Coincidentally, here’s a news story on the V-22 Osprey which appeared just today:
1 October 2012
US Osprey military aircraft begin Okinawa base move
Also stop dissing rednecks. That’s every good hard-working farmer - a heritage i take pride in as a prairie boy and a Mennonite.
Where I come from “Redneck” is something to be proud of that’s why I suggested it. I am sure my interperetation of it is a bit differesnt that yours, but it boils down to the same thing.
By the way, some time I will have to take a digital pic of my truck. I have a 78 blazer with 6 inch high red letters across the back window that say REDNECK. That was my nickname in Highschool. :wink:
As for the Care home thing, I realy don’t feel that way about older people. I have always been more comfortable around older people. I find them to be more honest and strait forward. I also belive it is my responsability to take care of my parents if the time comes, god forbid, thast they can’t do it for themselves.
The funny thing is that annalogy fits what I was trying to say better that what I said earlier. I should have thought about it for a few more minutes.
I guess I consider Europeans to be kind of like my grand father. I enjoy his company and conversation, and he is after all the basis of my origin, but we live in different worlds and there are some things that we just can’t relate to each other on.
have a look at what many historians say, and by how much time the diplomats missed the declaration of war (and why)….
The key phrase is “missed the declaration of war” and yes I saw Tora Tora Tora also.
Ah, now i see. You declared “war on terror”, but the people caught then are no prisoners of war… oh no, you didn’t declare war to the gov’t of Afghanistan, so they can’t be POWs… and it was the Allies that started WWII with declaaring war on Germany after we …well… police-actioned Poland??? And then the famous police-action of Nazi-germany against Russia…
Come on… you know that as well as I that the “war on terror” is a figure of speech.
And, my reference to Poland was to show how ridiculous it sounds to say that we over reacted to Pearl harbor. How were we, I should say they as I wasn’t there, supposed to react? It’s not like it was an accident.
It was because no one of you ever read “Il Principe” of Machiavelli. (summing: A Lord may be feared, but never be hated). The people of Vietnam didn’t want you there. That’s it. You can’t win a war (or even police action) against the people. It’s that easy.
I have read Machiavelli, unfortunately historians are generally not the ones running our or most other countries for that matter. Like I said every one here knows that Vietnam was a mistake we don’t need to nave our noses rubbed in it.
All other world power countries have mad the same or similar mistakes that the US makes and will continue to make. And when we have moved out of the position of dominance that we enjoy now, I am sure we will criticize the next world power just like the Euro’s do to us now. :wink:
no falk, that guest was not me. the beatles thing was both a misunderstanding and a mistake on my part. I actually forgot briefly that the Beatles came from England! i know i know, you can all mock and ridicule me, i deserve it, but my point remains valid (at least if you see it from my view) while the beatles are in fact british, they became such a major part of american culture, and were so involved in america, that it is like adopted american culture.
9-11: I actually agree with you on this point Falk. I think the US has made a much bigger deal over this than it actually was. Yes, it was a terrorist attack, yes, it was done on innocent civilians, and yes it was very horrible. but i think it became much bigger a deal in the eyes of the people than it was. America does have this whole idea of itself as being untouchable, and above things because it is powerful. in this way, this nation is unable to handle any loss of life, which is ridiculous. any casualties in combat, and the Country takes a figurative shit in its pants. any loss of life not in combat, and it infuriates people to the point of insanity (im talking terrorism, or guerilla attacks on soldiers not in combat, not murder). and you may tend to throw me in with the
“USies” because i support the war in Iraq. but not for the same reasons. i dont think the US automatically has a right to invade another country and involve itself just because we are powerful, in most cases, i would keep us out. but Saddam was a dictator that used terror, murder, slaughter, and torture to control his population, and he and his sons were sick twisted SOBs. Thats why i supported war in Iraq. in a similar vein, i dont like bush, i borderline despise the man. i think he is the best presidential candidate that i have yet seen, and i think hes doing a decent job, and no he is not a moron, but i dont like the man, and im not a gungho bush supporter like some others <cough>texas.
Vietnam: of course the US cant admit it lost a war, would you want to? and the police action was so unpopular, its trying to save face in every little way it can. but it was not a war, its not twisting facts or anything. war was never declared on Vietnam. congress never declared war, so we were never at war with Vietnam. Naturally, the action was essentially a war, but since it was never declared, it was not technically a war.
Pearl Harbor: well i think you took care of yourself on this one, but again, it was a military attack during a time of peace, and the government wanted to go to war anyway, and the “unprovoked” attack (there was not any particular action that provoked japanese attack, more a need of oil) so people wanted to teach them a lesson.</cough>
CC wrote:
no. The French deserved to be attacked because they are French. It was only a matter of time until they were attacked by SOMEONE.
actully Falk that was me who said that 2 u, not Janus, i dislike you much more then he does trust me, and im sure u hate me aswell ^_^
The key phrase is “missed the declaration of war” and yes I saw Tora Tora Tora also.
grins but …
Come on… you know that as well as I that the “war on terror” is a figure of speech.
Isn’t a declaration of war not much more than a figure of speech which draws its meaning only from actions ?
And, my reference to Poland was to show how ridiculous it sounds to say that we over reacted to Pearl harbor. How were we, I should say they as I wasn’t there, supposed to react? It’s not like it was an accident.
You are right, and i already admitted that Pearl Harbor was a bad example. And you are right that is was no accident (but planned).
Like I said every one here knows that Vietnam was a mistake we don’t need to nave our noses rubbed in it.
Yes, everyone knows …. but it’s such a good grenade, nearly never failing. ;)
All other world power countries have mad the same or similar mistakes that the US makes and will continue to make. And when we have moved out of the position of dominance that we enjoy now, I am sure we will criticize the next world power just like the Euro’s do to us now. :wink:
grins then we can sit by the fire together, sip on our beers and nag the whole time about that new superpower…. i really look forward to that :)
no falk, that guest was not me…. but my point remains valid (at least if you see it from my view) while the beatles are in fact british, they became such a major part of american culture, and were so involved in america, that it is like adopted american culture.
sorry for thinking you were the guest then.
Ahm, for the beatles…. i guess you overestimate the US impact again. It may be true that they became a part of american culture, but that does not mean that the Beatles adopted and embraced US culture, but that the US embraced them, the brits.
You may be right on the impact of the Beatles onto the US, but i don’t see that the US had a major impact on the Beatles.
… America does have this whole idea of itself as being untouchable, … any loss of life not in combat, and it infuriates people to the point of insanity (im talking terrorism, or guerilla attacks on soldiers not in combat, not murder). and you may tend to throw me in with the
“USies” because i support the war in Iraq. … i dont think the US automatically has a right to invade another country … but Saddam was a dictator that used terror, murder, slaughter, and torture to control his population, and he and his sons were sick twisted SOBs. Thats why i supported war in Iraq. in a similar vein, i dont like bush…
Ok, even though i do/did not support the war, i see and understand your reasoning why you think it was justified. We could discuss on ere on the “why do we think it was justified or not”, but i guess that would blow up this thread way too much.
Vietnam: of course the US cant admit it lost a war, would you want to? … its trying to save face in every little way it can. but it was not a war, its not twisting facts or anything. war was never declared on Vietnam. congress never declared war, so we were never at war with Vietnam. Naturally, the action was essentially a war, but since it was never declared, it was not technically a war.
Then it is twisting words :). Just like the “war on terror/drugs” is a figure of speech, the war in Vietnam was a war.
Does anybody of you remember that the US diplomats sent an official declaration of war to Sadddam Hussein? Was it a war in Iraq or not?
And the Taliban?
How can the “new wars” be wars, but Vietnam can’t? Just because none of these wars was declared? …. Hmmmm… i guess i am missing something here :).
Pearl Harbor: …it was a military attack during a time of peace, and the government wanted to go to war anyway, and the “unprovoked” attack (there was not any particular action that provoked japanese attack, more a need of oil) so people wanted to teach them a lesson.
“unprovoked”: i strongly argue against that. The oil embargo was only one thing to bring the Japanese so far that they felt like they had to attack.
actully Falk that was me who said that 2 u, not Janus, i dislike you much more then he does trust me, and im sure u hate me aswell ^_^
I don’t think i hate you. I more feel pity for you.
thats fair, if i was you i would pitty myself too, how ever i am not and i dont pitty myself for the same reasons you pitty me, but rather see it as a +
im just glad to hear you dont hate me :)
and i dont hate you, although i dislike you alot ;)
Vietnam: of course the US cant admit it lost a war, would you want to? … its trying to save face in every little way it can. but it was not a war, its not twisting facts or anything. war was never declared on Vietnam. congress never declared war, so we were never at war with Vietnam. Naturally, the action was essentially a war, but since it was never declared, it was not technically a war.
Then it is twisting words :). Just like the “war on terror/drugs” is a figure of speech, the war in Vietnam was a war.
Does anybody of you remember that the US diplomats sent an official declaration of war to Sadddam Hussein? Was it a war in Iraq or not?
And the Taliban?How can the “new wars” be wars, but Vietnam can’t? Just because none of these wars was declared? …. Hmmmm… i guess i am missing something here :).
Pearl Harbor: …it was a military attack during a time of peace, and the government wanted to go to war anyway, and the “unprovoked” attack (there was not any particular action that provoked japanese attack, more a need of oil) so people wanted to teach them a lesson.
“unprovoked”: i strongly argue against that. The oil embargo was only one thing to bring the Japanese so far that they felt like they had to attack.
that was me, forgot to login. and NatFedMike=DasEwokSS, DeWokMan
grins then we can sit by the fire together, sip on our beers and nag the whole time about that new superpower…. i really look forward to that :)
Hell F_alk if you want and excuse to sit at a fire and drink beer I can come up with one. If you ever get stateside let me know and will make it happen. We’ll just have to leave the grenades at home. :wink:
Dezrt, i will let you know :) … although i think Arizona might be one of those places that i never see in my life… but who knows ;)
but should you ever come to northern europe (or southern australia in the next year) … just drop a note :)
I would like to visit both of those areas, I don’t know when though.