@leemorrison You’re being polite. Yes I got my bomber and some air shot down during the first two turns but I overextended very badly with Japan, mostly because I underestimated the value the tanks would give you in terms of exploiting openings in my positions.
R01 - DM (Axis) vs. Soul (Allies + 10)
sz 6 - cleared, wol
sz 2 - cleared with sub, ftr
sz 9 - cleared, wol
sz 12 - cleared with ftr
bst - taken with 2 inf, 1 rt, 6 arm
epl - taken with 2 inf, 2 rt
ukr - taken with 1 rt, 1 ftrNon-Combat Move
1 bom to alg
1 ftr to nor
1 ftr to alg
1 ftr to pol
1 inf, 1 arm to alg from lib
3 inf to pol from ger
1 arm to pol from fra
1 inf to ger from fra
2 inf to nor from finPlacement
7 inf, 2 arm on Ger
Collect 35 + 10 (NO) = 45 total
That was a really good turn for Germany.
Yes, quite.
bmb 5 inf artcombat:
inf kar -> fin
sub 4 -> 6ncm:
3 inf art rus, aa 4 inf art kar, inf bel -> arc
2 inf far, 2 inf stc -> bry
inf cau, 2 inf kaz -> per
inf nov -> chi
inf nov -> rus
inf eve -> nov
inf yak -> evemobilize:
2 inf art bmb cau, 3 inf moscollect:
28+5=33, has 33You do the battle in sz 6, sub fights to the last.
sub killed.
ca survives.
Japan Round 1
Buy 1 dd, 1 trn, save 2
Combat Move
1 ) Sum - mt vs 2 inf (car)
2 ) Bor - mt vs. 2 inf (sz 61)
3 ) Sz 35 - trn, dd vs. 2 ftrs (sz 61)
4 ) sz 53 - bb vs. 4 ftrs (sz 57)
6 ) Sz 50 - trn, dd vs. dd (sz 51), bb (sz 61)
7 ) Phil - 2 inf vs. 2 inf (car, oki), 1 inf, 1 rt (sz 61)
8 ) Kwa - 1 inf vs. 1 inf, 1 arm (jap), 1 ca (sz 61)
9 ) Yun - 1 inf, 1 ftr vs. 3 inf (fic), 2 ftrs (for, man)
10) Sui - 1 inf vs. 4 inf (3 man, 1 kia)
11) Fuk - 1 inf vs. 2 inf (kia), 1 ftr (jap) -
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