Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

  • Just curious if anyone out there is as much of a junkie for this game as I am. I don’t play alot of first person shooters, but the WWII part drew me to this game when it came out, then this ET add on has me all in front of my computer day in and day out. Thoughts?

  • I haven´t played CW since it came out for Apple a couple of decades ago. Could give it a try again I guess ……

  • Oh man, get the Enemy Territory game from or something similar. It is only online play, and features 6 different maps. This game is like crack or something, just can’t stop playing it.

  • RTCW:ET is Ok. its much worth its Price i can tell you that ;)

  • Whcih maps are with it?
    I guess the “demo” maps…. and else?

  • Enemy Territory was an add on originally for RtCW, but now it is a free download for multiplayer online play. The maps are as follows:

    1. Oasis - The object is for the Allied team to blow up to large anti-tank guns in an abandoned desert city.

    2. Beachhead - The Allies must destroy a giant gun that protects shipping lanes.

    3. Goldrush - My personal favorite, the Allies must move a tank along a preset path and blow open the doors to a bank, then load 2 gold crates on a truck and move it to safety. Lot’s of death in this one, takes team work on both sides.

    4. Radar - The Allies are trying to steal 2 top secret radar parts from the Axis, this map is laid out pretty crappy actually, and it’s only saving grace is it forces teamwork and communication, without it the Axis are done for.

    5. Rail Gun - This one turns the tables and puts the Axis on offense as they have to move a tug online a rail way to load ammo on it, then move it all the way back, load that ammo on a rail gun and then fire the rail gun. The catch is the that tug will move in the direction of the party in it, so it plays out like tug of war. This one takes tons and tons of teamwork on either side to win.

    6. Fuel Dump - Although I usually rack up most of my xp on this map and beachhead, this one frustrates me. The allies have to move a tank across a bridge they have to build, through a cave and then to a fuel dump where they blast the front door open and a side entrance. I have played to where after constant airstrikes my axis squad kept the tank pinned down at the start the entire game. I have also played where the fuel dump was blown within 5 minutes of the start of the game. You have to be very alert in this map, and it offers alot of different tactics, a great map to learn all the new classes and weapons on.

    This is a free download, try hitting for a link, I found it doing a google search. I am usually playing it as I have nothing better to do the next week as I am getting ready for my move to Virginia. I play as MrSweetRiver on there, [X4] clan so say howdy if you jump on, I would be glad to answer any questions.

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