A.H. always has that 600 lbs. gorilla on its back(Russia), how would the Allies do if it is just Italy, U.S.A., &, British Empire. True the Brits. would help establish naval supremacy, but, except for some initial reinforcements from Egypt, would it be enough to save Rome? The AH Empire has a land presence surpass by Germany only, &, have to worry only from an sea attack off Trieste, or, by land via Albania. Are the Allies up to the challenge?, we’ll see, A.H. versus British Empire, Italy, &, U.S.A.
Round One: Keeping a sufficient naval and land force in Trieste, to deter any Allied naval attack & landing or a movement from Albanian, A.H. Empire builds trooper, gun, fighter, 2 submarines.
Movements, maybe soon a pre-strike into Albanian, but, for now, forces from Trieste & Tyrolia attack Venice, 12 troopers & 4 guns versus Italian force of half that size. Losses Axis 5 troopers & Allies all, Venice has fallen!
British Empire builds 3 transports & 2 fighters, transport from Egypt leaves 2 troopers in Piedmont, &, C joins Italian Fleet. Also Canadian transport with trooper & gun & C, and, Indian transport with trooper & gun & C & BB sail for Italy(capital ships will join up with Italian Fleet). Finally from home islands transport with same & BB & 2 C depart for Italy.
Italy builds fighter & 2 troopers. Marches trooper from Eastern Africa to go to Libya(the latter garrison of trooper & gun already picked up by transport & taken to Rome). Also trooper from S. Italy moves to Rome.
Battle forces from Piedmont & Tuscany goes into Venice, 7 troopers & 2 guns, versus, AH 7 troopers & 4 guns. Allies lose 4 troopers & Axis 5 troopers.
U.S.A. builds 3 transports, BB & C heads for Med. Sea.
Round Two: A.H. Empire builds 2 subs., fighter, 3 troopers. Move more forces into Venice, losses AH 3 troopers & Italy 2 troopers & 2 guns, Venice has fallen again!
British Empire builds 2 planes & 3 transports. Offshore Piedmont two transports discharge 3 troopers & gun, BB & 2C join Italian fleet. Also leaving home waters 3 transports carrying 2 fighters, 2 guns, &, 2 troopers.
Italy builds gun & 3 troopers, moves Rome garrison to Tuscany, and, forces moves into Venice. Battle 3 troopers & 2 guns & fighter versus AH 2 troopers & 4 guns. Losses Allies all but plane & Axis a trooper & 2 guns.
USA builds 2 transports, fighter, &, trooper. Moves 3 transports to Med. with 4 troopers & 2 guns. US surface fleet links up with Italy’s fleet.
Round Three: A.H. Empire builds sub., gun, &, 6 troopers. Moves forces from Venice into Tuscany, ignores Brits. in Piedmont, flies fighter to Trieste & gun & 2 troopers move there to protect seacoast.
Battle fighter loses air duel, 17 troopers & 8 guns, versus Italian 11 troopers & 3 guns, losses Axis 7 troopers & Allies 10 troopers & gun(what saved the Allies was the air duel went in their favor, if not attacking guns hitting on 4 & down would have lost Tuscany for the Allies).
Tuscany is invested!
British Empire builds 3 troopers, 3 guns, moves 3 transports entering Med. Sea, &, 3 transports leave home waters. Moves forces from Piedmont into Tuscany, along with reinforcements from sea from 3 transports. Battle 11 troopers & 5 guns, versus, AH 10 troopers & 6 guns. Losses Allies 7 troopers & Axis 6 troopers. At sea entering AH home waters 2BB & 5C & transports, versus, AH BB, C, transport & 5 subs. All lost except one Brit. BB(subs. for C lost was quite unacceptable for the Allies).
Italy builds 4 troopers, moves from Rome 3 troopers & gun to reinforce Tuscany. Sea combat fleet(BB, C, and, transport) enters AH home waters, no mine lost. Done more to annoy AH Empire.
USA builds 2 transports, trooper, &, gun. Two transports leave East Coast with 3 troopers & gun. Also 3 transports land as reinforcements in Tuscany of 4 troopers & 2 guns. The race is on to save Tuscany or Rome will become invested!
Round Four: AH Empire builds sub. & 7 troopers. Moves more forces into Tuscany, ignores Piedmont, &, fighter arrives from Vienna. Battle fighter losses air duel with Italian fighter, 24 troopers & 12 guns, versus, Italian fighter, 4 troopers & 3 guns, &, Brits. 4 troopers & 5 guns, &, USA 4 troopers & 2 guns. Losses Axis 12 troopers, &, Italy & Brits. & USA 3 troopers & 2 guns each. Allies have hanged onto Tuscany cause they have air power, if not they would have been wiped out.
British Empire builds 3 transports, sub., &, tank. Moves transport to Africa, 2 transports to Canada, 3 loaded transports to Italy to enter Med. Sea with 4 troopers & 2 fighters(same setup leaving home islands for Italy but guns instead of fighters). Also 3 loaded transports land in Tuscany 2 troopers, 2 guns, &, 2 planes.
Italy builds 3 troopers, moves from Rome to Tuscany 4 troopers, &, transport lands a trooper in Tuscany.
USA builds transport & 3 troopers. Moves 2 transports to Tuscany with 3 troopers & fighter, transport leaves USA with trooper & gun.
Round Five: AH Empire builds sub., fighter, tank, &, 3 troopers. Moves two troopers & gun into undefended Piedmont, &, it falls! Combat in Tuscany 12 guns & 12 troopers versus Allies(Italy fighter & 6 troopers, Brits. 2 fighters and 3 troopers & 5 guns, &, USA fighter & 4 troopers. Losses incredible heavy for Axis(it did not help the Allies having air superiority), of 11 troopers & 6 guns. Allies losses are Italy 5 troopers, Brits. 2 troopers & gun, USA 3 troopers. Air power saved the day for the Allies! Tuscany is contested but will not fall, the Axis dreams of taking Rome are shattered.
Brits. builds transport, tank, gun, &, 4 troopers. Moves 3 transports that disembark in Tuscany, 4 troopers & 2 guns. Transport picks up trooper & gun from S. Africa, and, off Canada another two transport picks up 3 troopers & gun, for Italy. Another transport leaves home island, escorted by sub. with trooper & tank, &, another 3 transports enter Med. Sea with 4 troopers & 2 guns. Finally 3 transports arrive off India, &, 5 troopers & gun board.
Battle from Tuscany forces enter Piedmont, trooper & 4 guns & 2 fighter, versus, AH 3 troopers & 7 guns. Losses Allies 3 guns and fighter, &, Axis losses 2 troopers & 3 guns. Piedmont is contested!
Italy builds 4 troopers. Moves into Piedmont, trooper & gun & fighter, and, into Tuscany from Rome 3 troopers. At sea BB, C, &, transport, versus, AH 2 subs.(both subs. lost).
USA builds transports & troops. Moves into Piedmont from Tuscany a trooper & fighter, 5 transports back to East Coast from Italy, a transport lands in Tuscany a trooper & gun. Finally 2 transports leave East Coast with 3 troopers & tank.
Round Six:AH builds fighter, tank gun, &, 5 troopers. Moves 4 troopers into Piedmont from Venice, fighter flies from capital to Venice. Also 7 troopers into Venice from Tyrolia, &, from Vienna 3 troopers & tank enter Trieste.
Combat 5 troopers & 4 guns versus USA trooper & gun and Italy trooper & gun & fighter and Brits. trooper, gun, & fighter. Losses Axis 4 troopers & gun, and, Allies USA all, Italy gun, Brits. all. Piedmont is still invested.
Brits. build transport, fighter, tank, gun, &, 3 troopers. Move 3 transports head home from Italy, 3 transports land in Tuscany 4 troopers & 2 guns, transport leaves S. Africa with trooper & gun, 3 transports leave India with 5 troopers & gun, &, finally 2 more transports leave off in Tuscany 2 troopers & 2 guns. Also another transport with trooper & tank enter Med. Sea with sub. as escort., &, 3 transports leave home waters with 4 troopers and tank and fighter.
Battle moving from Tuscany to Piedmont are 4 troopers & 2 fighters, versus AH trooper & 3 guns(losses Allies 3 troopers & Axis all). Piedmont is freed.
Italy builds 3 troopers, moves into Venice from Tuscany 3 troopers, also from Piedmont a fighter & trooper, &, transport from Rome(no mine damage) brings two more troopers. Along with 2 troopers from Rome move to Tuscany.
Battle(with BB shelling for two troops landed from sea), fighter(lost in air duel) & 6 troops, versus, AH fighter & 7 troops. Allies lose fighter & 4 troops, &, Axis losses 3 troopers(one from BB shelling). Venice is contested.
USA builds gun & 6 troopers. Two transports land in Piedmont 3 troopers & tank, transport leaves Med. Sea, &, 4 transports arrive East Coast. Also moves trooper & gun into Venice from Tuscany.
Round Seven: A.H. Empire builds gun & 8 troopers. Moves forces into Venice from Trieste, and, from Vienna into Trieste. Also fighter flies to Vienna.
Battle 2 fighters, gun, tank(absorbs hit), 9 troopers, versus, Italy 2 troopers & USA trooper & gun. Losses AH 2 troopers & all Allies. Venice falls!
Brits. build 2 transports, fighter, tank, &, 2 troopers. Transport enters Med. Sea from Atlantic & drops off in Piedmont trooper & tank, another transport from S. Africa arrives off Egypt with trooper & gun. Three Indian transports drop off Tuscany 5 troopers & gun. Another 3 transports enter Med. Sea with 4 troopers & gun & tank. Finally another transport arrives off Canada & 2 are go to home islands(arriving 2 troopers, tank & plane board), &, a transport leaves with gun & trooper.
Moves from Tuscany to Venice 6 troopers & 4 guns, and, from Piedmont trooper & 2 fighters. Combat 2 fighters each side in air duel Allies lose one & Axis all. Seven troopers, 4 guns, &, fighter, versus, AH 7 troopers, gun, &, a tank(absorbs hit). Losses Allies 3 troopers & Axis 3 troopers. Venice is contested.
Italy builds 4 troopers, moves to Venice 2 troopers from Tuscany, &, a trooper from Rome to Tuscany. Also lands, no mine lost, 2 troopers from transport into Venice. BB destroys a AH trooper & Axis gun destroys a landing Italian trooper.
Battle 3 troopers versus AH 3 troopers & gun & tank(absorbs hit). Losses all Allies & Axis a trooper.
USA builds 2 transports & gun, moves into Venice from Tuscany trooper and tank, &, by transport 2 more troopers(no mine lost, US BB scores a hit against defending AH trooper, while defending AH gun fails to score a hit ).
Battle 3 troopers & tank versus AH 2 troopers, gun, and, tank. Losses both sides tanks absorb hit for infantry.
Round Eight: A.H. Empire builds submarine, fighter, gun, &, 5 troopers. Moves from Trieste into Venice 5 troopers, gun, &, tank. From capital into Trieste gun & 9 troopers. Combat 6 troopers & gun & tank, versus, Brits. 4 troopers, 4 guns, fighter, and, USA trooper & tank. Losses Axis 3 troopers, &, Brits. 3 troopers & gun, &, USA tank.
Brits. build transport, fighter, tank, &, 4 troopers. Starts 2 transports to Med. Sea with 2 troopers, tank, &, plane, another enters Med. Sea with trooper & gun.
Also 6 transports leave Italy & 3 arrive(disembark in Piedmont 4 troopers, Gun, &, Tank). Finally a transport from India arrives Piedmont with trooper & gun, and, another 2 transports leave home waters with 4 troopers.
Reinforces Venice from Tuscany 6 troopers, gun, &, tank. Combat 7 troopers, 4 guns, tank & fighter, versus, AH 3 troopers, gun, &, tank. Losses(tanks absorb a hit) Allies 3 troopers, &, Axis all. Venice is freed!
Italy builds gun & 2 troopers, into Venice 3 troopers from Tuscany, and, from Rome 3 troopers into Tuscany.
USA builds gun, tank & fighter. Moves 6 transports that leaves East Coast with 8 troopers, 3 guns, &, fighter. Also moves from Venice to undefended Tyrolia a trooper & tank, it falls!
A.H. Empire calls it quits! Land losses Axis 294, &, Allies 317(in IPCs), Air Axis 18 & Allies 30, Sea Axis 69 & Allies 75.
AH has no surface navy as compared from round one, but, does have a submarine. Also has a fighter compared from round one, as for troopers 14/48 & guns 2/12(again compared to round one).
British Empire has no surface fleet, compared to turn one, but, has a sub. & little over four times as many transports(17). Also has 3 fighters & 4 tanks, none in first round, &, guns 9/10 and troopers 17/34.
Italy still its surface fleet intact, 6/22 troopers & 0/7 guns, as compared to first round.
Even with losses, USA has more units now than when it started round one, surface fleet intact, but, now has a submarine, and, 0/9 transports. Also a fighter and tank, and, 10/6 troopers & 3/2 guns(as compared to round one).