@leemorrison till manyana. luv a passed pass game like this one
G40-03 Ksmckay (Axis -15) vs BigBadBruce (Allies)
I so wish I would have to cancel that failed attack… but no, it was in reach as you seems to found the way at your second post. :-)
you cant move your ss to z42 as there are 2 dds there.
Actually I can… I can’t go thru, but I may enter the sea zone.
I can retreive Kreighund’s ruling if you want.
not with a dd there.
I dont see what rule could possibly allow that.
ok maybe. What a dumb rule if true. Makes no sense.
Here, I’ve got it confirmed : http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=19919.0;topicseen
I believe it, but dont understand why they made it ok. Makes zero sense to do it that way.
The logic I see is a Sub can sneak in and will have to battle if the other nation decides to do so. If the other nation evades battle, like any other situation (exemple : Building ships in a sea zone where ennemy ships are present).
Italy 7
Purchases 20
5 inf 1 artCombat
z99 (2 trn)
1 ftr SItaSyr(2 inf)
1 inf 1 art 1 tac 1 bom TrJSud ()
1 arm Egy (to Fea)Fea ()
1 arm blitz from EgyCombat
1 inf 1 art 1 tac 1 bom
Rolls: 2@2 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 12@2: (4, 4)1@3: (6)1@4: (2)
2 inf
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (3, 5)
Syr rnd 2
1 inf 1 art 1 tac 1 bom
Rolls: 2@2 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 32@2: (1, 6)1@3: (3)1@4: (3)
1 inf
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)
Combat results
Sud, Fea bwol (mt)
Syr twol
z99 cwol (autokill)NCM
1 ftr z99 to SIta
t tac Syr to Alx
3 inf 2 art Egy to Alx
1 bom Syr to SIta
4 inf NIta to WGr
4 inf 1 art SIta to NIta
1 inf Bul to YugoPlacement
2 inf 1 art NIta
3 inf SItaCollect 12+1 = 13
Germany 8
Purchases 62
14 inf 5 artCombat
WFr (1 inf 1 art)
2 inf 1 art Fra
2 ftrs SIta
1 bom EPlHol (1 inf)
2 inf Fra
2 ftrs SItaArch (1 inf)
2 inf Nov
2 ftrs NovSmo ()
1 inf BelBry (2 inf)
2 inf NUkr
1 ftr 1 tac Nov
1 bom EPlSUkr (2 inf 1 art)
10 inf 5 art 5 arm NUkrCombat
2 inf 1 art 2 ftr 1 bom
Rolls: 1@1 2@2 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 21@1: (4)2@2: (3, 3)2@3: (1, 4)1@4: (2)
1 inf 1 art
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (3, 6)
WFr twol
2 inf 2 ftr
Rolls: 2@1 2@3; Total Hits: 22@1: (3, 1)2@3: (3, 5)
1 inf
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)
Hol twol
2 inf 2 ftr
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (6, 3)
not sure what that was.
2 ftrs
Rolls: 2@3; Total Hits: 12@3: (6, 3)
1 inf
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)
Arch twlo inf
2 inf 1 ftr 1 tac 1 bom
Rolls: 2@1 1@3 2@4; Total Hits: 22@1: (1, 6)1@3: (5)2@4: (4, 6)
2 inf
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (6, 2)
Bry twlo inf
10 inf 5 art 5 arm
Rolls: 5@1 10@2; Total Hits: 35@1: (5, 6, 4, 5, 1)10@2: (6, 4, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4, 6)
2 inf 1 art
Rolls: 3@2; Total Hits: 13@2: (4, 4, 2)
Jeez. Just got an error message trying to post and erased my entire NCM section.
Hopefully I get it right in rewrite but map is correct
Combat results
WFr twol
Hol twol
Arch twlo inf
Smo twol (mt)
Bry twlo inf
SUkr twlo infNCM
2 ftrs 1 bom WFr to Fra
2 ftrs Hol to WGr
2 ftrs Arch to Ger
1 ftr 1 tac 1 bom Bry to Nov
3 inf Vyb to Nov
4 inf 2 art Ger to Nov v trns
6 inf 4 art Nov to Bel
12 inf 5 art 3 arm NUkr to SUkr
5 mec NUkr to EPl
1 inf Bul to Yugo
6 inf 2 art WGr to Fra
1 ss z126 to z127Placement
10 inf Ger
3 inf 3 art WGr
1 inf 2 art NovCollect 62
France can do whatever.
wont let me post map…
will try later