I’ve been looking to play G40 but haven’t really found anyone. Let me know if you want to play that too.
R01 - DD (Axis) vs LL (Allies + 12)
TRJ holds
Noncombat Moves
bomber from TRJ to RUS
AA gun from PER to CAU
6 infantry from STC to YAK
submarine from Z12 to Z22Mobilize
6 infantry in RUS
22 + 5 NO + 6 saved = 33
Forgot to put infantry in RUS on the map. Had better do it before I forget and the Germans take Russia!
Also, just realized I forgot to type the move of the infantry from NOV to RUS.
Nipon 3
Has $48
2 ftr
3 inf
1 arm
1 sub
1 dd
Save $0Combat Moves
1 art NGNonCom
2 ftrs Egypt > France
1 ftr Egypt > Germany
inf Fuk > FIC
inf Sik > Yunnan
arm Manch > Bury
1 inf Bury, 1 art Manch > FIC
2 inf Bury > Phil
dd, AC, ftr z48 > z35
BB, cru, AC, 2 ftrs z48 > z50
BB, 2 dd, AC z62 > z50
tnp z62 > z50
tnp z62 > z36
ftr FIC > z35Mobilization
1 sub, 1 dd z62
2 ftrs, 3 inf, 1 arm JapanCollect$56
Has $56 -
check the inf in Moscow, not sure which map I used for the Japs…
Britain turn 3
35 IPC
3 infantry
acCombat Moves
Z5 (submarine, transport, cruiser, ac) v submarine, destroyer, ac, cruiser, battleship (Z6)
Z2 (submarine) v destroyer, battleship (Z6)
FIN (empty) v infantry (GBR)
NWY (infantry) v infantry, tank (GBR) unload in Z5
KAR (infantry) v infantry (GBR), 2 fighters (Z5)dice
A - ac, submarine, destroyer, cruiser, 2 battleships
Rolls: 1@1 2@2 1@3 2@4; Total Hits: 11@1: (6)2@2: (5, 5)1@3: (5)2@4: (5, 1)
D - submarine, ac, cruiser
Rolls: 1@1 1@2 1@3; Total Hits: 01@1: (5)1@2: (3)1@3: (4)
Well, I see I made a mistake, actually a couple. When I took one of the battleships to Z2 instead to Z5, I didn’t change the combat roll. Since I just rolled an extra dice (the one that hit) and your rolls all missed, it turns out to be a non-event.
Also I forgot to roll the submarine separately, but “luckily” neither the submarine or destroyer hit.
So after all that, we basically start over and do it right (since no one hit in the first round), what are the chances of that?
Z5 round 1
A - submarine sneak attack
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (4)
KAR taken with infantry, 2 fighters
Noncombat Moves
2 fighters from KAR to Z5
8 infantry, 2 artillery, AA gun from PER to CAU
fighter from PER to RUS
2 infantry, tank from CNG to RHO
transport from Z55 to Z19
infantry from MEX to PAN
submarine from Z31 to Z40Mobilize
3 infantry, tank in GBR
transport, ac in Z2Income
Rough day in the Baltic
You can say that again! :lol:
Rhod holds with 1 arm
aa gun, 3 inf Italy > France
inf Egypt > Jordan
2 inf, 1 art Epl > Belo
arm France > GermanyMobilization
3 inf, 1 art Italy
dd, tnp z14Collect $23
Has $23
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