “ET” a second time. I think it odd that he did that in an anti-gun move. The idea was that they had guns so they were ‘bad guys.’


    The “Charlie’s Angels” movie was made with the ‘good girls’ not carrying guns. Yet they defeat the ‘bad guys’ carrying Uzzies, etc… The original Angels were packing heat.

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