The next scenario has U.S.A. substituting for the U.K., that would defiantly be a Axis win, so we will try Italy, U.K., and, Russia, versus the A.H. Empire.
Round One:Austrian Hungarian Empire best bet is to take on a weak Italy(why not the shorter route into Moscow?, because the Russian, even if you take Uk., have allot of forces to counterattack, you run the risk of getting isolated or contested with forces pouring in from Moscow, Belrusia, &, Poland), prepare to lose territory to Russia, and, use her overwhelming land forces, before Brits. can reinforce the Italian state.
A.H. builds sub., fighter, gun, & 3 troopers.
Moves into Venice forces from Tyrolia & Trieste(also latter sends 2 troopers into undefended Albania). Forces from Budapest and some from Vienna & Bohemia heads to Italy. Some forces from Bohemia, Vienna, heads as reinforcements for Galicia.
Combat in Venice, 10 troopers & 4 guns, versus, Italian 6 troopers & 2 guns. Losses 6 troopers Axis, &, all Allies. Venice has fallen!
At sea, with no mine losses, AH fleet of BB, C. &, transport, versus the same. Both of theses evenly match fleets are lost. AH rules the central med. with a newly built submarine.
Russia builds 2 fighter, gun, &, 3 troopers. BB moves to Italy, moves forces into Galicia from Poland & Uk., rest of forces moving towards S. Russia. Combat 12 troopers & 4 guns, versus, AH 19 troopers & 2 guns. Losses 9 troopers each side, Galicia is contested!
British Empire builds 2 fighters, &, 3 transports. Moves via transports from Canada, Home Islands, Egypt, &, India, along with naval forces to Italy. Off Italy C arrives & transports debarks at Piedmont trooper & gun.
Italy builds fighter & 2 troopers. Moves Piedmont & Tuscany forces into Venice, while Rome begins to fortify itself. Combat 7 troopers & 2 guns, versus, 4 troopers & 4 guns. Losses 4 troopers Allies & Axis 3 troopers & 2 guns.
Round Two: AH builds sub., fighter, &, 6 troopers. moves more forces into Venice to uncontest it, and, leaves trooper & gun on Trieste to protect coast. Also reinforcements from Vienna to Galicia of 4 troopers & gun. Combat fighter, 7 guns, & 16 troopers, versus, Italian 2 guns & 3 troopers. Axis lose 2 troopers & Allies all lost. Venice is lost again!
Russia builds gun & 7 troopers. Moves more forces into Galicia. Combat 2 fighters, 10 guns, 19 troopers, versus, AH 3 guns & 13 troopers. Losses 7 Allies troopers & 11 Axis troopers.
Brits. build transport, sub., fighter, gun, &, 2 troopers. Transport lands trooper & gun in Tuscany, from Brit. Home Islands 2C & BB & 4 transports sail for Italy(2 fighters, gun, 5 troopers). From India BB shells Albania & transport lands trooper & gun, versus, AH 2 troopers. Losses all Axis(one to shelling) & Allies lose a gun.
From Egypt, Canada, Home Islands, 3 C & transport go to AH home waters, versus 2 AH submarines. Losses a C, due to mines & all Axis. Transport lands trooper & gun, versus, 2 defending troopers. The defenders are wiped out for no Allied lost, Trieste falls!
Italy builds 4 troopers, moves Rome garrison to Tuscany, to link up with British forces.
Round Three: A.H. builds 9 troopers. Moves 4 troopers & fighter to reinforce Galicia. Moves forces from Venice(a gun) & Vienna(2 troopers) to Trieste, versus, Brit. trooper & gun. Losses only all Allies, Trieste is retaken! Army in Venice is split into two armies, one goes to Piedmont, 2 troopers & gun versus Brit. trooper & gun. Losses trooper & gun each side, Piedmont has fallen. Into Tuscany goes the second army, 16 troopers & 5 guns & fighter(lost in air duel), versus, Italian 8 troopers & 2 guns & fighter, and, Brit. trooper, gun, &, fighter. Losses Axis 8 troopers & fighter, &, Allies Italy 7 troopers & Brits. a gun. Before the turn is over W. Allies will reinforce Italy, this makes it hard to ever take Rome, much less get any reinforcements.
Russia builds fighter, gun, &, 5 troopers. Moves more forces into Galicia, duel 2 fighters versus AH fighter(latter is destroyed), 10 guns & 14 troopers versus AH 3 guns & 6 troopers. Losses only 3 troopers for Allies & all Axis! Galicia has fallen!
Brits. build 6 transports. Off Egypt 2 troopers board transport & lands in Tuscany, along with 2 C & BB that escorted transport. Home islands 2 troopers & 2 guns board 2 transports that leave for Italy, escorted by submarine.
Combat 4 transport from Home Islands land 2 fighters, gun, &, 5 troopers, join up with forces already in Tuscany. Two fighters, 2 guns, 7 troopers, versus, A.H. 5 guns, &, 8 troopers. Losses Allies a gun & 6 troopers, &, Axis losses 6 troopers(one due to BB shelling). Tuscany still contested.
Italy builds 4 troopers. In North Africa a trooper & gun boards a British transport. Combat in Tuscany fighter, trooper, &, 2 guns, versus, AH 2 troopers & 5 guns. Losses Allies all but fighter, &, Axis losses are 1 trooper & 1 gun.
A.H. forces in Italy will not destroy the Western Allies to take Rome, much less her forces inside the empire, will not keep the Russian bear from taking Vienna.
Even with 40% of mainland Italy captured & Tuscany contested, Rome will not fall to AH Empire, much less with only 9 troopers protecting Vienna from the Russians. A political victory for the Allies, AH will clear out of Italy, &, Russia will leave AH Empire, but, Hungary gets its independence.
IPCs lost Axis 142 land forces & Allies 168. Air Axis only 6. Sea Axis 39 & Allies 45.