But other than that I haven’t seen any errors so great work! They’re especially good for newbies since it has the NOs and Political situations
Minor Threat's Alpha+3.9 (Global 1940) COMPLETE! Setup Charts
So are these accurate for second edition?
Very sweet this new global Alpha3 set up
http://www.mediafire.com/view/?7hif1zhorbz89#2tpx7m1dfb1av9xPerfect on my iPad
Bloody awesome cards, changed the speed of our last game :)
Just one note on the Soviet Union Card, the Mongoian-Soviet defensive pact should read (for 2nd edition):
“If the Soviet Union attacks Korea or any Japan-controlled territory bordering these Mongolian
territories while Mongolia is still a strict neutral, Mongolia will remain neutral and not ally itself with the Soviet Union.
In all other respects and for all other purposes, the Mongolian territories are treated as any other strict neutral territory.”The card is missing the reference to Korea (the ones I have printed do anyway). The above is copied and pasted from 2nd edition book.
anychance we will see an update (soon) for these charts to match the tweaks made on the 2nd eddition game?
These are great! They are especially helpful for newbies, and for those of us that can’t tell the difference between a cruiser and destroyer. :roll:
Is there a USA eastern setup Chart?
Bit of a noob when it comes to mods so forgive me for a possibly stupid question.
Is this a self contained mod. We use all the normal book rules but use the revised setup charts and changed NO?
Bit of a noob when it comes to mods so forgive me for a possibly stupid question.
Is this a self contained mod. We use all the normal book rules but use the revised setup charts and changed NO?
Lol this isn’t a mod
Just a sorta ‘rules organizer’Though it may be a bit outdated
Does any one want a set of these? I just had some made by the copy place my work uses. I asked them to print out a copy of each on high quality photo paper. I told them there were ten images I need printed and I ended up with 10 copies of each image :? :-o.
If it’s in the USA I’ll just send them to you. I won’t charge anything, but if you wanted to shoot me a couple of bucks for shipping I wouldn’t say no ;)
Just PM me and let me know if there’s any interest.
Have been getting confused by all the variants out there, is this concurrent with the second ed. games?
Have been getting confused by all the variants out there, is this concurrent with the second ed. games?
no, unfortunatly not
(for that reason I’m working on 2nd Ed charts… I’ll post them some time in august) -
Guys, I saved all these pics to an external hard drive. just wondering - where can I take them to get laminated? not sure how that part works. I don’t own a printer.
If you have a Kinko’s type place nearby, you can just take your external hard drive there, and they can usually print and laminate stuff for you right there (for a price of course).
Does anyone know where I can find some decent setup charts for the second edition?
Does anyone know where I can find some decent setup charts for the second edition?
and here:
http://www.axisandallies.org/resources-downloads/setup-chart-for-axis-allies-pacific-1940-second-edition/Also, for playing Global, don’t forget:
Set up units as shown on the setup charts found in Pacific
1940 and Europe 1940. Additionally, place the following
Amur: 6 Soviet Infantry
Sakha: 6 Soviet Infantry and 2 Soviet AAA
Buryatia: 6 Soviet Infantry
Egypt: 2 ANZAC Infantry (also, remove 1 United
Kingdom infantry) -
My friends and I still play the 3.9 edition and we had a rules question. It says that powers not at war with each other may ignore each other’s navies. Now let’s say Japan has a fleet with three loaded transports at sea zone 33 (Caroline Islands). Australia, to block Japan from unloading the transports at its capital, moves a cruiser to sea zone 54 (off Queensland). Now Australia is not currently at war with Japan. Can Japan ignore the cruiser and do an amphibious assault of the Australian capital? I ask because Japan would not technically be at war with Australia until the amphibious assault of Sydney from sea zone 62, not when the fleet is passing through sea zone 54. Otherwise there would be a naval battle in sea zone 54 and if Japan wanted to land its troops right away it could only do so in Queensland thus not attacking the capital.
Declarations of war happen at the beginning of your turn, before anything else. So yes, that blocking maneuver would work.
However, if you want, you can happily park a whole fleet off the coast of Sydney before you declare war, then next turn attack the capitol. -
I am still using these charts, I checked and they match 2nd edition global set up, income and NOs, apart from 1 INF to many in Egypt…Or did I oversee something?
maybe the wrong place for this, sorry, is there an abattlemap for aag40?
maybe the wrong place for this, sorry, is there an abattlemap for aag40?
In the Software-section of the forum there is
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=22555.0I don’t know if these reflect the latest setup, as both threads are quite outdated.
Actually I don’t know if anyone still uses ABattlemap - maybe you want to give TripleA a try:http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=27127.0
HTH :-)