@Krieghund Thanks! (For completeness, I should have been more clear in that Germany controlled Persia at the beginning of its turn in this example. i.e. there was/is a legal landing zone for the fighter)
Can allies win?
This is Axis and Allies, you expect it to be realistic?
If allies do that, they will die, pure and simple, and I agree, China holding out was as important as Russia holding out, and isnt realistically represented in the game.
i find it (as japan) really easy to take china. mybe im lucky?
I usually attack China with 2 Inf 3 fighters. I usually end up with no infantry and 3 fighers left. No biggie, just take it next turn.
Leaving Japan out of the Allied plans is suicide. Your Asian Allied units should contain Japanese advances as long as possible until re-enforcements can arrive. I recommend trying all suggested strategies. Find out what works for you. Co-ordinate with your Allies plans to fight the Japanese back. Alot of what you can accomplish will depend on the experience level of the Axis powers…
Not only can the Allies win -they should win (most games). Here is the basic blue-print for Allied victory:
Russia buys men and maybe a tank or two and attacks Germany in round 1. Russia is on the defensive right now, but their attacking Germany is a defensive move. They are interested in destroying unprotected German fire-power (tanks and a fighter or two that initially do not have the infantry support to defend them). Do not attack Norway.
Place their purchase in the Northern complex and move their men and planes from the Capital into this territory.
Russia will concede lands in Asis. There is just too much land to defend there and the Allies will be concentrating all of their efforts on Germany. It will take several rounds for Japan to build a force of tanks capable of going after the Russian capital and by then there will be plenty of Allied fighters and infantry to defend it -and Germany will be far more ready to fall against the three pronged attack.
UK and USA will move all of their fighters and whatever ground troops they can into the Russian Northern complex in round 1. A force of UK/US planes behind the Russian infantry will insure that this key territory can not be taken by the Germans. Russia can use all available men/tanks on the offensive against Germany with the knowledge that the combination of their buy and the defending Allied fighters will keep this key territory secure. Once this territory is secure with the three country force the Allies can shift gears and go all out after Germany. They can probably actually do this in round 2.
UK/US will be looking to get a lot of fighters into Russia for defense (capital and northern complex), but they should also be supplying some men and tanks so that they can attack on their turns.
When the Allies attack, they should always attack with an all out force. You don’t just want to win a battle, you want to win it convincingly. The fewer rounds it takes for you to kill your opponent the less losses you will suffer. This is key. All too often I see people spreading themselves out too thin and trying to do too much in one round. Focus on what is important.
This is far from complete, I have much more to say, but I gotta go. I will finish this later.
Good luck.
[ This Message was edited by: xenophobe on 2001-12-07 11:16 ]
Russia is the KEY for the allies!!! I agree that allied units need to stall Japan while they reinforce Russia….DO NOT TRY AND TAKE ASIA…just hold off the Japs while Russia and the allies build up forces against Germany…above states a good strategy…follow that…and things should be good.
The best advice is to not build industrial
complexes in asia with any of the allies. Take it from me I have played this game for
8 years and have never lost a game. Figure out how to geographically use your allied
forces together. Yes the allies may have more
teritory to guard but they have the ability
to uniguely cordinate forces for defense and
rapid counter attacks ( 3 0n 2 ). The key for
the allies is overwhelming cordinated firepower. Once again I have never lost with
eaither side. Hope you can begin to use this
new strategy. Good Luck! -
On 2001-12-19 18:20, Anonymous wrote:
Take it from me I have played this game for
8 years and have never lost a game.I highly doubt that…
On 2001-12-19 18:20, Anonymous wrote:
Take it from me I have played this game for 8 years and have never lost a game.Playing against your cat and dog don’t really count…
What is it that you doubt? I would be eager
to take on any contender. In fact I have even
faced several people at once and won. They
finally gave up. Don’t get me wrong I can be beat
but…. it hasn’t happened yet. Also if you
consider speed school students and former
military personnel who have played this game
for years " Cats and Dogs " you are sadly
mistaken. By the way Patton is good but
he is no Rommel.
You have a big brass pair for some one who posts anonymously. I’ll have a go at you. Here is my E-mail address
By the way Patton beat Rommel in Africa, and he would have in Europe, but you know the rest of that story.
On 2001-12-19 18:20, Anonymous wrote:
The best advice is to not build industrial
complexes in asia with any of the allies. Take it from me I have played this game for
8 years and have never lost a game. Figure out how to geographically use your allied
forces together. Yes the allies may have more
teritory to guard but they have the ability
to uniguely cordinate forces for defense and
rapid counter attacks ( 3 0n 2 ). The key for
the allies is overwhelming cordinated firepower. Once again I have never lost with
eaither side. Hope you can begin to use this
new strategy. Good Luck!It does sound like you need to find some more competative people to play against. But you do give good -though general- advice. Coordination is the key for an Allied victory, and logistics are their biggest challenge.
And you can never say Rommel is the best. Why? He lost.
But everyone loses sometimes. I highly doubt that the first few games you played you never lost. I consider myself a master player and I still find people who could whoops me 20 times over. Get away from this board if you want to lie like that.
Romel lost, but so does everybody else once eventually.
(Napoleon, Cornwallis, Romel, Lee, Sonewall Jackson, Forrest, Mead, Santa Anna, to name a few)and Anonymous will sooner or later (there is such a thing as really bad luck…(it happens to everybody once in a while))
Everybody has bad days (Stonewall Jackson got accidentally shot in the head by one of his own soldiers!) -
Patton didnt lose :wink:
Rommel was murdered by Hitler. Patton’s “accident” in the Black Forest probably was also, but for different reasons.
They both lost. -
Jackson was shot in the shoulder and died of comlications, a .50 cal slug has a way of creating compications that way.
Rommel commited suicide to spare his family.
“Ones own experience is nothing more than his own knowledge of the mistakes he’s made.”
With that said, everyone loses, I mean EVERYONE! From GI JOE’s, to five star Generals, everyone has lost something…not one military mastermind has ever gone without a defeat of some sort. They may have lost a battle, but they won the war.
And as for Mr. Anonymous…I apologize for him, as he suffers from “little man syndrome”, he cannot help himself from the lies he believes to be true. You see, in the “little man’s” world, he believes himself to be the biggest, baddest, tough-ass…but then WHAM!..reality hits when his mommy calls him for his afternoon nap.
Hopefully we can keep this site going in
a positive direction. Doesn’t sound like
Major Damage “Daniel Ferruccio” wants to
but hopefully he will come around so that we
can all benefit from this site. The fact is
I have posted anonymously because I haven’t
taken the time to read info regarding user
name. I just recently finished up with
a semester in college and am finally done
with being president of my college
fraternity. So I have been very busy but was
eager to get into some axis and allies. My
name is Gavin Perkins and I apoligize for
not posting my name earlier. To clear up
a few things though I started playing the
game against my self until I was ready to
play others. This is why I didn’t loose inthe begining. You might question this but
try it some time and be honest with both
sides because you will see things that younever have before. Everyone of you have made
some good points about why people loose. Like
being on your best at all times is difficult.
I agree with that and that is why I play when
I can devote my time to a game. I play tuff
competition with guys who have played the
game for years and are intelligent people.
I will email anyone who is interested in a
game. Also I am big into History and
especially WW2. If I recall right Rommel wasdefeated by a LARGE ALLIED force that
Montgomery got credit for. I think Rommel’s
supplies consisted of nearly 90 percent
allied equipment. What would Rommel have been
like if he had Patton’s supplies? MOST
historians agree that Rommel was unsurpassed
as a military tactician. By the way Blood and
Guts lost at war games to another general.
Guess who? Patton said, and I quote:
"Rommel is the MOST magnificent Son of a
Bitch" Rommel literally wrote the book on
warfare and Patton subscribed.It is good to see that you are a
patriot. We should set up a big game!
I know it’s a little late but it sounds like you need to find some better compition. I find losing to be very valuable in bettering my play, you don’t know what you’re missing.