• Customizer


    Your collect income should be 60 unless I’m missing something which could be very true.

    No, $70 is the correct amount for Germany to receive at the end of round 1.  I think you are forgetting the two National Objectives that Germany gets:  1 - $5 for Sweeden being NOT pro-Allied or Allied controlled while Germany controls Norway and Denmark.  2 - $5 for peace with the Soviet Union.

  • Sponsor


    Your collect income should be 60 unless I’m missing something which could be very true.

    How could you be missing something when I broke it down for you, and listed every where the money was coming from?

  • Customizer


    Some people have evidently forgotten the talent of how to “read and comprehend” before jumping to their own criticisims of your statement.  I applaud you for taking the time and effort to COMPLETELY spell it out for them,…even if they don’t take the 10 seconds it would take them to READ it.  I sometimes have the same problem with the “self appointed critics” on here.  Sometimes it’s just a natural mistake.  But in this case,…I don’t understand how they could have made the comment they did after you had completely spelled it out for them.  Such is life(sometimes).


    For example: here is my G1 blue print.

    Collect income

    Original income = $30
    New income = $11
    Cash from France capital = $19
    National objectives = $10

    Total = $70

    "Blueprints for your strategic and Tactical plans are very useful in our games as they tend to help speed the game along which is important in a long game like A&A.  I usually like to “blueprint” the first three turns of my games, including expected casualties.  But the old expression “plans don’t survive the first contact with the enemy”(Sun Zhu?) is still true.  But the blueprints are great in concentrating your thoughts towards your objectives which is the point of them.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Sponsor

    Thanks Paul, and I agree 100%. I can understand if otahere34 miss calculated, but its a perfect example of why people need to be detailed when sharing strategys. I totally understand the element of plans getting disrupted, because I laid out 4 turns for the US one game, but Japan seriously thought about attacking Hawaii J1 (that would have turned me upside down), but he didn’t and I was able to follow through with my blue print. Following blue prints not only speeds up the game, but reminds players of good ideas they might of had days earlier, I use my I-phone notepad app during games to help me follow my plans. However, the reason I wanted to impliment this here, is so I can see how people are doing the crazy things they claim to be doing.

  • Customizer


    Yes, I completely undestand.  I’ve run across a few players here on the forum who “talk big” but can’t explain their plans rationally.  Mainly because they are just “theories” or “thoughts”, which they can’t defend or explain.  And they usually are very confrontational and verbose in their personal attacks on you.  And no matter how you “spell it out” for them they choose not to see the faults of their strategies.

    **However, after saying that I must say that the overwhelming majority of people I’ve had any dealings with here on the A&A.ORG site have been inteligent, considerate, and fun-seeking individuals that I’ve learned from and enjoyed dealing with.[b/]

    “Tall Paul”**

  • Sponsor

    Absolutly Paul, I guess it takes many different types of people to populate a forum.

  • Nice first round germany turn grasshopper. Are you intending to do a sea lion with this oppening? since you are knocking out Both UK transports?

  • Customizer


    Well said, and well done on your G1 plan.  I commend you on your thoroughness and the time you took to “explain” your strategy.  I just considerred that EVERYONE would have thought enough about their own strategies to “blueprint” them.


    ROCmonster,  The way I’ve always looked at things is that my MOST IMPORTANT TARGET is the enemy Transports.  Knocking them out is vital to your control of the battlefield.  And as the Axis, you really don’t want the UK building a force in Gilbralter(or re-inforcing Africa) that will end up being a real “pain” in the Axis “neck”.  Italy needs Gib for any real chance to expand and defend it’s “Mare Nostrum”.

    With YG’s purchase he has the option of a “Sea Lion” move, or an “Afrika Corps” move.

    As always, I enjoy strategy and the inter-action with others.  Especially when your pitting your “wits” against another player and his “wits”.  This is what IMHO makes AXIS & ALLIES the best strategy board game EVER!

  • Sponsor


    Nice first round germany turn grasshopper. Are you intending to do a sea lion with this oppening? since you are knocking out Both UK transports?

    Thanks, sinking the transports is a nice bonus, but the main targets are the destroyers (sorry Paul). However, the reason why I would want the 109 transport sunk, is so the UK can’t land infantry into a bare Holland with only air units on it. Sinking the destroyers is crucial weather I attempt sealion or not, because it would allow my subs to disrupt convoys without the fear of air units wiping them out (besides, as much as the UK needs destroyers, they hate buying them). I have learned that in Alpha+3, Germany should prepare to buy 10 transports for sealion, just in case the turn #1 combat goes well for Germany, if they are unfortunate to lose say 4 or 5 air units, they may need to reevaluate and adapt to the situation.

  • Customizer


    Yes,  I TOTALLY agree the obvious Anti-destroyer plan to lengthen the life of your subs is just as important(for several Offensive and Defensive reasons) as the Anti-Transport plan.

    In your explanation you validate the importance of the Anti-Transport plan by speaking of your concern of the UK landing in a “bare Holland” against only air units.  If he HAS NO TRANSPORTS,…he therefore can’t land anywhere against you.

    I think we might simplify things by calling the Anti-Destroyer and Anti-Transport plans the ANTI-NAVAL PLAN carried out by all of the Axis powers.


    YG,…what is the origin of the words “There is no spoon” in your profile?  A book or movie that I haven’t seen perhaps?


    YG,  Have you seen the UK “Jacks” that I had “Allworkandnoclay” paint for me?  I use them for the UK-Pacific(Calcutta) based Infantry.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Sponsor

    The phrase “there is no spoon” is from the movie “the Matrix” when Neo learned a metaphysical truth that material is only invisible energy, and it is only our minds that give material power over us, instead of our minds having power over material.

    This is my approach when I roll dice, I use visualization meditation as an advantage over my opponent for rolling the ones and twos I need to win the game. The dice are an illusion of vibrating energy, therefore it is not real, only the thoughts that command material are real (one reason why I don’t enjoy playing online).

    Hence, “there is no spoon, or dice” thanks for asking.

    As for your India units, can you provide a link.

  • The decision to bypass sz110 for sz109 is interesting. From what I’ve read, the concern is a UK landing in Holland?

    By taking an empty H/B on UK1 the UK is voluntarily:
    -lessening the amount of London troops he has, increasing his susceptibility to a Sealion
    -throwing out whatever land units he puts in H/B, as they should be immediately eviscerated
    -throwing out the transport and destroyer used, as they could only be safely defended if sz110 was spared on G1 (and since the transport exists, we know that they spared 109… to spare both would be, at best, unorthodox)

    All that to claim a 3 IPC territory for one turn. If that’s the worst your G1 strategy nets you, I’d call that a success.

    On the other hand, leaving a UK BB and cruiser on the board is flirting with disaster. Those units go straight to the med UK1, and if Taranto is executed successfully, Italy is already fighting for her life.

  • Customizer


    Yeah, I thought it would be something like that.  That’s an “interesting” strategy you have for mind-control of the dice?  Does it work for you?  It couldn’t hurt is all I can say.  We all try our own “mojo’s” for winning and it makes the game more FUN, too.  That’s exactly why I also like the face to face interaction with other players.

    Being more of a historical-minded guy and not being “into” sci-fi is why I didn’t know that quote.  Although I must say that I saw the Matrix and thought it was a cool movie.


    Here’s the link to the “Allworkandnoclay” thread in A&A-Global.


    And here’s another link to Tigerman and my “Solomons Game” thread in A&A-Variants which will soon have much more info added to it including pics of some Marine Raiders.


    “Tall Paul”

  • @Jercules:

    The decision to bypass sz110 for sz109 is interesting.

    If you shift the units assigned to attack 109 to 110, you invite the UK to scramble.  You would have
    Attacker: 1 sub, 2 strategic bombers, 2 fighters, 1 tac bomber (20 pips, 6 units)
    Defender: 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship, 3 Fighters (19 pips, 6 units, remember the BB counts as two units)

    That is a pretty even battle, and will probably cause the Germans to lose more planes than the UK.  I’m not sure how that impacts sea lion, since it hurts both sides.

  • Sponsor

    You’ve missed it a bit Jerc, although not by much.

    In order for the right amount of air power to extend out and hit 109, most of them will need to land in Holland (which won’t have any defending German land units in it at the end of their turn). If the target is 110, than there is no issue with the transport and holland because everything can fly back to western Germany. However, let’s take my blue print and assume that the UK scrambles 3 allied fighters into 109, and I roll badly and hit twice, the UK hits 3 times…… Now the UK decides to lose the destroyer and 1 fighter, I lose the sub and 2 fighters. I don’t want to lose anymore air units, so I retreat leaving the transport in 109 and lots of fighters for the UK, my air units (2 tac bombers, 2 strategic bombers) land in holland.

    Are you telling me that the UK wouldn’t transport 2 infantry with 2 bombardments, 3 fighters and 1 bomber in order to take out my 4 expensive air units?.. I would. Losing that much air power before turn 2 is crippling to Germany, that’s why I moved the AA guns from western Germany into holland, to give the landed planes a fighting chance. I can’t do anything about the large ships in 110, can’t hit everything and you need to give your subs a chance to raid convoys before the US enters the war IMO.

  • Customizer


    I’m pretty sure I did the “links” correctly as they “lit up”.

    But I can send you a pic of the UK-Pacific(Calcutta) “Jacks” if you could tell me which button to push.  I have it(and others) on my hard-drive.

    So far “allworkandnoclay” has painted 12 Anzac Inf., 12-Chinese Inf., 20-UK-Pacific Inf., and 20-Russian Inf. for me.

    He’s currently working on 20-(HBG) US Marines, 4-(HBG) US Marine Raiders, 20-(FMG) Italian Rifle Inf., as well as the rest of several (HBG) US Marine Sets and now the (HBG)Axis Minors Sets, too.  I can’t wait to see the Corsairs, FW-190s, and the Italian aircraft.  WOW,…it’s going to be COOL!

    “Tall Paul”

  • @Young:

    However, let’s take my blue print and assume that the UK scrambles 3 allied fighters into 109

    Wouldn’t it be risky for the Allies to scramble into 109?  But if they do scramble, wouldn’t it be four fighters?  (3 from London, 1 from Scotland)

    So we would have
    Attacker: 1 sub, 2 strategic bombers, 2 fighters, 1 tac bomber (20 pips, 6 units)
    Defender: 1 DD, 4 Fighters (18 pips, 5 units)

    Slight edge for the attacker, and likely that the Allies lose the same or more planes than Germany, which I think would favor Germany’s sea lion chances.

  • Sponsor



    I’m pretty sure I did the “links” correctly as they “lit up”.

    But I can send you a pic of the UK-Pacific(Calcutta) “Jacks” if you could tell me which button to push.  I have it(and others) on my hard-drive.

    So far I’ve gotten 12 Anzac Inf., 12-Chinese Inf., 20-UK-Pacific Inf.,and 20-Russian Inf. from “Allwork”.

    He’s currently working on 20-(HBG) US Marines, 4-(HBG) US Marine Raiders, 20-(FMG) Italian Rifle Inf., as well as the rest of several (HBG) US Marine Sets and now the (HBG)Axis Minors Sets, too.  I can’t wait to see the Corsairs, FW-190s, and the Italian aircraft.  WOW,…it’s going to be COOL!

    “Tall Paul”

    My mind over matter dice rolling works, only when I spend about an hour before the game visualizing ones and twos, and only when I concentrate before every roll, I find that if I don’t focus, I accually roll very badly (playing with fire can get you burned).

    I will check out your links when I get home, on my I-phone right now.

  • Customizer


    That’s cool.  I’m just now getting away to lunch myself.  I enjoyed our discussion and look forward to talking with you more in the future.  Later,

    “Tall Paul”

  • Sponsor



    However, let’s take my blue print and assume that the UK scrambles 3 allied fighters into 109

    Wouldn’t it be risky for the Allies to scramble into 109?  But if they do scramble, wouldn’t it be four fighters?  (3 from London, 1 from Scotland)

    So we would have
    Attacker: 1 sub, 2 strategic bombers, 2 fighters, 1 tac bomber (20 pips, 6 units)
    Defender: 1 DD, 4 Fighters (18 pips, 5 units)

    Slight edge for the attacker, and likely that the Allies lose the same or more planes than Germany, which I think would favor Germany’s sea lion chances.

    You are right, I can see them scrambling into 111, but 4 into 109 is possible, my goal is to fly in with such numbers as to discourage scrambling, but if it happens, than I’m prepared for that as well.

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